
OHR SRT News Summary, 1 March 1999



  • RS Government Discussed Strategy for Development of Republic Until 2006
  • President Poplasen Visited Refugee Settlement in Visegrad
  • NA Speaker, Petar Djokic Emphasises that Tomorrow’s Session of NA Will Be Held in Normal Conditions
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs Filed Request for Institution of Offence Proceedings Against Protagonists in Incident Which Occurred At End of Last NA Session
  • Part of Peace Forces from Macedonia, Whose Mission Ceased At Midnight, Will Be Moved To Kosovo

A session of the RS Government was held today. The Government was considering a set of drafts in the field of health and pension insurance, and it was emphasised that there will be more discussion about these issues. Minister of Information, Rajko Vasic, informed the press that the Government adopted a Proposal on the Basis of Strategy for Development of the RS until the year 2006.

RS President, Nikola Poplasen, and RS Vice President, Mirko Sarovic, today visited Visegrad, Bratunac and Srebrenica and met with representatives of economic, political and cultural life of these municipalities. According to Poplasen, the economy of Visegrad has been in a very bad situation, especially after cessation of payment operations between the RS and the FRY. Poplasen said that “I am sure that, with the support of RS citizens and with respect of the DA, Constitution and the laws, we will come to a better situation, where we will not conclude that the economy of the RS, including Visegrad, which is mainly linked to the economy of Serbia, i.e. Yugoslavia, brought the population into a difficult situation due to a bad, misjudged decision of the RS Government or the FRY Government.”

Today’s press release from the Cabinet of the RS NA Speaker, Petar Djokic, states that Djokic strongly condemned the incident which occurred during the first part of the RS NA, and emphasises that it was an attempt to destabilise the NA as an institution which succeeded in establishing stability in its work and the performance of its constitutional function. According to the release, Djokic requested a complete investigation of the incident, and demanded stronger security measures during sessions of the RS NA.

The Speaker also discussed the incident in a meeting with US Ambassador, Richard Kauzlarich. Kauzlarich was interested in continuation of the 5th session of the NA, keeping in mind the incident, as well as in primarily legislative activities which should be realised at the 5th session. Djokic told the Ambassador that the aim of measures undertaken with regard to the incident, is to inform the RS public of all the facts of the unfortunate event.

The 5th session of the RS NA will continue tomorrow at 11:00 am. It is expected that the deputies will finalise discussion on the Proposal of the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Intelligence-Security Service, and will consider several other proposals and drafts. The RS Ministry of Internal Affairs today issued a press release on the incident which occurred in the first part of the 5th session, stating that the Ministry filed a request to the Civil Court on March 1st, for instituting offence proceedings against the protagonists in this incident, Curkovic and Becirevic, on charges of disturbing the peace and public order.

RS PM, Milorad Dodik met today in Banja Luka with the Governor of the BiH Central Bank, Peter Nicholl. They mainly discussed issues of payment operations and traffic of goods, as well as the use of the Yugoslav dinar in the RS.

PM Dodik today received representatives of the RS Association of Pensioners. The meeting was attended by several Ministers, as well as representatives of the Public Fund of Pension and Invalid Insurance, and they discussed improvement of pensioners’ standards. The representatives of pensioners requested the average pension to be 60% of the average salary in the RS.

A group of Disabled Veterans of 1st group today protested in front of the Government building, due to unsolved housing issues. In a later meeting with the Minister for Issues of Veterans, Victims of War and Labor, Tihomir Gligoric, was requested to initiate with the Government the issues of permanent accommodation and banning of evictions for disabled veterans. They agreed that a request will be addressed from the Ministry to the municipalities not to evict the disabled veterans who have temporary occupancy rights for apartments.

Kosovo related news