News Headlines
- Gligoric says BiH Council of Ministers will start working in ten days and will insist that the second Serb member of the Council be pro-Dayton oriented
- Bishop Nikolaj to serve Easter mass in Bogorodica (Holy Virgin) Church in Sarajevo
- Bihac Bishop to serve Easter mass in Sveti Sava Church in Drvar
- Bishop Vasilije to serve Easter mass in Bijeljina
- Ganic sends Easter greetings
- Racan sends Easter greetings
- Two bombs thrown at Orthodox church in Istanbul
- Report on Easter custom of egg coloring
- SNSD Banja Luka Board organizes Easter lunch for children of Rada Vranjesevic Orphanage
- Baptism in Tvrdas Monastery in Trebinje
- SDA Main Board votes confidence in Bicakcic and establishes new SDA Presidency
- Kosovo and Metohija Serb National Council condemns demolition of Sveta Petka Paraskeva church in village of Grncare
- Kosovo and Metohija Serb National Council and IC representatives form Committee for Return of Expelled Kosovo Serbs
- UN Security Council delegation meets with Serb representatives in Gracanica Monastery, Kosovo
- Three Kosovo Albanians attack and beat Cedomir Trajkovic in Lipljane, KFOR arrests and then releases them
- 34 Albanians on hunger strike, demand release of Kosovo Albanians from prisons in Serbia
- Rudolph Scharping satisfied with refugee returns to RS
- SFOR uncovers wreckage of US F-16 jet shot down by RS Army on 2 June
- 54 bodies of exhumed Bosniaks buried in Jelac, Srbinje (Foca)
- HN Canton Interior Ministry issues warrant for arrest of nine persons indicted of assaulting Bosniak returnees and IC representatives
- BiH Federation Confederation of Independent Syndicates calls on members to protest against BiH Federation stoppage of collective work agreement implementation
- Livno Canton Governor condemns false pamphlets that have recently appeared
- Former Croatian defense minister says there was acquiescence in regard to killing of Serbs and torching of Serbs homes after 1995 Oluja military operation
- Serb prisoners in Lepoglava prison end their hunger strike
- World news
- HDZ Party Congress starts in Zagreb, new party President to be elected
- DEMI 2000 fair in Banja Luka concludes
- Police detective Radenko Radovic killed in Srbinje
- Second International Conference on Jasenovac Concentration Camp to be held in Banja Luka from 8 to 10 May
- Sports and weather
- Orthodox Serbian Patriarch Pavle, Bishop of Raska Artemije and Bishop of Herzegovina Atanasije to serve Easter liturgies in Kosovo churches – Serb National Council of Kosovo
- KFOR returns large number of Kosovo Albanians to Kosovska Mitrovica, as local Serbs protest this move
- Serb killed near Pasjane village, Kosovo
- UN Security Council delegation visiting sites that ICTY believes are Kosovo Albanian mass graves near Djakovica, Kosovo
- 3,000 Bosniak refugees from Janje village protest in Selublje village, near Tuzla, due to slowness of return process
- World News
- Prijedor Municipality delegation lays flowers on graves of fallen soldiers on the occasion of Prijedor Day
- Sports and Weather