OHR Chronology 1999
Please also consult the OHR’s chronology for 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996and 1995
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
- 1 January
- The position of the Federation president and vice-president rotated, Ivo Andric Luzanski became the BiH Federation president and Ejup Ganic the vice-president.
- 3 January
- Two houses were set on fire in the Mostar area of Bijelo Polje, and the IPTF confirmed that the investigation conducted by the local police had led to findings indicating that the incident was a criminal act.
- 4 January
- The UN war crimes tribunal in the Hague has given the go-ahead to Sarajevo authorities to bring Fikret Abdic to justice in BiH. ICTY spokesman Jim Landale said that ICTY had received the file, reviewed it and it was sent back in November with their opinion that there was sufficient evidence for proceedings to continue.
- 6 January
- Three apartments and one vehicle were hit by bullets in the Sarajevo suburb of Dobrinja and the IPTF confirmed that nobody was injured. They also said that there were indications that the shots were not aimed at the houses, but were fired to celebrate the orthodox Christmas.
- 7 January
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher met with the Federation Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic.
- 9 January
- OHR supported the actions taken by SFOR in response to the unauthorised appointments and promotions of HVO generals by Member of the Presidency and HDZ President in BiH, Ante Jelavic (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release about the appointments in the Federation Army.
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher led negotiations on the problems of Zepce municipality (OHR Press Release).
- A crowd of local people surrounded the IPTF Station in Foca. During the demonstration members of the crowd assaulted IPTF monitors in the station, and five of the monitors were injured.
- 11 January
- The High Representative condemned Foca incidents (OHR Press Release).
- BiH Federation Parliament held a session and adopted changes of the Law on Passports. Validity of former passports is prolonged until 30 June 1999.
- 12 January
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency – adopted a report on the work of the Council of Ministers for the period of 1 January 1997 to 30 October 1998.
- The High Representative and the head of the OSCE Mission, Robert Barry met with Nikola Poplasen, Milorad Dodik and the Speaker of the RS National Assembly Petar Djokic in Banja Luka.
- Amb. Gary Matthews appointed head of the regional OSCE office in Mostar.
- 13 January
- The High Representative met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic.
- The High Representative expressed his concern that four months after the elections, the President of the Republika Srpska had still not nominated a candidate for Prime Minister who was capable of commanding a majority in the National Assembly.(OHR Press Release).
- 14 January
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher met with the Bosnian Alternative Ministerial Council Chairman Miodrag Zivanovic and co-chairmen Sejfudin Tokic and Nikola Grabovac.
- Succession Issues bilateral meeting chaired by Sir Arthur Watts with the FRY delegation in Brussels.
- 15 January
- NATO SACEUR Gen. Wesley Clark and Gen. Meigs met with the Deputy HR for Reconstruction and Return, Andy Bearpark in Sarajevo.
- OHR noted with regret the withdrawal of the SDA delegates from the ongoing negotiations over Zepce (OHR Press Release).
- Succession Issues bilateral meeting chaired by Sir Arthur Watts with the Slovenian delegation in Brussels.
- 18 January
- OHR Press Release about the Zvornik case.
- 19 January
- Human Rights Priorities for 1999 published on the OHR web site.
- 20 January
- Human Rights Report for December 1998 published.
- 21 January
- Council of Ministers session – decided that the building of the common institutions in Marijin Dvor in Sarajevo will be the only venue for the meetings of the BiH CoM in future.
- Richard Ellerkman, head of the OHR office in Mostar met with the Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic.
- 22 January
- Contact Group meeting on Kosovo in London (Conclusions).
- 25 January
- The RS Prime Minister designate, Brano Miljus failed to get the necessary majority in the RS National Assembly.
- 26 January
- The High Representative welcomed the fact that the RS National Assembly fulfilled its constitutional role the day before. However, he remained concerned that the President of the RS had still not nominated a candidate for Prime Minister who was capable of commanding a majority in the National Assembly. (OHR Banja Luka Press Release).
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- The Federation House of Representatives passed laws on amendments and addendum to the law on confirmation and realisation of citizens’ claims in the privatisation process and the law on privatisation of companies.
- Succession Issues bilateral meeting chaired by Sir Arthur Watts with the Croatian Delegation in Brussels.
- 27 January
- The High Representative met with the president of the Bosnian Alternative Ministerial Council Miodrag Zivanovic and AMV deputy presidents Sejfudin Tokic and Nikola Grabovac.
- The High Representative opened the first meeting of the Privatisation Monitoring Commission (OHR Press Release).
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein met with the co-chairman of the CoM, Haris Silajdzic to discuss the implementation of the DPA and work of the Privatisation Monitoring Commission.
- 28 January
- Council of Ministers session.
- Succession Issues bilateral meeting chaired by Sir Arthur Watts with the BiH Delegation in Brussels.
- Bosniak returnees to Stolac municipality were attacked. Three women and their neighbour who tried to protect them were beaten by two unidentified men.
- IPTF announced findings of police review in Stolac. The UNIPTF Commissioner Richard Monk, in consultation with the SRSG, Elisabeth Rehn has placed each member of the Stolac Police Administration on three-month probation as of 3 February 1999.
- 29 January
- The High Representative visited the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and held meetings with the secretary-general, Daniel Tarschys, with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Ambassadors of the member States of the CoE.
- Succession Issues bilateral meeting chaired by Sir Arthur Watts with the FYROM Delegation in Brussels.
- 1 February
- Meeting of the Steering Board of the PIC, Brussels
- 2 February
- Donors’ Information meeting in Brussels on funding requirements and follow-up of the Declaration of the PIC in Madrid.
- The Independent Media Commission launched a telephone helpline which will allow journalists across the whole of BiH to report incidents that affect their professional rights and privileges.
- 3 February
- The RS President Nikola Poplasen proposed the RS NA Speaker Petar Djokic as the new Prime Minister designate.
- 4 February
- BiH Parliament House of Representatives approved a new Council of Ministers. They elected Svetozar Mihajlovic and Haris Silajdzic as CoM Co-Chairmen, and Neven Tomic as CoM Vice-Chairman. (OHR Press Release).
- 5 February
- NATO SACEUR, Gen. Wesley Clark visited Mostar.
- OHR Press Release – OHR looks into Fraud and Corruption Investigation in Tuzla.
- Meeting of the joint inter-municipality commission Bugojno-Prozor-Rama held in Bugojno. Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher was also present at the meeting. He introduced to the attendees the HR’s new special envoy for Bugojno, Ulrich Bucher.
- 8 February
- Brcko Arbitration hearings started in Vienna.
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and met with the Speaker of the RS National Assembly, Petar Djokic and with the “Sloga” Coalition representatives.
- The Conference on return to Mostar held in Mostar.
- 9 February
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- OHR/OSCE Press Release about Bugojno investigation.
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein met with Bosnian non-governmental organisations, which included Serb Civic Council Civil Movement for Equality, the Croat National Council and Circle 99 in Sarajevo.
- 10 February
- BiH Parliament House of Representatives adopted a National Anthem for BiH. The BiH Parliament House of Peoples now has to adopt it and then BiH Presidency.
- A car bomb exploded near the police station in Travnik, heavily injuring policeman Vlado Stojak. The High Representative strongly condemned this incident.
- The High Representative met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic.
- The High Representative met with representatives of the Serb Citizens’ Council, Council of the BiH intellectuals Congress, Croat National Council and the Circle 99.
- 11 February
- The first constitutive session of the Council of Ministers.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 12 February
- The High Representative suspended Mr. Dzevad Mlaco from the office of Mayor of Bugojno until further notice (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative’s Report to the UN published.
- 15 February
- Round Table on Return in Central Bosnia Canton held in Travnik. Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher chaired the meeting and the Central Bosnia Canton Government was fully represented along with OHR, UNHCR,IMG and OSCE from RRTF. (Joint Statement).
- 16 February
- OHR organised a meeting of Bugojno Serb refugees in Bijeljina.
- OHR Press Release regarding HVIDRA Open Letter.
- A protocol reorganising the internal structure of the Federation Commission for missing persons signed by the Commission’s president and vice president, Berislav Pusic and Amor Masovic, in the presence of Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein.
- 17 February
- Contact Group meeting in Vienna (Chairman’s Conclusions).
- Richard Ellerkman, the head of the OHR in Mostar met with Mostar Mayor Ivan Prskalo.
- 18 February
- Council of Ministers session.
- NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana and SACEUR, Gen. Wesley Clark attended the meeting of the Standing Committee for Military Matters in Sarajevo
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher met with the Federation Minister of Justice, Mr. Ignatius Dodik (OHR Press Release).
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher met with officials of the Bosnian Olympic Committee and discussed relations between the sports structures of the Federation and the Republika Srpska.
- 20 February
- OHR Press Release about the decision on Civilian Command of the Armed Forces.
- 22 February
- The head of the USAID Mission in BiH, Craig Buck, and the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the BiH CoM, Mirsad Kurtovic, signed a contract worth US$ 166,700 for the installation of a wide computer network which would control Bosnian foreign debt in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations.
- 23 February
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- The High Representative briefed the Security Council in New York.
- Rambouillet Accords: Co-Chairmen’s Conclusions
- 24 February
- Human Rights Report for January published.
- 25 February
- Council of Ministers session.
- The High Representative condemned the previous night’s incident in which a deputy of the RS National Assembly was assaulted (OHR Banja Luka Press Release).
- Amb. Miguel Arias, Deputy HR and head of OHR in Banja Luka visited Bihac and held talks with Canton 1 Governor Mirsad Veladzic and local political leaders (OHR Banja Luka Press Release).
- Media Issues Group meeting held in Sarajevo.
- 26 February
- SFOR in their statement said that SFOR members from Multi
- National Division North acting within their mandate discovered a large cache of illegal weapons in a warehouse in Bijeljina, RS.
- The Independent Media Commission in their statement announced that it had completed the broadcast licensing process for six stations. They also announced an extension to their deadline for broadcasters to apply for a licence. Originally due to end on 28th February, it has been extended for one month until 31st March 1999.
- 2 March
- The High Representative met with NATO SACEUR, General Wesley Clark in Sarajevo to talk about return issues.
- The High Representative met with the leaders of the SLOGA coalition, Biljana Plavsic, Milorad Dodik and Zivko Radisic in Banja Luka.
- BiH Parliamentary House of Representatives adopted a bill for the 1999 budget, as well as a bill for the law on its implementation.
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher visited Prijedor and discussed returns to the Prijedor municipality with the representatives of Bosniaks and local authority in the municipality.
- 3 March
- The RS President Nikola Poplasen launched an initiative for the replacement of the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik on the basis of signatures of 26 members of the RS National Assembly.
- 4 March
- The High Representative wrote to the RS President Nikola Poplasen to express his dismay at his decision to start proceedings to dismiss Prime Minister Dodik.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 5 March
- The High Representative decided to remove Nikola Poplasen from the Office of President of RS with immediate effect. (OHR Press Releases1, and 2 – President Poplasen dismissed and Removal from office of Nikola Poplasen).
- Brcko Arbitral Tribunal announced the Final Brcko Award (Statement by Roberts Owen, Statement by Robert Farrand and Remarks by the High Representative).
- The RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik resigned over Brcko decision.
- Council of Ministers session – adopted and sent a draft budget on common institutions, external debts and budget execution for 1999 to the BiH Presidency.
- 7 March
- The RS National Assembly adopted a resolution rejecting the arbitration on Brcko, withdrew five delegates from the Bosnian Parliament House of Peoples and called on all other elected and appointed RS representatives in Bosnian common authorities to cease their activities until “the harmonisation of the Arbitration Tribunal decision with the peace agreement accords”. The RS NA also adopted a resolution rejecting the decision of the High Representative on the dismissal of Nikola Poplasen.
- 8 March
- The High Representative noted the opinions of the RS National Assembly regarding the dismissal of Mr. Poplasen and about Brcko Award (OHR Press Release).
- Provisional Election Commission, by chairman’s decision in accordance with Article 6.20 of the PEC Rules and Regulations, formally approved the dismissal of the former RS President Nikola Poplasen by the High Representative.
- 10 March
- Amb. Miguel Arias, head of the OHR in Banja Luka called on the mayor of Derventa to express his profound concern over a violent attack on the Derventa office of the OHR during the weekend. (OHR Banja Luka Press Release).
- US Special Envoy for Balkans, Robert Gelbard visited Sarajevo and met with members of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic and Ante Jelavic. He also met with the Federation Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic.
- 11 March
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein met with the President of the BiH Presidency, Zivko Radisic in Banja Luka.
- US Special Envoy for Balkans, Robert Gelbard met with the President of the BiH Presidency, Zivko Radisic in Banja Luka.
- Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand met with the Federation vice-president Ejup Ganic in Brka near Brcko.
- First train with load of oil for EnergoPetrol arrived at Bihac Station from the Port of Ploce. This was the first train to arrive at Bihac station for 7 years.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- OBN Press Release: OBN – Ideal TV for BiH.
- OBN Press Release: OBN visit children’s clinic
- 12 March
- The High Representative and Brcko Supervisor Robert Farrand met with the RS Assembly Expert Commission on Brcko (OHR Press Release).
- 15 March
- Mirko Sarovic, the RS vice-president said that Nikola Poplasen had transferred his authority to him, according to article 80 of the RS Constitution, and he then nominated Mladen Ivanic as the Prime Minister designate. The OHR said that the nomination was only legitimate if Mirko Sarovic was acting as RS president.
- RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik withdrew his resignation.
- Regular bus lines from Sarajevo to Brcko and Bijeljina were opened.
- 16 March
- The Federation Deputy Minister of Interior, Jozo Leutar was seriously injured in a car bomb blast in Sarajevo. The OHR deplored the car bombing and called on the local authorities to take aggressive measures to identify, arrest and prosecute the perpetrators. (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release about the anti-corruption investigation.
- 17/18 March
- Meeting of the Steering Board of the PIC, Sarajevo
- 18 March
- The Steering Board condemned Leutar attack (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release about the acquittal of Miodrag Andric.
- The OHR welcomed the beginning of negotiations between BiH and the Republic of Croatia on a Trade Agreement between the two countries (OHR Press Release).
- The UNMIBH announced that Detlef Buwitt was the newly appointed IPTF Commissioner in BiH.
- Human Rights Report for February published.
- 19 March
- The High Representative participated at talks in Vienna with Roberts Owen and Bosnian entities’ Premiers Edhem Bicakcic and Milorad Dodik. They discussed the annex to the final Brcko arbitration decision.
- 22 March
- Two hand grenades were thrown into a car park in Banja Luka next to the OHR office. There were no casualties in the incident.
- 23 March
- NATO Secretary-General, Javier Solana directed the SACEUR, Gen. Clark to initiate air operations in the FRY.
- Brcko Mayor Borko Reljic resigned due to his disagreement with the Brcko arbitration decision.
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein held a meeting with the RTV BiH Board of Governors.
- Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher visited the Catholic School Centre in Travnik. He also met with Catholic officials and with the Prime Minister and Vice-Prime Minister of Canton 6.
- Under the auspices of the International Commission for Missing persons, the official representatives in charge of the commissions for missing persons from the Republic of Croatia, FRY and BiH met informally for three days of closed-door discussions in Amsterdam.
- 24 March
- NATO Secretary-General, Javier Solana announced that NATO had begun air strikes against military targets in the FRY.
- The High Representative in his Statement called on all parties in BiH to remain calm following the start of NATO air operations in FRY.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 25 March
- The Senior Deputy HR, Hanns Schumacher attended a meeting between representatives of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications and the Bundesdruckerei, at which a so-called “Certificate of Approval” was signed. This document confirmed that Budesdruckerei had completed its contract for the production and supply of passports for BiH.
- 27 March
- The NATO Secretary-General, Javier Solana directed SACEUR to initiate a broader range of air operations in the FRY.
- The OHR deplored and condemned the attacks on two TV crews in Banja Luka the previous day. (OHR Press Release).
- 28 March
- The Federation Deputy Minister of Interior, Jozo Leutar, died of his injuries. The High Representative and his deputies extended their most sincere condolences to his family and friends. (OHR Press Release).
- Demonstrations were held in Brcko, where a crowd had gathered outside the OHR North building and thrown rocks and stones (OHR Brcko Press Release).
- 29 March
- The Municipal Assembly of Bugojno unanimously accepted the resignation of former mayor Dzevad Mlaco and elected a new mayor, Dr. Mustafa Strukar from the SDA. The OHR welcomed that and said it hoped that the situation regarding the rule of law in Bugojno would now further improve, in particular for Croat returnees.
- A hand grenade was thrown at an OSCE reading-room in Visegrad, as announced by the UN and OSCE Mission.
- 31 March
- The High Representative went to Banja Luka as part of his regular schedule.
- Head of the OHR in Mostar, Richard Ellerkmann met with the Mostar Deputy Mayor Safet Orucevic.
- The Independent Media Commission put in force a Code on Media Rules for Elections as of 31 March 1999, in BiH. This Code is intended to provide provisional media rules during election periods until the adoption of a permanent election Law.
- 1 April
- The High Representative issued a Decision extending by three months the deadline for claiming socially owned apartments in the Federation. (OHR Press Release).
- The director of the Municipal Housing Office in Bugojno, Zekija Filipovic, was relieved of her duties, following a number of findings of obstruction and non-implementation of the property laws. The OHR welcomed the move because the implementation of property rights and return of pre-war tenants to their homes is of great importance to OHR.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 6 April
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and discussed the situation there with various people.
- 7 April
- The High Representative met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic.
- 8 April
- Principal Deputy High Representative, Jacques Klein, visited the Cantonal MUP in Zenica where 30 Croat policemen started work in the Interior Ministry of the Zenica-Doboj Canton. This represented a breakthrough in the establishment of a multi-ethnic police force in Canton 4.
- 9 April
- Statement by the High Representative to RS citizens.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 10 April
- The 93-man multi-ethnic police force was inaugurated in Zepce in the presence of the Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein, and UN IPTF Commissioner, Detlef Buwitt.
- 13 April
- The OHR and UNMIBH welcomed the crucial step forward in the establishment of multi-ethnic police forces in Canton 4. (Joint OHR/UNMIBH Press Release).
- The OHR warmly welcomed the ratification of the Special Relations Agreement by the Federation House of Representatives (OHR Press Release).
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein, delivered a speech to the Federation Parliament.
- The Sarajevo Cantonal Court sentenced Goran Vasic, a Bosnian Serb accused of war crimes against civilians and war prisoniers, to ten years in prison.
- Senior officials of the Central Bosnian Canton and the International Mediator for the Federation and Republika Srpska, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, signed the Travnik Declaration.
- The High Representative issued a Decision cancelling all permanent occupancy rights issued in the Federation and Republika Srpska during and after the war in BiH (OHR Press Release).
- The Independent Media Commission decided to instruct Kanal S to “immediately cease broadcasting its programmes until further notice”.
- 15 April
- The High Representative met with the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, and RS Assembly Speaker, Petar Djokic, in Lukavica near Sarajevo.
- Senior officials from Livno Canton (Canton 10) and the International Mediator for the Federation and Republika Srpska, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, signed the Livno Agreement on the establishment of multi-ethnic police in the canton.
- The OHR and the OSCE welcomed and supported the IMC decision that Kanal S, which carried very inflammatory programmes, had to stop broadcasting until further notice.
- Sinisa Kisic was elected Mayor of Brcko.
- 16 April
- Mostar Airport Interim Authority confirmed that Mostar airport will be operational again from Monday, 19 April (OHR Mostar Press Release).
- Economic Newsletter for April published.
- 19 April
- The High Representative met with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Mate Granic, in Zagreb.
- 20 April
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency and Council of Ministers with the High Representative – decision made on cancelling the application of the contract on economic co-operation between the Federation and the Republic of Croatia. The BiH Presidency adopted the BiH 1999 budget.
- 21 April
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein, delivered a speech at the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London.
- OHR Press Release about the Sanski Most investigation.
- Human Rights report for March published.
- 22 April
- Council of Ministers session adopted unanimously a decision to stop applying preferential customs treatment to imports from the Republic of Croatia and the FRY.
- 23 April
- OHR warmly welcomed the decision of the CoM to stop applying preferential customs treatment to imports from the Republic of Croatia and the FRY (OHR Press Release).
- The Head of the OHR office in Mostar, Richard Ellerkmann, met with Mostar Deputy Mayor Safet Orucevic.
- 26 April
- The High Representative briefed the General Affairs Council of the European Union in Luxembourg (Draft Remarks by the High Representative).
- The Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein, and SFOR Commander in BiH, Montgomery Meigs, met with the RS National Assembly Speaker, Petar Djokic.
- 27 April
- The High Representative and three members of the BiH Presidency participated at a session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.
- 28 April
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and met with the RS vice-president, Mirko Sarovic.
- Brcko Supervisor, Robert Farrand, met with the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, in Banja Luka.
- The Federation House of Representatives approved the draft Federation TV law as a basis for further discussion.
- 29 April
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein, met with the Interior Ministers and their deputies of both Entities, as well as those of all Cantons in the Federation, to discuss technical and implementation details of the new Common Driving Licence. (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative removed Ferid Hodzic, the Interior Minister of the Tuzla-Podrinje Canton, from office for failure to support the rule of law and fulfill the duties of his office. (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release about Human Rights Chamber Decisions.
- Head of the OHR in Mostar, Richard Ellerkmann, met with leaders of Livno canton in Livno.
- 30 April
- Council of Ministers session.
- 4 May
- Council of Ministers session – passed the instruction on temporary acceptance of FRY refugees in BiH.
- 5 May
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency
- Italian President, Luigi Scalfaro visited BiH and met with BiH Presidency members.
- The High Representative met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic.
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein met with Mostar Deputy Mayor, Safet Orucevic in Mostar.
- 6 May
- The High Representative met with the Vice-President of the Bosnian Alternative Ministerial Council, Sejfudin Tokic and the shadow minister for human rights, Gordana Vidovic.
- 7 May
- The Agreement on Special Relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of BiH was approved by the BiH Federation House of Peoples.
- OHR Mostar Press Release – OHR South reply to the open letter from the Association of Expelled Mostarians.
- Report by the High Representative to the United Nations Secretary-General published.
- Zlatko Aleksovski was acquitted on two counts and found guilty on one count. The sentence has been completed and his immediate release has been ordered by the ICTY Tribunal in the Hague.
- The UN Human Rights Commissioner, Mary Robinson met with the member of the BiH Presidency in Sarajevo.
- The Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor, Louise Arbour arrived in BiH.
- 8 May
- OHR Mostar Press Release about the attack on two croatian journalists which took place the previous day in Mostar.
- 10 May
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 11 May
- Meeting of the Steering Board of the PIC in Brussels
- Political Directors of the Steering Board of the PIC at their meeting in Brussels decided that the final cut-off date for the recognition of ordinary passports of the former Republic of BiH will be 30 September 1999 (OHR press release).
- Council of Ministers session
- OHR deeply regretted the failure of the Federation Forum on Economic Matters (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Brcko Press Release on Federation comments on the Annex of the Brcko final Award being in the public domain for reasons unknown .
- 13 May
- The High Representative, together with the Ambassadors of the PIC Steering Board, met with Representatives of Croats living in BiH (OHR Press Release).
- 14 May
- The High Representative appointed Francois Froment-Meurice as his Special Political Advisor and Chairman of the Permanent Election Law Working Group (OHR Press Release).
- OBN Press Release – OBN-Media sponsor of chess tournament Bosna 99
- 17 May
- Council of Ministers session.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 18 May
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- Amb. Andy Bearpark, Deputy High Representative for Reconstruction and Return along with Governor Bedrudin Salcinovic, President of the Zenica-Doboj Canton jointly chaired Zenica Round Table on Returns.
- The BiH House of Peoples passed the 1999 budget and a separate law on its implementation.
- The RS National Assembly – adopted the RS 1999 budget.
- 19 May
- OHR/UNHCR press release about the reconstruction of houses in Polje.
- Human Rights Report for April published.
- The Federation of BiH House of Peoples passed amendments to the law on the privatisation of socially-owned apartments.
- The UN Special Rapporteur for human rights, Jiri Dienstbier visited Tuzla Canton and met with Tuzla Canton President Tarik Arapcic.
- 20/21 May
- Fifth Donors’ Pledging Conference for BiH held in Brussels (Presentation by the High Representative and an update published on funding requirements and follow-up of the Declaration of the PIC in Madrid, 15-16 December 1998)
- 20 May
- OHR hosted a ceremony at which the agreement on the project to complete the Stambulcic Tunnel and the M-5 Highway between Sarajevo and Mesici was signed by Nenad Pandurevic, Chairman of the Pale Municipal Assembly, and Salko Obhodjas, Mayor of the Federation Pale Municipality, and witnessed by the Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein. Project is worth 17 million DM.
- 21 May
- Media Donors’ Meeting held on the fringes of the Donors’ Conference in Brussels.
- 26 May
- The High Representative issued a Decision suspending the power of authorities in both Entities to re-allocate and dispose of certain types of socially-owned land. (OHR Press Release)
- Two houses in the area of Zvornik were attacked, resulting in serious property damage, but with no deaths or injuries. SFOR spokesman said that: “The attacks were planned, co-ordinated, and deliberate criminal acts, done without regard for peace or for public safety”. He also said that this was “an attempted murder of SFOR personnel and RS citizens living in one house, and attempted murder of Joint Commission Observers living in the other house”.
- German envoy for return of refugees, reintegration and reconstruction of BiH, Hans Koschnick held talks in Banja Luka with BiH Presidency President Zivko Radisic. He also met with RS National Assembly speaker Petar Djokic.
- International Mediator for the Federation and Republika Srpska, Christian Schwartz-Schilling met with Livno Canton officials in Mostar to discuss the implementation of Livno agreement signed on 15 April 1999.
- 27 May
- The ICTY Tribunal in the Hague indicted for murder, persecution and deportation in Kosovo, Slobodan Milosevic, the President of the FRY, Milan Milutinovic, the President of Serbia, Nikola Sainovic, Deputy Prime Minister of the FRY, Dragoljub Ojdanic, Chief of Staff of the Yugoslav Army and Vlajko Stojiljkovic, Minister of Internal Affairs of Serbia.
- Council of Ministers session.
- 28 May
- International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch visited Sarajevo and met with the members of the BiH Presidency.
- OHR Mostar Press Release – The Reconstruction of the Balinovac Mosque in Mostar.
- Hans Koschnick met with the Banja Luka Mayor Djordje Umicevic in Banja Luka.
- 31 May
- OHR Press Release – Eligibility for Vouchers.
- 1 June
- The High Representative met with the RS Vice-President Mirko Sarovic, Speaker of the RS National Assembly Petar Djokic and CD Coalition in Banja Luka.
- 2 June
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata started her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. During her stay in BiH she visited Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Tuzla.
- Brcko Supervisor, Amb. Robert Farrand met with the co-chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Haris Silajdzic in Sarajevo.
- Francois Froment-Meurice, Special Political Advisor of the High Representative and Chairman of the Permanent Election Law Working Group met with the co-chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, Haris Silajdzic. He also met with the Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic.
- 3 June
- OHR Press Release – International Community looks into BH Banka operations.
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency with Knut Vollebaek, Norwegian Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo
- 4 June
- Council of Ministers session
- OHR Brcko Press Release – Brcko Port Feasibility Study Agreement signed.
- 7 June
- SFOR troops detained Dragan Kulundzija, indicted for war crimes by the ICTY in the Hague.
- The inaugural session of the Municipal Assembly in Srebrenica was held. The agenda included the election of officials and forming of commissions to carry out the work of a multi-ethnic municipal government. Mr. Nesib Mandzic was elected president of the Municipal Assembly and Mr. Pero Janjic as president of the Executive Board.
- 8 June
- Special US Envoy for the Balkans, Robert Gelbard met with the Republika Srpska Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik and discussed the economic situation in the RS.
- 10 June
- Council of Ministers session
- Special US Envoy for the Balkans, Robert Gelbard met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic. He also met with the Federation President Edhem Bicakcic.
- 11 June
- OHR Press Release – UEFA for football play-offs
- The Federation House of Representatives passed the Federation 1999 budget.
- 15 June
- Meeting of the Steering Board of the PIC, Brussels
- Member of the BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic took over the chairmanship of the BiH Presidency.
- The High Representative issued a Decision under Annex 10 of the DPA and Article XI of the Bonn PIC document, extending the deadline for claiming occupancy rights to socially-owned apartments in Republika Srpska by six months. The new deadline is 19 December 1999. (OHR Press Release).
- Economic Newsletter for June published.
- 16 June
- OBN Press Release – OBN-most professional of all local TV stations.
- 17 June
- Council of Ministers session.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- OHR/UNMiBH Press Release on the crime situation in Sarajevo.
- 18 June
- OHR Press Release – Steering Board deeply concerned about lack of progress
- 21 June
- Council of Ministers session.- adopted an agreement with the EU regarding the Orasje border crossing. The agreement foresees the EU participating in modernisation of the Orasje border crossing with 1.5 million EURO, while the remaining sum of 4.2 million EURO should be secured from the Federation government.
- 23 June
- Joint OHR,OSCE,UNMiBH and UNHCR Press Release on the opening of the double occupancy phoneline.
- 24 June
- Ambassador Robert Barry, Chairman of OSCE’s Provisional Election Commission announced a new date for municipal elections, 8 April 2000.
- OHR Press Release on Zepce.
- The World Bank approved three credits for Bosnia and Herzegovina totalling US$134 million equivalent. Enterprise and Bank Privatisation Adjustment Credit, Second Public Finance Structural Adjustment Credit and Enterprise Export Facility Credit.
- Human Rights Report for May published.
- 26 June
- Brcko Supervisor Robert Farrand issued a Supplementary Order on Privatisation.
- 28 June
- OHR (South) Press Release: Reply to Mostar Deputy Mayor regarding the Mostar Returns Agreement.
- The International Monetary Fund approved an augmentation of SDR 16.91 million (about US$23 million) and an extension, to end-April 2000, of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s stand-by credit that was approved on 29 May 1998, in an amount equivalent to SDR 60.6 (about US$81 million).
- 29 June
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein visited Federation and RS Municipalities of Pale to discuss developments on the Stambolcic road tunnel and the M5 Sarajevo to Mesici highway (OHR Press Release).
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- 30 June
- The High Representative issued a Decision suspending Article 5 of the Federation Law on the Cessation of the Application of the Law on Abandoned Apartments in the Municipality of Drvar (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative met with a delegation of the Council of Europe in Sarajevo in order to discuss Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for membership of the Council of Europe (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative met in Mostar with the Canton 7 authorities, and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mostar. (Transcript of Press Conference by the High Representative).
- Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein visited Banja Luka and met with the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik. They discussed economic future and financial support to the RS. RS Prime Minister and Principal Deputy HR also promoted green cards for RS drivers.
- The Associations of Judges and Prosecutors from both Entities signed a joint statement in Sarajevo following their recent adoption of Codes of Ethics (OHR Media Advisory).
- 1 July
- Council of Ministers session.
- The Federation House of Representatives adopted the Law on the Federation RTV. The Law has to be adopted also by the Federation House of Peoples before final adoption.
- 2 July
- OHR Press Release – Decisions on the Federation Property Laws.
- NATO Secretary-General, Javier Solana visited Sarajevo and met with the members of the BiH Presidency.
- The High Representative met with the co-chairman of the Council of Ministers, Haris Silajdzic. They discussed the forthcoming summit of the Pact on Stability for South-Eastern Europe.
- 5 July
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency. The BiH Presidency members met with the US President and Secretary of State Senior Adviser for Kosovo issues and implementation of Dayton agreement in BiH, James Dobbins.
- Head of the World Bank in BiH, Rory O’Sullivan and the Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic signed Credit Agreements for four new projects amounting to US$ 139 million that were recently approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors.
- 6 July
- SFOR troops in BiH detained Radoslav Brdjanin, who is indicted for war crimes by the ICTY in the Hague.
- British Defence Secretary, George Robertson visited Sarajevo and met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic and the Federation President, Ivo Andric Luzanski.
- The OSCE Head of Mission granted final certification to Srebrenica municipality.
- 7 July
- British Defence Secretary, George Robertson visited Banja Luka and met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Zivko Radisic.
- 8 July
- The High Representative issued four decisions regarding the Judicial System in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and on the Statutes of the Mostar City municipalities (OHR Press Release).
- Council of Ministers session.
- The PEC named Edouard d’Aoust, the Director of Implementation for the OSCE Mission to BiH, as the new Chair of the National Election Results Implementation Committee (NERIC).
- Richard Ellerkmann, head of OHR in Mostar met with the Federation Vice-President, Ejup Ganic in Sarajevo.
- 9 July
- NATO SACEUR, Gen. Wesley Clark visited Sarajevo.
- The High Representative wrote to Mehmed Alagic, Mayor of Sanski Most expressing his opinion that Mr. Alagic should voluntarily resign or suspend his functions (OHR Press Release).
- 12 July
- Meeting of the PIC Steering Board in Brussels. The Board endorsed Wolfgang Petritsch as the new High Representative, and appointed Amb. Ralph Johnson and Amb. Matei Hoffmann to succeed Jacques Paul Klein and Hanns Schumacher. (OHR Press Release and transcript of the farewell press conference by the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp).
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency with the Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, Bodo Hombach in Sarajevo.
- 13 July
- Council of Ministers session.
- The UN Secretary General appointed Jacques Paul Klein as his Special Representative and Coordinator for the UN Mission in BiH.
- 14 July
- OHR Press Release – Dubrovnik-Trebinje road demined.
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and met with members of the SLOGA Coalition.
- The RS National Assembly session – adopted eight draft laws. Among them amendment to the amnesty law and law on the secret service.
- 15 July
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- The Federation Parliament House of Peoples appointed Pero Madzar as its chairman.
- Farewell meeting of the BiH Presidency with the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp.
- Louise Arbour, chief prosecutor of the ICTY in the Hague started her three-day visit to BiH in Sarajevo.
- 16 July
- The High Representative’s Report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations published.
- Economic Newsletter published.
- Permanent Secretariat of the Standing Committee for Military Matters established (Joint OHR/SFOR/OSCE Press Release).
- 20 July
- The new Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson and Senior Deputy HR, Matei Hoffman have taken up their duties at the Office of the High Representative. (OHR Press Releases: Johnson and Hoffmann).
- The High Representative suspended from office Mehmed Alagic, Mayor of Sanski Most, for failure to support implementation of the Dayton Accords, respect the Rules of the Road, and promote the rule of the law in BiH (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release – Celo case handled efficiently.
- 21 July
- Council of Ministers session.
- The Bosnian Federation Parliament House of Peoples adopted a Law on Labour.
- 22 July
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- 24 July
- The High Representative expressed his dissatisfaction with Thursday’s session of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH (OHR Press Release).
- 26 July
- The Senior Deputy HR, Matei Hoffmann met with Sarajevo Canton Governor, Mustafa Mujezinovic.
- Human Rights Report for June published.
- Two OBN Press Releases published: Don’t feel cut off from events – watch OBN and OBN Summit News in English every night.
- 27 July
- The High Representative briefed the UN Security Council in New York. (Remarks by the High Representative).
- The OHR announced an initiative in support of the implementation of Council of Europe standards on conscientious objection to military service in BiH (OHR Press Release).
- The Bosnian Parliament House of Peoples and House of Representatives passed the Law on Bosnian Citizenship.
- 28 July
- Council of Ministers session.
- 29 July
- A regional meeting of the delegations of the countries of South-Eastern Europe held in Sarajevo under the chairmanship of Finnish President Marti Ahtisaari. (Remarks by the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp at the Stability Pact Dinner).
- OHR and OSCE hosted a meeting of the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the six City-Municipal Councils of Mostar, and the Heads and Deputy Heads of the six Mostar City Municipalities. (Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release).
- 30 July
- The Summit of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe held in Sarajevo.
- Member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic and President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tudjman signed an agreement on the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia.
- President Clinton and Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright held a bilateral meeting with members of the BiH Presidency and the Council of Ministers.
- Finnish President Marti Ahtisaari met with the members of the BiH Presidency.
- The High Representative issued Decisions on the Restructuring of the public Service Broadcasting System in BiH, on Freedom of Information and Decriminalisation of Libel and Defamation, Law on Amendments to the Law on the Supreme Court of the Federation, Law on Amendments to the Law on the Federation Prosecutor’s Office and Law on Special Witness Identity Protection in Criminal Proceedings in the Federation. (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative also issued Decisions on Identity Cards, on the Reconnection of Pre-Conflict Subscribers to the Telephone Networks in BiH, on Common Insignia and Symbols, Law on Administrative Fees of BiH and Decision on Dragan Cavic (OHR Press Release).
- 2 August
- Amb. Robert Barry, OSCE Head of Mission revoked the Final Certification of Drvar municipality.
- The outgoing Principal Deputy HR, Jacques Klein and his successor, Ralph Johnson met with the Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic.
- 3 August
- The OHR and OSCE announced the completion of the first draft of BiH Permanent Election Law (OHR/OSCE Press Release).
- 6 August
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- OHR Press Release – Delays in the Education Textbook Review.
- Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson and SRSG Jacques Klein attended the opening ceremony of the Dubrovnik-Trebinje border crossing.
- 8 August
- OBN Press Release – OBN brings ‘Nadrealista’ back.
- 9 August
- Bosnian Croat warcrimes suspect, Vinko Martinovic “Stela” surrendered to ICTY in the Hague by the Republic of Croatia.
- Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson visited Banja Luka and met with the Republika Srpska National Assembly Speaker, Petar Djokic.
- 10 August
- Economic Newsletter for August published.
- 11 August
- The Security Council unanimously accepted the UN Secretary-General’s nomination of Carla Del Ponte as Prosecutor at Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
- The Independent Media Commission (IMC) decided to extend the validity of current provisional licences issued to broadcasters in BiH until further notice.
- 12 August
- A temporary pontoon bridge across the Sava in Gradiska was opened. Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson, and Lt. Gen. Michael Willcocks of SFOR attended the ceremony.
- Brcko Supervisor, Robert Farrand visited Travnik and Jajce to discuss two-way refugee return with municipality heads and with Central Bosnia Canton authorities.
- 17 August
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic
- The OSCE and the Office of the Federation Ombudsmen agreed to establish a Special Assistant to the Ombudsmen on Media.
- 18 August
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch held his Inaugural Press Conference in Sarajevo (Transcript).
- The final version of the Annex to the Brcko Award issued. (Annex to Final Award and OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release – Fighting corruption in BiH.
- Human Rights Report for July published.
- 19 August
- Council of Ministers session.
- Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson met with Haris Silajdzic, the Co-Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers.
- 20 August
- Editor-in-chief of the Sarajevo magazine “Slobodna Bosna”, Senad Avdic was arrested in the magazine’s offices.
- 24 August
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Zivko Radisic, RS Premier Milorad Dodik, RS NA Speaker Petar Djokic and RS vice-president Mirko Sarovic.
- Joint OHR/Council of Europe Press Release: Agreement on School Textbook Review.
- Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry and the European Union signed an agreement on a donation worth 5.9 million Euros. The funds are designated for the purchase of high-cost heifers and agricultural machines.
- 25 August
- Austrian authorities in Vienna arrested commander of the RS army general staff, Gen. Momir Talic pursuant to the secret indictment signed on 12 March by the Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Louise Arbour.
- 26 August
- Council of Ministers session – met with the representatives of the IMF.
- The High Representative visited Mostar.
- OHR announced the appointment of George Vlachogiannis as Special Envoy in Foca-Srbinja.
- The Federation government passed the draft law on the organisation of pension-invalid insurance.
- 27 August
- Newly appointed US Ambassador to BiH, Thomas Miller presented his credentials to the BiH Presidency Chairman Ante Jelavic.
- 31 August
- The High Representative issued a Decision on Amending the Law on Radio-Television of Republika Srpska (The High Representative’s Decision and OHR Press Release).
- Bosnian Serb General Momir Talic, chief of staff of the Bosnian Serb army pleaded not guilty to charges of crimes against humanity before the ICTY in the Hague.
- US Ambassador to the UN, Richard Holbrooke arrived in BiH for a three-day visit.
- 1 September
- BiH Presidency members met with Richard Holbrooke, in Sarajevo.
- Head of OHR Mostar, Richard Ellerkmann met with Livno Canton Governor, Ivan Ivic and other Livno Canton officials in Kupres.
- 2 September
- Council of Ministers session.
- Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson, and the Deputy HR for Return and Reconstruction, Andy Bearpark, hosted a round table discussion on the Sarajevo Declaration in Sarajevo (OHR Press Release).
- The Independent Media Commission in their statement strongly condemned the continued arrests of journalists in attempts to bring them to court in connection with cases that were in any way related to their work. The latest attempt to arrest Senad Pecanin, editor-in-chief of the independent magazine Dani, showed disrespect for the recent Decision by the High Representative on Decriminalisation of Libel and Defamation.
- 3 September
- OHR Press Release: The Right of Returnees’ Children to Adequate Schooling.
- 6 September
- Brcko Supervisor, Robert Farrand met with the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka and discussed annexes to the Final Brcko Award.
- 7 September
- The High Representative ratified eight members of the Founding Board of the new BiH Public Broadcasting Service. These are: Daniel De Luce from the OHR, Antonio Riva from the EBU, Tadej Labernik, Zlatko Prlenda, Plamenko Custovic, Milos Babic. The BiH Presidency nominated Vlatko Menix and Bosko Budisa. The third BiH Presidency candidate, Fatima Leho, was nominated on 14 September.
- 8 September
- The High Representative briefed the North Atlantic Council in Brussels. (Speech by the High Representative).
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- 9 September
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch and Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson met with the Chairman of the Presidency, Ante Jelavic for the first time.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- Council of Ministers session.
- Brcko Supervisor, Robert Farrand met with the Fedration Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic in Sarajevo. They discussed the implementation of the Final Brcko Award.
- Head of the OHR in Mostar, Richard Ellerkmann met with the Vice-Governor of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Rade Bosnjak.
- 10 September
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch and Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release: Federation Privatisation Agency Satellite Office in Banja Luka.
- OHR Mostar Press Release on Ravno.
- 13 September
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, has written to Zivko Radisic, Serb member of the Presidency, and Milorad Dodik, Republika Srpska Prime Minister, to express the International Community’s grave concerns over the RS boycott of the SCMM on 8 September.(OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative together with Amb. Robert Barry and SFOR Commander, Gen. Montgomery Meigs met with the BiH Presidency member Zivko Radisic, RS Assembly Speaker Petar Djokic, RS Defence Minister, Manojlo Milovanovic in Banja Luka.
- Amb. Richard Ellerkmann, Head of OHR South in Mostar informed the High Representative that he would like to return home to Germany, when his contract expires at the end of September 1999 (OHR Press Release).
- Brcko Supervisor, Robert Farrand issued an addendum to the previous Supervisory orders of November 3rd, 1998.
- Ambassadors to BiH have been invited by the High Representative in cooperation with COMSFOR and UNHCR to take part in a helicopter tour to visit key areas of return in BiH. Three helicopters took three separate groups to view projects in MND North, South, East and West during the day. The aim of the tour was to view what had been achieved so far this year, and set the scene for the next year.
- 14 September
- Arbitration Award on the Implementation of the Municipal Election Results in Drvar.
- Joint OHR/UNMiBH Press Release on the second anniversary of the helicopter crash near Fojnica when five members of OHR and seven members of the UN Mission tragically lost their lives. (Speech by the High Representative at the Helicopter Crash Memorial Site near Fojnica).
- Economic Newsletter for September published.
- 15 September
- The High Representative welcomed clarifications by Presidency Member Alija Izetbegovic regarding evictions (OHR Press Release).
- Carla Del Ponte, the new Chief Prosecutor at the ICTY in the Hague officially took up office.
- 16 September
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, paid his first official call on Federation Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic, and his deputy, Dragan Covic. He also met separately with Federation President Ivo Andric Luzanski and Federation Vice President Ejup Ganic (OHR Press Release).
- Council of Ministers session.
- The High Representative removed from office the Minister of Justice in Canton 10, Stipo Babic, and demanded in writing compliance with provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement from the Minister of the Interior, Ante Barisic. (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, and Amb. Robert Barry, head of Mission the OSCE in BiH issued a binding Arbitration Award on the Drvar Municipality. (Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release).
- The High Representative and head of the OSCE Mission in BiH, Robert Barry replaced Drvar Mayor Mile Marceta and President of the Municipal Council Borivoje Malbasic. They appointed Momcilo Bajic to the position of Mayor of Drvar.
- 17 September
- Meeting of the PIC Steering Board, Brussels (PIC Steering Board Statement on the impact of Croatian elections on BiH).
- First meeting of the Founding Board of the new BiH Public Broadcasting Service. All nine members attended.
- OHR Mostar Press Release: Transfer of Authority of Mostar Airport to the City of Mostar.
- 18 September
- OHR Press Release: Steering Board in Brussels.
- 20 September
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, annulled the proposed appointments of the Federation Minister of Justice and the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs. (OHR Press Release).
- 21 September
- Joint OHR, OSCE and UNHCR Press Release: Final deadline of October 4, 1999, for claiming repossession of certain socially owned apartments in the Federation of BiH.
- Commission on Citizenship convened for the first time in Sarajevo. The Commission, appointed by the CoM, was provided for in the BiH citizenship law, which was imposed by Carlos Westendorp in January 1998, and adopted in July 1999 by the state parliament.
- 22 September
- PIC Steering Board Ministerial Meeting in New York (Communique by the Foreign Ministers, Speech by the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch)
- 23 September
- OHR Press Release: Ministerial Steering Board New York.
- Council of Ministers session.
- Joint OHR, OSCE, UNMiBH and UNHCR Press Release: Joint Statement on Implementation of the Property Laws.
- Human Rights report for August published.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 24 September
- Joint OHR/Council of Europe Press Release: Conference on Alternative Service and Conscientious Objection to Military Service.
- 27 September
- NATO Secretary-General, Javier Solana and SACEUR, Gen. Wesley Clark visited Sarajevo and met with the members of the BiH Presidency, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, COMSFOR, Gen. Montgomery Meigs and representatives of international organisations.
- 28 September
- The High Representative met with the Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Ante Jelavic .
- OHR, UNMiBH and UNHCR expressed heir deep concern at the incident which took place at Ilici in Municipality South West, during an assessment visit by Bosniacs to their pre-war homes (Joint OHR Mostar, UNMiBH and UNHCR Press Release).
- 29 September
- Principal Deputy High Representative, Ralph Johnson chaired a round table discussion group on education issues at OHR. (OHR Press Release).
- 30 September
- The High Representative met with the SDS Delegation (OHR Press Release).
- Principal Deputy High Representative held a press conference in Mostar (Transcript).
- 1 October
- The Independent Media Commission (IMC) granted a provisional broadcasting licence for experimental broadcasting by RTV FBiH on what was previously the second channel of RTV BiH.
- 2 October
- First meeting of the Anti-Corruption and Transparency Group (OHR Press Release).
- 5 October
- Council of Ministers session.
- Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson, and the OSCE Head of Mission, Amb. Robert Barry, instructed the Serb Radical Party to refile its party registration with the appropriate courts in the RS without the membership of Nikola Poplasen and two other party officials in leadership positions, or face the possibility that the SRS will not be certified as a registered party for the Municipal Elections scheduled to take place on April 8, 2000. (Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release).
- 6 October
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- 7 October
- Council of Ministers session.
- OHR condemned in the strongest possible terms the previous day’s attack on Munib Hasanovic, the Deputy Municipal Secretary in Srebrenica (OHR Press Release).
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 11 October
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- The United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, arrived in Sarajevo for a two-day visit.
- 12 October
- Council of Ministers session.
- Economic Newsletter for October published.
- 14 October
- Council of Ministers session.
- Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release: OHR and OSCE Mission launch Media Law initiative.
- SFOR conducted security operations in and around Mostar to halt activities in direct violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The purpose of the operation was to confiscate illegal weapons and materials that threatened a safe and secure environment.
- 15 October
- Uffe Elleman-Jensen, member of the International Commission on Missing Persons, member of the Danish Parliament and former Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, began a 3-day visit to BiH.
- Hrvatski Radio Postaja Mostar has been ordered by the Independent Media Commission to suspend its broadcast operations for a period of 90 days. They repeatedly broadcast the statement from HVIDRA in response to SFOR action in west Mostar the day before, which was found to be a potential threat to the SFOR mandate under Annex 1A of the Dayton Peace Agreement.
- 18 October
- Lt.Gen. Ronald E. Adams took over from Gen. Montgomery Meigs as SFOR Commander.
- 19 October
- Meeting between the Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson, and representatives from trade unions in the Federation and the RS. The topic was the Labour Law, recently adopted in the Federation, specifically Article 143.
- Goran Jelisic was acquitted of genocide and found guilty of crimes against humanity and violations of laws or customs of war by the ICTY Tribunal in the Hague.
- 20 October
- Council of Ministers session.
- Meeting of the PIC Steering Board in Sarajevo. The Steering Board welcomed and endorsed the draft election law for BiH (communiqué).
- 21 October
- New NATO Secretary-General, Lord George Robertson, and SACEUR, Gen. Wesley Clark, visited Sarajevo together with Permanent Representatives of the North Atlantic Council in permanent session. They met with the BiH Presidency, the High Representative and heads of civilian agencies, opposition political leaders and ambassadors of NATO nations based in Sarajevo.
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- Amb. Robert Barry, Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, and Mr. Francois Froment-Meurice, the Chairman of the Election Law Commission, formally presented the draft Election Law to the BiH Parliamentary Assembly officials in Sarajevo. (Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release).
- 22 October
- Zeljko Kopanja, Editor-in-Chief of Nezavisne Novine, was seriously injured in a car bomb attack in Banja Luka (OHR Press Release).
- Provisional Election Commission denied certification of Serb Radical and SRSS Parties for municipal elections in 2000. The SRS did not replace its President, Nikola Poplasen, and other party officials, Ognjen Tadic and Mirko Blagojevic, as required. The SSRS did not replace its President, Predrag Lazarevic, by the October 22nd deadline.
- OHR announced that the OHR’s operation in Srebrenica was being restructured, and that from next week OHR will be represented there by RRTF personnel. The restructuring of OHR’s operation there reflects the change of focus associated with the High Representative’s new policy for BiH. As part of this operation, there are changes in personnel too, including the Special Envoy for Srebrenica, Bent Jansen.
- 25 October
- SFOR troops in BiH detained Damir Dosen, charged with seven counts of crimes against humanity and violations of the laws and customs of war.
- 26 October
- The High Representative met with the Chairman of the Founding Board of the new Public Broadcasting Service of BiH, Tadej Labernik (OHR Press Release).
- 27 October
- Council of Ministers session.
- The High Representative issued decisions that amend in both Entities the laws that deal with property rights, and provide instructions on their application (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative’s TV address on return and property repossession on RTV BiH, RTRS and OBN News.
- Hrvatski radio postaja Mostar, by a Decision of the Independent Media Commission Director General, was permitted to recommence their broadcasting operation as of 27 October 1999.
- 28 October
- Senior Deputy High Representative, Matei Hoffmann, visited Mostar and met with the officials from the City of Mostar and Hercegovina-Neretva Canton.
- 29 October
- The Principal Deputy High Representative, Ralph Johnson, visited Srebrenica and met with representatives of DPs from the Bosnian Serb and Bosniac communities, as well as with the Municipal Executive Board.
- 30 October
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and delivered a speech to the NDI’s (U.S. National Democratic Institute) Advanced Skills Conference (theme:political campaigning techniques).
- 1 November
- Report by the High Representative to the Secretary-General of the United Nations published.
- Joint OHR/UNMiBH Press Release: The High Representative’s Decision on trafficking and deportation.
- ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, arrived in Sarajevo for a three-day visit to BiH and met with the High Representative.
- 2 November
- IMC granted a limited 180-day provisional broadcast licence to Erotel, with an express provision to relinquish all transmitters it presently operates, except for 11 authorised for usage, in order to facilitate the operation of Federation Television.
- The High Representative met with the member of the BiH Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic, to discuss property law implementation (OHR Press Release).
- 3 November
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, met with the Croatian Prime Minister, Zlatko Matesa, in Zagreb. He also met with members of the Opposition. (OHR Press Release).
- Joint OHR Mostar, OSCE, UNMiBH and UNHCR Press Release on the Property Legislation Implementation.
- 4 November
- Council of Ministers session.
- Media Issues Group meeting.
- Joint OHR Mostar and UNHCR Press Release: Mayors from Republika Srpska and Hercegovina-Neretva Canton met for the first time.
- 5 November
- International Community representatives in BiH held a meeting with the Governor, Deputy Governor and other officials of Canton 10 in Livno.
- The Republika Srpska Government at their session in Banja Luka dismissed the Director General of the RS Radio-Television, Andjelko Kozomara, and appointed the RTRS journalist, Slavisa Sabljic, as acting director.
- 8 November
- The High Representative briefed the UN Security Council in New York (speech). He held separate meetings with the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, and US Ambassador to the UN, Richard Holbrooke.
- The Independent Media Commission objected to the Government of Republika Srpska’s decision to dismiss the Director of RTRS, Andjelko Kozomara. In its statement, the IMC considered this action as unlawful, since only the RTRS Board of Governors has the power and mandate to remove Andjelko Kozomara from his position as Director General.
- Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release: Law on Radio-Television must be respected.
- Half-yearly HRCC Report published.
- 9 November
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- The High Representative met with US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, in Washington.
- 10 November
- US Army Gen. Henry Shelton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrived in Sarajevo. He met with COMSFOR and SFOR soldiers, and visited troops in MND-North.
- OHR Press Release: Draft Law on the State Border Service.
- 11 November
- Council of Ministers session.
- The High Representative chaired a discussion on the application of BiH for membership of the Council of Europe and the progress made in the application preconditions (OHR Press Release).
- For additional indictments of which Dusko Tadic was found guilty by the Appeals Chamber on 15 July 1999, the ICTY Trial Chamber in the Hague passed down nine separate sentences ranging from 6 to 25 years’ imprisonment. Dusko Tadic’s sentence was increased to 25 years’ imprisonment.
- 12 November
- Bosanski/Srpski Brod and Slavonski Brod were once again connected by a ferry service until the newly reconstructed bridge is opened next spring.
- The Local Return and Reconstruction Task Force for the Gorazde area met to discuss problems related to return to Srpsko Gorazde (OHR Press Release).
- OBN Press Release: OBN will be host to 11 teenagers from the “Pale area”.
- 15 November
- The joint BiH Presidency submitted to the United Nations Security Council in New York a Declaration and Principles on the Establishment of a State Border Service.
- The High Representative welcomed the New York Declaration (OHR Press Release).
- The United Nations Secretary-General’s report on Srebrenica came out at the United Nations in New York.
- 16 November
- The Director General of the Independent Media Commission, through a formal Decision, ordered Erotel TV based in Mostar to cease its broadcast operations as of 15 November 1999. This Decision followed the failure of Erotel to accept a provisional licence, granting permission for it to broadcast on 11 named transmitters in BiH.
- The High Representative issued a Decision annulling the RS National Assembly Conclusion of 10 November 1999 purporting to suspend, during the period from 1 November 1999 to 1 April 2000, the evictions of certain persons from the accommodation they are presently occupying.
- Judge Claude Jorda was elected new ICTY President, and Judge Florence Mumba as Vice-President.
- German Defence Minister, Rudolf Scharping, and Commissioner for Reconstruction and Refugees Return, Hans Koschnik, arrived in Sarajevo.
- Economic Newsletter for November published.
- 17 November
- Council of Ministers session.
- The Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson, began his two-day visit to Brcko. He met with OHR representatives, the town’s authorities and representatives of international organisations.
- 18 November
- Media Issues Group meeting.
- 19 November
- Human Rights Report for October published.
- A two-day seminar on the teaching of sensitive and controversial issues in history, jointly chaired by the Council of Europe and the OHR, started in Sarajevo. The seminar was opened by the Principal Deputy HR, Ralph Johnson.
- 21 November
- Joint OHR, SFOR, OSCE and UNMiBH Press Release: The Dayton Peace Accords Anniversary.
- 22 November
- The Principal Deputy High Representative, Ralph Johnson, visited Foca and had meetings with local Bosniac and Bosnian Serb DP Associations and with the President and Vice-president of the Executive Board. The issue of returns to Foca was the focus of discussions, as well as the inauguration of the Special Envoy’s Office.
- 23 November
- On 15 November, the IMC issued an order to Erotel to immediately cease its broadcasting activities. The station ignored the order and Erotel continued to broadcast illegally. The Independent Media Commission, in accordance with the provisions of Annex 10 of the GFAP, as a civilian commission established to facilitate the execution of the mandate of the High Representative within the designated field of media regulation, sought the assistance of SFOR in implementing its order to Erotel to cease its operations. The IMC has requested that any assistance should encompass all necessary technical, logistic and security aspects required to enforce the order of the IMC.
- 24 November
- Council of Ministers session.
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency- endorsed the draft law on BiH State Border Service, based on principles of the New York Declaration.
- The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, met with RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, Federation Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic and Federation Deputy Prime Minister, Dragan Covic to discuss next year’s budgetary requirements for the efficient implementation of the property and housing laws, as well as other issues related to repossession of property and return.
- BiH Parliament House of Representatives passed the Law on Immigration and Asylum of BiH.
- OHR Press Release: RS Citizenship Law Certification.
- 29 November
- The High Representative met with the NATO Secretary-General, George Robertson and with the President of the EU Commission, Romano Prodi in Brussels.
- The High Representative and the OSCE Head of Mission announced the removal form office of 22 various public officials (Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release and the High Representative’s TV address on dismissals of officials).
- BiH Federation House of Representatives adopted the draft law on the Federation budget and realisation of the BiH Federation budget for year 2000.
- 30 November
- Meeting of the Steering Board of the PIC, Brussels (Communiqué and transcript of the press conference by the High Representative).
- The High Representative appointed Amb. Peter Hancock as new head of OHR office in Banja Luka (OHR Press Release).
- The Independent Media Commission Director General issued a Decision to suspend with immediate effect, the broadcasting licence of RTV Sveti Georgije, for a period of 90 days.
- 1 December
- The Independent Media Commission confirmed they had received an appeal by Erotel TV on its recent Decision. The IMC reminded Erotel that the Decision to cease its operations still stood and must be complied with immediately, as the appeal did not delay execution of the Decision.
- 2 December
- Media Issues Group meeting in Sarajevo.
- 3 December
- Council of Ministers session.
- OHR Press Release – New York Declaration – a clarification.
- The High Representative met with Transparency International in Sarajevo (OHR Press Release).
- 6 December
- The High Representative visited Ilidza Housing office and the collective centre in Stup.
- Turkish President Suleyman Demirel arrived for a two-day official visit to BiH.
- ICTY investigators, with SFOR support, confiscated weapons at a RS weapons warehouse near Zvornik. This was done as part of an on-going investigation into the Srebrenica case.
- 7 December
- The High Representative issued a Decision naming the entire Governing Council of Federation Radio-Television of BiH, in order to expedite the establishment of genuine public broadcasting in BiH and in the Federation in particular. (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative participated in a session of the Joint Implementation Commission in Brcko. Following the meeting the High Representative and Brcko Supervisor, Amb. Farrand, presented the Statute of the Brcko District of BiH.
- Principal Deputy High Representative, Ralph Johnson, visited Banja Luka and met with the Steering Board of the RS Privatisation Directorate to discuss details of the privatisation process in the RS. He also met with the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, and Finance Minister Kondic to discuss budgetary requirements for the efficient implementation of the property and housing laws in the RS.
- The IMC announced that RTV Sveti Georgije had complied with the Decision of the IMC Director on 29 November 1999, which ordered the station to cease its broadcasting operations. Prior to paying its fine of 1000 KM, the station ceased broadcasting on 30 November 1999. RTV Sveti Georgije was authorised to re-start broadcasting.
- 8 December
- Council of Ministers session.
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency-adopted the State Budget for the year 2000.
- The High Representative met with the Co-Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Haris Silajdzic, in Sarajevo.
- The Federation Ombudsmen released an investigative report on property matters in Stolac and Capljina at a press conference attended by Senior Deputy HR, Matei Hoffmann (OHR Press Release).
- 9 December
- The Independent Media Commission Council at their regular quarterly meeting decided to uphold the Director General’s Decision of 15 November 1999, which ordered Erotel TV to cease its broadcasting activities. Erotel had submitted an Appeal on 29 November 1999. However, the submission of an Appeal does not defer or delay the execution of the Decision.
- 10 December
- The High Representative issued a Legal Opinion declaring the de facto municipality of Skelani unconstitutional, and consequently abolished it (OHR Press Release).
- The High Representative issued a Decision on the extension of the December 19 deadline for filing claims to repossess socially owned apartments in the RS.
- President of the Republic of Croatia, Franjo Tudjman died.
- 14 December
- The 21 members of RTV FBiH met for the first time. The High Representative introduced the meeting and presented his expectations for the challenges that lie ahead. (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release – High Representative supports draft Election Law.
- German President, Johannes Rau, arrived in BiH. During his visit he met with the BiH Presidency and visited German SFOR troops in Rajlovac, near Sarajevo.
- Goran Jelisic, a Bosnian Serb and former camp guard, was sentenced to 40 years’ imprisonment for crimes against humanity and war crimes at the ICTY Tribunal in the Hague.
- OBN Council of Donors meeting held in Brussels.
- Economic Newsletter for December published.
- 15 December
- Council of Ministers session.
- The High Representative visited Banja Luka and met with Sloga Coalition officials.
- 16 December
- The High Representative met with a delegation from the SDP, which was headed by Dr. Zlatko Lagumdzija (OHR Press Release).
- OHR Press Release: OHR encourages BiH HoR to adopt Draft State Border Service Law.
- 16/17 December
- The Council of Europe and the Office of the High Representative jointly organised a Workshop in Banja Luka on Corruption, Organised Crime and Money Laundering. (OHR Press Release).
- 20 December
- Council of Ministers session.
- SFOR detained Stanislav Galic, indicted for war crimes by the ICTY in the Hague. He was charged on the basis of his individual criminal responsibility and his command responsibility for four counts of crimes against humanity and three counts of violations of the laws or customs of war for his part as Commander of the Bosnian Serb Army’s Romanija Corps between 1992 and 1994.
- 21 December
- Joint OHR/OSCE Press Release: OHR, OSCE express concern about Croatian candidates.
- 22 December
- US Defence Secretary, William Cohen, and NATO SACEUR, Gen. Wesley Clark, visited US SFOR troops at the Eagle Base near Tuzla.
- 23 December
- German Defence Minister, Rudolf Scharping, visited German SFOR troops stationed at Rajlovac, near Sarajevo.
- Meeting of the BiH Presidency.
- SFOR troops detained Zoran Vukovic in Foca. He is one of the seven individuals indicted in June 1996 for crimes allegedly committed during the attack and after the take-over of the Foca municipality by the Bosnian Serb military and paramilitary forces in 1992.
- 29 December
- A Bosnian Serb General, Stanislav Galic, appeared before the ICTY Tribunal in the Hague and pleaded not guilty to charges brought against him.
- Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect, Zoran Vukovic, also appeared before the ICTY Tribunal in the Hague and pleaded not guilty.
- 31 December
- New Year’s letter from the High Representative to the citizens of BiH: Can Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe work as one ?
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002