
OHR SRT News Summary, 23 March 1999



  • A special session of the RS NA today in Banja Luka.
  • After the second round of talks with Milosevic, Holbrooke returns to Washington via Brussels – unfinished business.
  • For the first time since it was established, the Yugoslav-Macedonian border was closed, due to the escalation of fighting in Kosmet
  • NATO and the Western leaders threaten more aggressively attacks on FRY
  • Today’s blocking of the Bijeljina-Brcko road is a response to increasingly frequent controls, searches, break-ins and arrests by SFOR troops.

The current political situation in the RS is the main topic of the RS NA session, scheduled for 16:00 today.

Second round of talks between Milosevic and Holbrooke concluded unsuccessfully today. The FRY Government definitely refused to sign the agreement on Kosovo.

The NA of the Republic of Serbia holds session today to discuss topics related to the Kosovo agreement.

After leaving Belgrade, Richard Holbrooke said none of the goals of his mission were achieved.

The Russian foreign minister, Igor Ivanov said Russia would consider lifting the embargo against Yugoslavia, in case NATO bombed Yugoslavia.

Diplomatic sources at NATO HQ claim that air strikes against Yugoslavia could begin within 24 hours, if Richard Holbrooke does not reach an agreement with Milosevic.

UK PM, Tony Blair said Britain was ready to participate in air strikes if the agreement was not reached.

French PM, Lionel Jospin said France had decided to take part in military action against Yugoslavia, upon the failure of negotiations.

On behalf of the EU, the German foreign minister Joschka Fischer called upon the Yugoslav President Milosevic to sign the agreement and avoid war.

Russia suggested the continuation of talks and strongly opposed military action, “Srna” agency reports.

China calls for a patient and flexible approach in the Kosovo negotiations, “Beta” agency reports.

Greece thinks the problems in Kosmet should not be resolved by a military intervention, said the Greek foreign minister, Jorgos Papandreu.

The national security council of the FYR Macedonia decided that the territory of this country could not be used in aggression against any neighbouring country.

The NATO commander in FYR Macedonia, Michael Jackson said that 10,000 of his troops stationed there are not a threat for the FRY.

Macedonia closed all border crossings with Yugoslavia this morning.

Three foreign airlines cancelled their flights to Belgrade.

Conflicts in Kosmet continue.

The citizens of Brcko gathered for a peaceful rally for the sixth time today, to protest against the arbitration award.

The road between Bijeljina and Brcko was blocked today by citizens, in protest against frequent SFOR controls and last night’s arrest of members of presidential security.

The members of the presidential cabinet, Mirjana Sainovic and Ognjen Tadic held a press conference today and strongly condemned SFOR actions last night.

CoM co-chair, Svetozar Mihajlovic explained that the stopping of his vehicle by SFOR troops was due to wrong identification of the vehicle.

SFOR troops carried out a cantonment site inspection in the VRS barracks in Zvornik today.