- National Air Company Air Srpska to start on January 29, 1999
- Masked Albanian terrorists kidnapped 5 Serb civilians
- KLA premeditates all kidnapping and killings- Albright
- Contact Group in London considers political plan for solution of Kosovo crisis
- FRY Government has frozen decision on expelling Walker from the country
- State of emergency postponed in Roumania
Regardless of the result of arbitration that is to take place on February 8 in Vienna, the international community will be present in Brcko as long as the rule of law is established, and revive the economy on the basis of foreign investments and fair privatisation – Robert Farrand, Brcko Supervisor, said. Farrand said he is convinced that the final decision will be based on democratic values and goals. Farrand stated his personal belief that that the decision should be final and that Brcko could become a model of tolerance for all BiH.
The RS Ministry of Education denied, in its press statement, all accusations made by Pantelija Damjanovic (SRS) that the RS PM, Milorad Dodik abused international community funds allocated for a Banja Luka elementary school since this contract was signed by Velibor Ostojic (SDS) and the project had been realised in accordance with it.
The SNSD wish to emphasise that Mr. Miljus had been used at these areas in a manner already seen here – SNSD Main Board stated. The SNSD President, Milorad Dodik expressed his surprise at the fact that Mr. Miljus scheduled an SNSD Assembly for tomorrow. “I do not know how to explain that behaviour. It is weird, at least – Dodik said.
“We feel that President Poplasen made a mistake when he nominated Miljus for the PM designate – the Radical Party President said at a press conference, adding that this party would ask for live broadcasting of the RS NA session and roll-call voting.
Kosovo related issues:
- Masked Albanian terrorists kidnapped 5 Serb civilians from the village of Nevoljane. As TANJUG reports all hostages are alive and are at KLA headquarters.
- OSCE Chairman talked with William Walker in Pristina
- OSCE talked with Slobodan Milosevic and FRY Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Javier Solana said in that the solution to the Kosovo crisis must be a political one but with constant military threats to the FRY in order to reach that goal.