
OHR RTRS News Summary, 21 June 2000


News Headlines

  • UN Security Council extends SFOR and UN mission mandates in BiH another year
  • RS National Assembly adopts agenda for 11th session then recesses, announcing session’s continuation for 22 June
  • BiH ready to join European integration – BiH Parliamentary Assembly says after meeting with European Parliament delegation
  • Norwegian Government will still make investments in RS – Norwegian delegation during meeting with Dodik
  • BiH and Turkish Foreign Ministers sign agreement on bilateral cooperation
  • World Bank approves $15 million credit for employment of former BiH soldiers from BiH Federation and Republika Srpska
  • 30 Serbs return to Mostar Drace settlement
  • Process of return to Bijeljina is improving, more and more people are returning – conclusion of meeting between Bijeljina authorities and SFOR Multi-National Division North Commander Robert Halverston
  • BiH House of Representatives and BiH Council of Ministers Chairman-elect Spasoje Tusevljak hold consultations on composition of new BiH Council of Ministers
  • Consultations on composition of new BiH Council of Ministers still not completed – BiH Council of Ministers Chairman-elect Tusevljak
  • Future investments in BiH will only be possible on basis of concretely-proposed projects – Tusevljak after meeting with World Bank delegation
  • RS Veterans Organization demands RS Government to explain RS Education Minister Nenad Suzic’s statement following the planting of explosive under his car several days ago
  • Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) condemns planting of explosive device under Suzic’s car
  • SNS General Secretary Slavko Mitrovic attempted to transfer blame of his party’s responsibility for political chaos in RS to opposition parties – SDS
  • Brcko police initiate court proceedings against 14 persons arrested for vandalism following Yugoslavia’s victory over Norway in EURO2000
  • UN not certain whether five persons released by Banja Luka police had participated in assassination attempt on Zeljko Kopanja, the Director and Editor-in-Chief of RS daily Nezavisne Novine – UN spokesman Alun Roberts
  • Murder of Serb police officer in Drvar not connected to victim’s nationality – Roberts
  • Two Bosniak houses torched in Srebrenica over past 15 days – UN
  • Explosion goes off in Travnik Municipality Building
  • BiH and Croatia must provide conditions for return of refugees – Dienstbier
  • Serbian opposition and independent media reject violence, which they say they abhor – Dienstbier
  • 20 Kosovo Serbs injured in clash with UN police in northern Kosovska Mitrovica – BETA
  • Kosovo Radio Kontakt reporter Valentina Cukic severely injured in Pristina, shots were fired at her
  • Serb National Council requests that Del Ponte encourages ICTY to investigate crimes committed against Serbs in Kosovo
  • Del Ponte says that she does not intend to withdraw indictment against Milosevic
  • Serbian Milos Jokic pleads not guilty to genocide charge during war crimes trial in Pristina
  • Trial of Ivan and Milan Lovric, indicted for Draskovic murder attempt, postponed for 22 June in Podgorica
  • Leader of Serbian Democratic Movement Momcilo Perisic opposes Yugoslav Army’s Court of Honor ruling depriving him of reserve officer rank
  • Solana and Djindjic discuss economic reform in Serbia
  • World news
  • Slovenia’s Ljubljanska Banka must return funds to BiH depositors who had their savings on deposit in this institution at the start of the BiH war – BiH delegation to the Council of Europe
  • BiH House of Representatives and BiH Inter-Faith Council discuss restitution of ecclesiastical property
  • IMC fines TV BiH and TV OBN for violation of IMC Code
  • Sports
  • Weather
  • Several thousand people mark Summer’s arrival at Stonehenge, England
  • RS citizens celebrate Yugoslav National Soccer Team’s qualification for quarterfinals of EURO2000 Championships
  • Yugoslavia criticizes Annan’s recent report on situation in Kosovo, saying that it does not condemn attacks perpetrated on Kosovo Serbs
  • Serbian Bishop Artemije, in phone conversations with Solana, requests him to make UN act more accountably and efficiently in Kosovo – BETA
  • Serb National Council requests US Special Presidential Envoy James O’Brien to determine responsibility for 60-ton ammunition cache of former KLA that was recently uncovered in Kosovo
  • Serbian police de-activate explosive device planted in Presevo, Kosovo
  • Croatian Government requests $30 million in EU funding to accommodate BiH Croats currently living in Croatian Serb houses in Croatia
  • Pianist Dinko Blagojevic holds solo concert in Banja Luka

News Summary

IMC fines TV BiH and TV OBN for violation of IMC Code

The IMC has fined TV BiH and TV OBN for violations of the IMC Code of Broadcasting Practice, the articles on Fair and Impartial Programming and the Right of Reply. TV BiH is fined with KM 1,000 due to its report on the privatization of Gorazde-based Bekto International Company. It presented this company in a one-sided manner, and the company was not given enough opportunity to present its opinions on the air. TV OBN is fined with KM 300 for its report on the same company in Gorazde because it did not respect the IMC Code’s Article on Right of Reply. Both media have the right to appeal the decision handed down to them.

00:36 (This excerpt is taken from the daily report of the IMC-led Joint Media Monitoring Group (JMMG)).