
OHR SRT News Summary, 01 May 1998



  • May 1, here and abroad, in the spirit of tradition, goodwill and sporadic incidents
  • Drvar in search of new modalities for the implementation of Annex 7 of the DPA
  • The third anniversary of the Serb people’s suffering in western Slavonia
  • Argentinean police arrested Dinko Sakic
  • Demilitarisation – a new Russian proposal for the resolution of the Cyprus crisis

Highest level IC officials visited Drvar today. Trying to find a way out of the crisis which questions the return of refugees to their homes in Drvar at a meeting with the local authorities, the HR to B&H, Carlos Westendorp, accompanied by American General Wesley Clark, the NATO Commander, and Eric Shinseki, SFOR Commander in B&H, stated that the Drvar drama must not repeat itself and that the IC is determined to ensure the return of all people who want to return to their homes. A lot of measures have been taken in order to resolve the Drvar problem and they will be announced at the end of next week. In addition, Westendorp has announced the arrival of Serb police officers to Drvar soon.

Regarding the events in Drvar, the Coordination Board and the Caucus of the Coalition for Drvar have issued a press release stating that the international organisations and the B&H Federation authorities at all levels are responsible for crimes and vandalism against the Serb people and their property in Drvar.

The celebration of Labour Day in the RS and abroad.

The families of killed and captured Serb soldiers held a constitutional assembly of the association, appointed the leadership of the association and adopted necessary documents in Brcko today.

Dinko Sakic, the commander of the Ustasha concentration camp Jasenovac, indicted for crimes against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies during World War II, has finally been arrested, as officially stated by the Argentinean police, which has not reacted so far to the official request of Zagreb that Sakic’s trial should take place in Croatia.

The third anniversary of the Serb exodus from Western Slavonia was commemorated in Gradiska today.

The member of the B&H Presidency from the RS, Momcilo Krajisnik, visited Serb Sarajevo today, when he talked with the town authorities as well as with those engaged in the town reconstruction project.

New events in Kosovo as well as reactions from the world to the Kosovo crisis.

The Serb delegates appointed to the Provisional Executive Board of the Srebrenica municipality have refused to accept the offered posts since, as they stressed, it would be contrary to the interests of the Serb people.