- Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Zivko Radisic visited Brcko
- President Poplasen did not support nomination of Svetozar Mihajlovic for the position of Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers
- Dodik back from his one-day visit to RS citizens in Germany
- UN Security Council to discuss Kosovo situation
- Vuk Draskovic new Deputy PM of the FRY Government
Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Zivko Radisic had separate meetings with Brcko Supervisor, Farrand and Brcko Major, Borko Reljic. After the meeting with R. Farrand, Radisic said they had had detailed talks related to implementation of the Supplementary Arbitration Award. He also said that Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Accord must be respected and that one cannot favour any of the three possibilities regarding return given in that document. Asked to comment on Izetbegovic’s statement that he would resign if Brcko is awarded to the RS, Radisic said: “I believe that Mr. Izetbegovic, in that context, measures his personal and political responsibility towards his people with such a statement, but I would like to remind that the DA places Brcko in the RS, that the RS, according to Dayton, has territorial continuity and that the Dayton Agreement states that only the inter-entity boundary line is in question and that it should be resolved through arbitration”.
The RS President, Nikola Poplasen sent a letter to the B&H Parliamentary Assembly saying that he does not support the nomination of Svetozar Mihajlovic for Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers.
The RS National Assembly Speaker, Petar Djokic talked with representatives of the EC monitoring mission. There were talks about a consultative meeting with the party presidents and heads of caucuses. Djokic said that the next session of the RS NA will focus on the election of the new government.
The High Representative, Carlos Westendorp and OSCE Head, Robert Barry dismissed Vlasenica Major, Stanimir Reljic from office. The reason for the dismissal is that he did not follow instructions after his suspension for participation in the Vlasenica demonstrations, when the lives of international community representatives were put in danger.
The FRY Government declared William Walker persona non grata in the FRY.
The SDS will not accept the initiative to recall the RS President -Dragan Cavic said at a press conference. SDS expects that the Brcko arbitration will confirm that Brcko is in the RS. Cavic said that the SDS will not support the nomination of Svetozar Mihajlovic for Chairman in the Council of Ministers.
Kosovo related issues:
- UN Security Council is to discuss the Kosovo situation at the request of Albania
- NATO discussed Kosovo at last night’s meeting
- NATO will sent a delegation to the FRY headed by Wesley Clarke and will meet Slobodan Milosevic
- Police patrol in Kosovska Mitrovica was attacked by terrorists
- Verification Mission spokesperson confirmed that fights between security forces and KLA started in the Racak area
- Russian Foreign Affairs Minister condemned renewed fighting in Kosovo
- Italian PM promised full Italian support for possible NATO intervention
- The Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Louise Arbour was refused entry to the FRY at the Macedonian-FRY border