- Citizens of the RS and Croatia can cross the common border without visas
- Several-day celebrations on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of Hilandar started in Herzegovina
- RS President Biljana Plavsic welcomed the victory of the Coalition for a Better Life at the parliamentary elections
- The Pakistani nuclear threats still provoke reactions in the world
The citizens of the RS and Croatia can cross the common border without visas. This was agreed by RS Prime Minister Dodik and the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mate Granic in Zagreb today. “We have also talked about economic cooperation and the protocol on the two-way return of refugees. We determined a 7- day deadline for the Governments of our countries to decide on the protocol in order to have this agreement signed as well” Dodik stated.
The Coalition of the Montenegrin parties, which won the elections on Sunday, will have 43 seats in the Montenegro assembly, while the SPS will have 29. The RS President Biljana Plavsic congratulated the Coalition for a Better Life on their electoral victory.
The workers employed in municipal administrative bodies of Brcko today accepted a Memorandum of Understanding. This Memorandum regulates the status of workers of Serb nationality who remained without a job due to the implementation of the Supervisor’s order on multi-ethnic administration in the municipal assembly of Brcko.
In tomorrow’s issue, the weekly Nezavisne novine carries evidence of the illegal activities of the Centrex and Select Impex enterprises, and the theft of the state budget carried out during the Government of Gojko Klickovic. He made a decision on January 14th, 1998 to destroy all the existing files on those enterprises.
The German Minister of Defence, Volker Ruehe, requested the FBiH leadership in SA today to influence the acceleration of the return of refugees and DPs. He conveyed the readiness of his Government to put in additional efforts in order to create conditions for refugee return.
The HR Carlos Westendorp’s order on vehicles with the old licence plates not being able to cross the BiH border as of June 1st caused confusion at the border crossings towards the FRY. All vehicles without the new licence plates and registration cards have been sent back.
The spokesperson for OHR, Simon Haselock, stated at the press conference held in Sarajevo, that the replacement of the licence plates went as expected in the RS, but that this picture is completely different in Federation, especially in parts of the Federation controlled by the Bosnian Croats.
The member of the BiH presidency Kresimir Zubak will, with a group of like-minded people, declare his resignation from the BiH HDZ and the forming of a new party.