News Headlines:
- Djokic schedules 8th special session of RS National Assembly for 6 October at request of RS Government, IMF and World Bank to discuss RS PIO Law (00:30)
- New BiH common passport has been available to public since 30 November – OHR (00:34)
- Petritsch satisfied with public reaction to BiH Law on Travel Documents, regardless of statements by certain politicians – Milisic (00:30)
- Mandate of peace force in BiH must be extended – Petritsch at talks with NATO officials and Secretary-General Robertson (00:48)
- Several thousand Belgrade citizens gather in protest rally
- Police arrest two high school students at Slavija square, Belgrade – OTPOR
- Several persons injured and four arrested when police clear blocked highway near Vranic, Serbia – BETA
- SPS activist crashes into protesters in Lazarevac with car, several persons injured – SRNA
- Serbian Association for Free and Independent Syndicates Head Dragoljub Stosic arrested
- 2,000 Kolubara coal miners continue strike protesting non-recognition of election results
- Yugoslav Army Chief of Staff Nebojsa Pavkovic’s visit to Kolubara mine represents threat to workers – Kolubara mine management
- Serbian Government brings decree limiting use of electrical network in Serbia
- Serbian Elektroprivreda power utility decides on four-hour rationing of electricity due to non-delivery of coal to power stations
- Serbian Elektroprivreda power utility demands issuance of final election results
- General strike in Yugoslavia is success – Yugoslav Association for Free and Independent Syndicates
- Towns throughout Serbia and Vojvodina blocked by workers
- Belgrade-Bar rail line blocked two hours
- 100 RTS reporters sign petition demanding change in official editorial policy
- Yugoslav Constitutional Court organises public discussion for 4 October to review DOS complaint on SIK decision on presidential runoff
- Serbian Government announces it will stand up against all subversive activities, attacks against authority and blockades
- Threats of Serbian Government are expression of its weakness – Djindjic
- SPS spokesman Nikola Sainovic rejects option of international mediation of Yugoslav crisis
- Kostunica ready to go to Moscow and meet with Putin – DOS
- “Elections are over for DOS and me” – Kostunica
- “Milosevic can play at elections” – Kostunica reaction to announced presidential runoff by SIK
- “My every step will peaceful and dignified” – Kostunica letter to Serb Orthodox Patriarch Pavle
- Yugoslav House of Citizens President Milomir Minic suggests that Kostunica accepts will of people and respects SIK decision on presidential runoff
- Initiative for international mediation of Yugoslav crisis fails – G-17PLUS
- “Regime is planning some kind of rally for 4 October, I have seen them preparing large number of vehicles” – Democratic Alternative President Nebojsa Covic
- SPO caucus in Serbian Parliamentary Assembly initiates non-confidence vote in Serbian Government
- Russia should distance itself from Milosevic regime – Milo Djukanovic
- Kosovo Albanians more likely to independence if Milosevic stays in power, it would be more difficult with arrival of Kostunica – Kosovo Democratic Party General Secretary Jakub Krasnici
- SIK manipulated election results – UN special envoy Jiri Dienstbier
- There will be bloodshed and civil war in Yugoslavia if authorities and opposition do not reach compromise – Russian Duma
- No response from Milosevic on ballot recount in presence of international monitors – Papandreou
- Albright not surprised by Milosevic’s refusal to accept will of people
- Cook suggests that Milosevic allows international check of election results
- Serbs elected Kostunica in first round, Europe will do everything at its disposal to implement will of people – Vedrine
- EU supports electoral will of people – Solana
- Electoral will of Serbs should be respected – Annan
- Cambodian President requests Yugoslavs to support Milosevic
- SPRS accepts SIK decision on holding second round of presidential elections (00:40)
- SNSD hopes Serbian opposition will have enough reason in their heads to implement election results democratically (00:42)
- SNS against holding of presidential runoff in Yugoslavia (00:52)
- Reduced traffic levels at border crossings on Drina River with Yugoslavia due to numerous blockades in that country
- OSCE starts mailing out-of-country voter ballots, adding that this category of voters will be allowed to caste vote until 17:00 on 10 November
- Petritsch and Del Ponte discuss political situation in region, elections in BiH and 38 indicted war criminals in BiH still at large (00:35)
- Petritsch due to meet with ICTY Court President Claude Jorda on 4 October (00:20)
- Del Ponte due to visit Banja Luka on 5 October – SRNA (00:20)
- Tusevljak and Miller discuss process of privatisation in BiH
- RS Confederation of Syndicates Presidency holds session in Srpsko Sarajevo to discuss RS laws on labor and employment
- CAFAO congratulates RS Customs Authority on successful operation against narcotics in Banja Luka and Trebinje
- Five Serbs injured in Kosovo – KFOR
- KFOR vehicle kills one woman in Kosovo – KFOR
- World News
- 40,000 undelivered privatisation vouchers to Banja Luka citizens causing great crowds at Payment Operation Bureaux in that town
- RS Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry holds press conference on fall planting
- Representatives of four BiH religious communities to visit Iran in mid-October
- Weather