
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 23/3/2006

Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 23 March


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

HNC: Croat Teachers’ presser

BiH HoR in session: Law on Elections

Bishops oppose const. changes

RSNA in session: const. changes

Position of Croats inBanja Luka

US: ICTY will not be abolished

TV news broadcast on 22 March


TV PINK  (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

Bishop conference in Mostar

Stakic sentenced to 40 years

Stakic sentenced to 40 years

BiH Presidency on const. changes

Del Ponte to visit Banjaluka

Del Ponte to visit B.Luka & Belgrade

Di Carlo on constitutional changes

Russia on conditions in ICTY prison

BIH Presidency on cons. changes

BiH parties on constitutional changes

Presidency on constitutional changes

FBIH HoP session


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

Strike in HNC schools continues

Stakic sentenced to 40 years

Agreement on constitutional changes

Tuzla Canton farmers in protest

BIH Presidency on cons. changes

RS NA to discuss const. changes

Stakic sentenced to 40 years

Bishop Conference on cons. changes

Discussions on police reform in BiH

Zoran Lilic to testify on March 28th?

SDU, BOSS, SzBIH on cons. changes

HR on Police Reform Directorate



[Kebo] People from Srebrenica, not polit. should decide on destiny of memorial

Dnevni Avaz

[Bishops’ Conference] Direct threat to BiH future

Dnevni List

Political leaders of Croats blackmailed?! (BiH Bishops called on non-adoption of constitutional changes agreement)

Vecernji List

Ethnic cleansing legalized (BiH Bishops called on non-adoption of const. changes)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Do not adopt constitutional changes (BiH Bishops called on non-adoption of const. changes)

Nezavisne Novine

100 workers on strike

Glas Srpske

Paddy as Churchill


190 thousand cans of fish withdrawing from sale (inspectors announcing denunciation against “Podravka” management owing to false expiry date on fish cans)

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related topics



BiH HoR discuss amendments to Law on Elections; constitutional changes not on agenda





BH Radio 1 by Mustafa Karahmet – At its Thursday’s session, BiH House of Representatives discusses amendments to the BiH Law on Elections in the first reading. Reporter notes that this is the largest number of amendments to this Law, adding there are about 50 of them, to the draft law proposed by the Working Group. Authorized commission accepted 24 of them, which became the integral part of the draft law. Deputies used their procedural right and submitted 29 more amendments that are to be discussed in the second reading. Reporter says that the greatest changes in the Law will be a raise of electoral threshold from 3% to 4%, as well as introduction of the passive registration of voters. Karahmet concludes that contrary to the expectations, BiH HoR would not discuss agreement on constitutional changes in this session, adding that this is though the main topic of informal talks during the breaks. RHB – BiH HoR is expected to discuss the issue of appointment of members of Steering Board of Public RTV service of BiH.

RSNA in session, discussing BiH lawsuit against SCG and constitutional changes


BH Radio 1 by Brana Markovic – At its Thursday’s extraordinary session RS National Assembly will discuss the BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide before the International Court of Justice [ICJ]. In his address to the RSNA, BiH Presidency member Borislav Paravac stated that this lawsuit is illegal and illegitimate, for it is supported only by one part of BiH. Qualifying lawsuit as an issue of great importance for both RS and BiH, Paravac called on diplomatic solution, adding that the epilogue, no matter what it would be, could only complicate relations within BiH and with neighboring SCG. BiH House of Peoples Deputy Speaker Goran Milojevic addressed RSNA with the same stances. Second part of discussion is reserved for the activities of the RS team regarding request of BiH Presidency member Sulejman Tihic that BiH Constitutional Court reassess the constitutionality of RS insignia. After addresses of SDS leader Dragan Cavic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, RSNA will discuss information on participation and end of negotiations between political parties on constitutional changes in the afternoon.

Serbian President Tadic: Initiative to prolong arrest of Mladic beyond April 5 launched

RHB– Serbian President, Boris Tadic, stated that the Serbian PM, Vojislav Kostunica, and SCG Foreign Minister, Vuk Draskovic, had embarked on a diplomatic mission the aim of which is to prolong the deadline for arrest and extradition of Ratko Mladic, which is currently set for April 5. Tadic notes that initial reactions to the initiative have not been favourable (for SCG authorities). He also assessed that the ICTY has lost credibility in Serbia.

US Ambassador to SCG Polt: ICTY will not be abolished

BH Radio 1 – In an interview for Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti, US Ambassador to SCG Michael Polt repeated that deadline for arresting Ratko Mladic already passed. Polt stressed that ICTY will not be abolished until all indictees are not in the Hague.


Agreement on constitutional changes

BiH Presidency supports agreement on constitutional changes







RTRS – The BiH Presidency on Wednesday supported the agreement reached by the leaders of seven political parties – SDA, SDS, SNSD, HDZ, SDP, HNZ and PDP – on the changes to the BiH Constitution. Constitutional-legal Commission should prepare the amendments by the end of the week and send them back to the BiH Presidency, which would officially forward them to the parliamentary procedure. “There will be many opportunities for the representatives in all institutions to say what they think about the agreement and the amendments to the BiH Constitution… We’ll see what is going to happen”, stated BiH Presidency member Ivo Miro Jovic. RHB, PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, Dnevni Avaz 2 ‘Amendments to the Constitution will be prepared by end of week’ by A.M., Oslobodjenje pg 5 Inset ‘Agreement on changes of the Constitution supported’ byM.K.S., Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Procedure for constitutional changes launched’ by N.Krsman, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘Jovic: Support to changes’ by D.S., Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘Commission for making of amendments formed’, by D. P. Mandic, Vecernji List, pg 3 ‘New amendments by end of week’, by eme, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 9 ‘Election of head of state in House of Peoples’, by Dinko Pasic– also covered.

BiH Bishop’s Conference calls on Croat MPs to prevent passing of const. changes agreement in Parliament


RHB– The 36th BiH Bishop’s Conference ended on Wednesday in Mostar with the conclusion which opposed the agreement on constitutional changes reached by seven BiH political parties. Namely, while discussing the current political situation in BiH, bishops decided to address international and local public with a special statement. In terms of constitutional changes talks and the agreement reached, the statement reads that the talks were conducted in undemocratic and non-transparent way. Furthermore the statement reads that the agreement presents a threat to better future of BiH citizens and confirms ethnical cleansing and division within BiH. The statement calls on Croat representatives, as well as any other responsible politicians and other people, to do all in their power to prevent the BiH Parliament from passing the agreement. FTV– Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica stressed that the agreement is extremely damaging for Croats in BIH. BHT1, Hayat, Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Inter-party agreement is direct threat to BiH future’ by F.Vele, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Bishops also dissatisfied’ by SRNA, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Changes conducted in an undemocratic manner’ by KTA, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Prevent changes!’ by Z.M., Dnevni List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Political leaders of Croats blackmailed?!’ by K. Spajic, Vecernji List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Do not adopt constitutional changes’ by T. Kvesic, Slobodna Dalmacija cover pg splash and pg 9 ‘Ethnic cleansing legalized’ by kta – also carried.

Bishop Peric implies that const. changes were agreed by using compulsion and blackmails


Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Entity division destroys Croats’ not signed – Asked whether HDZ President Dragan Covic signed the constitutional changes agreement under compulsion, Mostar Bishop Ratko Peric stated: ‘I do not know a reply to that question. According to the current development of the situation and as it was said in the statement (the Bishops’ statement) that everything was done in secrecy, it is certain that it was not done without compulsion, blackmails and this sort of methods.’ Vecernji List cover pg splash and pg 3 ‘Do not adopt constitutional changes’ by T. Kvesic, Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Inter-party agreement is direct threat to BiH future’ by F.Vele Inset ‘Croats will say their stance in Parliament’ – Peric added that Covic has no authority to sign the agreement on behalf of Croat people.

Banja Luka Bishop Komarica: It is inevitable that Church involves in resolving of some political problems

Dnevni List pg 3 ‘We cannot wash our hands’ not signed – Commenting on the opinion that the Church should not involve in politics, Banja Luka Bishop Franjo Komarica stated that this is inevitable and added: ‘As citizens we take part in the joint concern about the future of this country and if it is about well being of each individual or community we cannot wash our hands of whole issue and let the others to resolve the problem.’

HDZ says agreement will be supported, but HDZ MPs claim that Covic signed the agreement on his own


RHB, Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘We will support constitutional changes’ by Onasa– HDZ spokesman Miso Relota stated that HDZ is determined to support the agreement in BIH Parliament. RHB– The HDZ stated that there was possibility for constitutional changes agreement not to be supported, even though the agreement was signed by the HDZ Chair Dragan Covic. As HINA news agency reported, HDZ representatives to BiH Parliament claim that Covic signed the agreement on his own, in order to indulge the International Community.  RHB, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Changes of BiH Constitution made significant improvement’ by Zeda, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘HNC HDZ adopted constitutional changes’ by Nina– At the session in Mostar, HDZ Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonal Board unanimously passed information on signed constitutional changes agreement. The Board finds the agreement as a great progress in comparison to the current situation.

HDZ Vice President Cavara on HDZ MPs support to const. changes: ‘Each HDZ member, including MPs, is obliged to implement decisions of HDZ bodies’


Slobodna Dalmacija pg 17 ‘Voice of Croats has not been shut down’ by E. Felic carries an interview with HDZ Vice President Marinko Cavara. Asked whether HDZ representatives in the BiH Parliament would support the constitutional changes agreement, Cavara said that competent HDZ bodies adopted decisions on the ground of which the HDZ President has been authorized to sign the constitutional changes. He added: ‘Each HDZ member, including MPs, is obliged to implement decisions of HDZ bodies. The public has learnt that some MPs exist after 3 years of their mandate when they stated that they would not support the constitutional changes and this clearly shows the intention and purpose of such statements.’   

HKDU’s Musa: Election of Presidency members does not solve ‘Croat issues’ in BiH


Dnevni List, pg 9 ‘Coalition for changes certain in its success’, by Ljiljana Vidacak – carries a whole page interview with the President of HKDU (Croat Christian Democratic Unions), Ivan Musa, in which he announces that the Croat Coalition for Changes (established in late 2005) that comprises of the HKDU, HSS, HDU and HD will go into 2006 general coalition as a coalition. Asked to comment on the signed proposal of constitutional changes, Musa opposes the changes, saying the issue of election of members of BiH Presidency in which the Croats will allegedly elect the Croat member of the Presidency will not resolve ‘the Croat issue’ in BiH. Musa argues that more important issues for Croats are education and issue of establishment of a TV channel (in Croatian language).

DL op-ed welcomes BiH Bishops’ appeal not to adopt constitutional changes since it is justified


Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Bishops’ appeal’ by D. Kozina welcomes the BiH Bishops’ appeal not to adopt constitutional changes and the author says that we all should think how it is possible that Croats have come in the current position when in spite of guarantees about equality of all 3 peoples they cannot have their TV channel, schools in Croatian language and on the ground of the constitutional changes agreement they will lose a little influence they had in decision making.

RS Parties mainly support changes, as long as they preserve RS institutions; Radicals deem that this endangers RS


RTRS by Zorica Rulj– Although it is still unknown when would the representatives in both houses of the BiH Parliament discuss the proposed changes to the BiH Constitution, many political parties have already made their stances clear. SDS has announced that it would make a decision on constitutional changes at the session of party’s Main Board scheduled for Saturday, March 25. RS Democratic Party supported the agreement on constitutional changes, emphasizing that “as long as RS has a Government, Parliament and a President” the concept of changes in acceptable. On the other hand, representatives of Serb Radical Party deem that the amendments to the Constitution endanger the very existence of RS; they want RS National Assembly to discuss and reject the amendments, or to make a decision on a referendum on proposed changes. BHT 1 – Chair of RS Helsinki Committee Branko Todorovic says that it is important that an agreement was made and adds that constitution will probably get new amendments when BIH gets closer to the EU. Nezavisne Novine pg 8 inset ‘Support to agreement constitutional changes’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘No reason to fear’ by D.Mo. – reports on RS Democratic party. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘A door for abolishment open’ by D.Mo. – Radicals opposed.

FBiH parties criticize the agreement considering it a step backwards for BiH


BHT1 by Mirela Cosic– The agreement on the changes to the BiH Constitution is still being criticized. Public discussion organised by SBiH, SDU and BOSS stressed that this agreement only further cements division of BIH. Miro Lazovic from SDU says that election of BiH President represents a huge step backwards for BIH. Marko Tadic from HSS stressed that the agreement is damaging for Croats in BIH. Hayat– “All NGOs, diaspora, BiH citizens are well aware of what is going on here. This is a clear division of BiH”, said SBiH founder Haris Silajdzic. Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5 ‘Change of the Constitution – silent coup d’état’, mentioned on cover by A.Omeragic, Dnevni Avaz 3 ‘Durakovic: Silent coup d’état is ongoing’ by E.Sarac– SDU member Nijaz Durakovic called the agreement ‘silent coup d’état’. Silajdzic said that parties did not have to accept this, since “US Senate reads that ethnic changes made by Dayton should be erased in BiH state structures”. Many of NGOs gathering veterans and war victims have supported stances of these three parties. Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Constitutional changes represent a silent coup d’état’ by D.M., Dnevni List, pg 4 ‘We are in for silent coup d’etat’, by R. Dautefendic, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 9, mentioned on front ‘Door to third entity open’, by Zlatko Tulic – also reported.

SDS ’s Stojicic: Agreement is not harmful


Oslobodjenje pg 4 Inset “Changes in political context’ by O.V., Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Agreement is not harmful’ by D. Mo.– Vice President of SDS Dusan Stojicic stated that issue of the Constitution can not be observed out of realistic political context, where the fact is that necessity is dictating these changes.

SNSD leader Dodik: changes are already signed and should resume after elections with discussion on non-functional FBiH


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘BiH lawsuit against SCG cannot abolish RS’ by Onasa – In an interview to Onasa news agency, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik comments the agreement on the constitutional changes stressing that party leaders already signed it and that the talks should resume after October elections. “I think that in the future we should seek a solution for the non-functional Federation BiH, as said by the Venice Commission. In regard to RS, there is no need to change its legal-constitutional status, nor it will be changed.” Regarding police reform, Dodik underlined that if it is not brought back to the frame of the agreement ratified by BiH Parliament, the talks can be ceased no matter of the consequences.

SDA leader Tihic: many compromises had to be made, agreement has parliamentary majority


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Agreement has parliamentary majority’ by M.K.S.– SDA leader Sulejman Tihic addressed the Youth Association of SDA and said that he is certain that agreement on constitutional changes would get majority in BiH parliament. He stressed that most important issue of these changes is that BiH now has the state authorities and Council of Ministers, which is equivalent to Governments of European countries. BHT 1 – Tihic added that compromises had to be made during talks on constitutional changes. “We don’t need laws that will not have the support of at least a certain number of deputies”, says Tihic. He added that the situation is not ideal but at least it is an improvement of the existing one.

SDS , SNSD and PDP to introduce RSNA to agreed const. changes


RTRS – The Collegium of the RS National Assembly decided that the first item on the agenda of Thursday’s session would be the information on the participation and the end of negotiations between political parties on constitutional changes. Leaders of SDS, PDP and SNSD will inform representatives in the RS NA about the reached agreement. BHT1– also covered.

BiH HoR Co-Chair Dzaferovic: Amendments to BiH Constitution would be discussed at end of April


Oslobodjenje pgs 4-5’ ‘On amendments to BiH Constitution at end of April’ by A.T.– As daily learns BiH House of Representatives should discuss amendments to BiH Constitution at the session between April 20 and 30. Co-Chair of BiH HoR Sefik Dzaferovic told daily that they have received the agreement signed by seven political leaders, but not the official proposal of amendments. Dzaferovic rejected prior announcements that BiH HoR could discuss this at Thursday’s session, stressing that passing of amendments would not prolong date of announcement or of holding of October elections, since amendments to BiH Election Law foresee shortening of the deadline for announcing of elections from 170 to 150 days. This means that BiH Election Commission would announce the elections on May 4 instead of April 14. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Dzaferovic: Agreement is not in agenda’ by A.M. – also carries.

US official Di Carlo urges Parliament to pass changes to the Constitution

RHB, Dnevni List, pg 8 ‘Di Carlo calls for adoption of constitutional changes’, by HINA– The USA State Secretary Assistant Rosemary Di Carlo called on BiH Parliament to pass the constitutional changes, agreed by leaders of seven BiH political parties, as soon as possible, in order to have them implemented before the October elections.


War crimes

ICTY Appeals Chamber reduces sentence to Stakic from life to 40 years of imprisonment




PINK – The ICTY Appeals Chamber on Wednesday decided to reduce the sentence for accused Milomir Stakic from life sentence to 40 years of imprisonment. ICTY originally sentenced Stakic, former Prijedor Municipality Head, to life but the Appeals Chamber concluded that he was not guilty on the indictment count which accused him of genocide. Stakic was sentenced for war crimes committed in Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje camps in PrijedorMunicipality. RHB, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz 12 ‘Milomir Stakic 40 years in prison instead life sentence’ Oslobodjenje pg 3 ’40 years instead of life imprisonment for Milomir Stakic’, mentioned on cover by Asim Beslija, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ’40 years imprisonment confirmed to STakic’ by BETA,EuroBlic RSpg 3 ’40 years to Stakic still’ by M.S., Dnevni List pg 2 ’40 years imprisonment to Stakic’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 3 ’40 years imprisonment’ by ra, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 5 ’40 years imprisonment to Stakic instead of life imprisonment’ by H – also covered.

ICTY Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte visits Banja Luka and Belgrade


PINK– Chief ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte is going to visit Banjaluka and Belgrade at the end of March. After the talks in those two cities, Del Ponte will go to Brussels, where she will inform officials of the European Union about the Serbia-Montenegrin cooperation with The Hague Tribunal. Asked to confirm whether April 5 is the deadline for Ratko Mladic to be extradited to The Hague, Del Ponte’s political adviser Jean-Daniel Ruch emphasized that Brussels ‘has never specified a date, but only warned Belgrade that it has to arrest Mladic, if it does not want negotiations with EU (on Stabilisation and Association Agreement) to become more difficult’. BHT1, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz 22 ‘Del Ponte in Belgrade and Banja Luka on March 29’, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Del Ponte with Dodik on 29 March’ by BETA – also announced.

Russia demands from UN info on conditions at ICTY detention as 11 people died since 1997


PINK– Russia asked United Nations’ Secretariat for the information about the conditions in The Hague Tribunal’s detention unit. Citing Russian diplomatic mission at the UN Headquarters in New York, Itar-tass news agency reports that Russia asked for the information about the progress of the internal investigation regarding the circumstances and the causes of the death of former Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Eleven persons indicted before ICTY have died since April 1997, concluded Itar-tass. FTV, RTRS, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Mystery behind bars’ by TANJUG, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 15 ‘Russia demands report on situation in UN prisons because of Milosevic and Babic’ by H – also covered.

RSNA to discuss BiH lawsuit vs. SCG


RTRS, BHT1, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘Discussion on status of BiH lawsuit against SCGby O.V– At the session on Thursday, the RS National Assembly will discuss the information on the status of BiH lawsuit against Serbia-Montenegro for aggression and genocide before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and the activities of the RS team regarding Sulejman Tihic’s request that BiH Constitutional Court reassess the constitutionality of RS symbols.

RS PM Dodik: BiH lawsuit against SCG cannot abolish the RS


Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘BiH lawsuit against SCG cannot abolish RS’ by Onasa – In an interview for Onasa news agency, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik said that in a case that the BiH Council of Ministers cannot take a joint stance on the BiH lawsuit against SCG for aggression and genocide, this would be an additional argument that the lawsuit is illegitimate and that BiH CoM should be resign. Asked to comment if a possible outcome of the lawsuit would be abolishment of RS, Dodik said that the story on the abolishment of RS is unrealistic and that it can only bring to a counter-stand in RS, i.e. RS could start to hamper the already accepted assignment to build its functional status in BiH. Regarding police reform, Dodik underlined that if it is not brought back to the frame of the agreement ratified by BiH Parliament, the talks can be ceased no matter of the consequences.

Wednesday’s hearing before ICJ postponed; former RS PM to testify on Thursday


BHT1– Wednesday hearing in BIH lawsuit against SCG was postponed since first defence witness, former President of Yugoslavia Zoran Lilic failed to appear in International Court of Justice. Lilic asked SCG to support him in his testimony as well as to testify on March 28, in order to prepare for the testimony. Hayat, Dnevni Avaz 11 ‘Lilic demanded support of Tadic and Kostunica’, Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Presenting of defense witnesses today’ not signed – Former RS Prime Minister Vladimir Lukic will testify on Thursday.

DA op-ed: SDS needed BiH lawsuit against SCG to blackmail Milosevic

Dnevni Avaz 4 ‘What are Dodik and Cavic looking for in Belgrade’ by Edina Sarac – Commenting recent official visits of RS President Dragan Cavic and RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik to Belgrade, editorial reads that these two were trying to explain they have nothing to do with BiH lawsuit against SCG to Serbian high officials. Author says that Cavic maybe forgot how his SDS did not raise this issue of the lawsuit only after Dayton Peace Agreement [DPA], when it was possible. Article explains that in the period of six months after DPA everyone could deny documents and decisions brought during the wartime. Editorial concludes that SDSneeded lawsuit to blackmail their ideological father [Slobodan] Milosevic. Now it is impossible to withdraw the lawsuit and visits to Belgrade are blank shots.”


Police reform

Police Directorate Steering Board submits four proposals on future police model; SB decids to forward Dodik’s demand to the CoM





RTRS– The Steering Board of the Police Reform Directorate has discussed the proposals for the concept of future police structure in BiH at the session on Wednesday. Four models of possible future structure of BiH police forces have been presented; according to the Steering Board Chair Sead Lisak, three proposals are based on police organization at the two levels, state and local, while the RS Police proposal includes the third level – entities and Brcko District. But since RS Police Director Dragomir Andan did not explain his proposal, Steering Board decided to continue the discussion on April 5, concluded Lisak. Members of the Steering Board have decided that RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik’s demand for changes of decisions regarding the work of Directorate should be forwarded to the BiH Council of Ministers. Dodik requested that CoM decisions on the work of Directorate should be harmonized with the agreement on the police reform; he is discontented with the way members of the Steering Board are elected, with the authorities of BiH CoM and Ministry of Security, and with participation of international representatives in the work of the Police Reform Directorate. PINK, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Dodik’s request before Council of Ministers’ by V. Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘I will not accept pressures’ by Z. Markovic Inset ‘Demand’- covered.

DA on police reform: Due to RS officials, reform at the very beginning


Dnevni Avaz 4 ‘Andan for regions, but within frame of RS MoI’ by E.Sarac – Article, which starts by stating that the police reform is again at the very beginning, carries that RS Police Director Dragomir Andanblocked” Wednesday’s session of Police Reform Directorate [PRD] Steering Board with demand to put on agenda the letter of RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, in which he questions legality of the Directorate appointed on the CoM on 31 December 2005. Andan also submitted his concept of police structures by which, daily says, the present position is just being confirmed. The next session is scheduled for 5 April, when Andan is also expected to present the draft bill on law enforcement forces as proposed by the RS Government.

HR Schwarz-Schilling: questioning Police Directorate’s legality leads to slow down in its work


PINK, Dnevni Avaz 4 ‘Dodik want to impose political control’ by E.S., Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Dodik’s request before Council of Ministers’ by V. Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘I will not accept pressures’ by Z. Markovic Inset ‘Demand’ – RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik resolutely rejected the accusations that he obstructs the agreement on police reform published on Wednesday in Sarajevo-based daily Dnevni Avaz. Citing ‘well-informed’ sources, DA reports that Dodik questioned the legality of the Police Reform Directorate, appointed by the CoM on December 31, 2005 . Dnevni Avaz wants to create the atmosphere of pressure, stated Dodik, adding that the pressure cannot influence the need that RS Government’s stance is clearly stated and defended, especially if it is in line with the agreement. 

RS PM Dodik rejects DA’s accusations he questions legality of Police Directorate


RTRS, Dnevni Avaz 4 ‘Denying Directorate will only slow police reform’ by Fena, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 inset ‘Reform must not be brought in jeopardy’ –High Representative in BiH Christian Schwarz-Schilling stated on Wednesday he is confident that the work of the Police Reform Directorate would continue. Schwarz-Schilling discussed this issue on Wednesday with BiH Council of Ministers Chair Adnan Terzic and RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik. The views of the RS Government and all other competent authorities are important; however, the Directorate allows RS to present its positions, stated Schwarz-Schilling, adding that questioning the legitimacy of the Police Reform Directorate would only slow its work down.

FBiH MoI Halilovic: Social care plan for policemen found surplus during police reform in preparation


Dnevni Avaz pg 10, mentioned on cover ‘It is estimated that 3000 policemen will loose their jobs in BiH’ by Aj.D. – FBiH Minister of Interior Mevludin Halilovic told DA that law regulating for social care for approximately 3000 policemen who would loose their jobs due to the police reform would be put into effect in three years, after the process is over. Halilovic said that this act would be identical to one applied in the case of FBiH Army.

NN op-ed supportive of establishment of Special Prosecutor for crime / urging withdrawal of RS Pol. Director from position

Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Non-adapted’ by Pero Simic – The author notes that judging by current mood amongst RS public, the establishment of a special prosecutor to deal with crime and corruption is a clear indication RS Government led by Milorad Dodik has headed into compromise-less fight against organised crime and corruption. Furthermore, the author is critical of the work of Dragomir Andan, RS Police Director, urging his soon withdrawal from position owing to many illicit activities he has been engaged in, as author claims.


Other political issues

FBiH HoP session interrupted before vote on Law on FBiH public broadcasting service;

Croat Caucus demands three channels





FTV – Chair of FBIH House of Peoples Slavko Matic interrupted the session of FBIH HoP on Wednesday afternoon before vote on the proposal law on the FBiH Public Broadcasting Service. He explained that there were no conditions for any amendments to win the majority support, or to have quorum on the law itself. Hayat – The Croat Caucus insisted on a single service with three channels, which the proposal of law does not foresee. Namely, the proposal of law foresees financially sustainable and institutionally independent service. “Our aim is to show that the most rational solution is to have TV established at state level, with single service which would broadcast three channels”, said Mate Franjicevic, the Chair of Croat Caucus in the FBiH HoP. Croat Caucus also announced a possibility of launching a procedure in case of protection of vital national interest unless the MPs support establishment of three channels. In terms of amendments submitted by the FBiH Government, the one which reads that FBiH is the founder of FTV is the most important one. BHT1– Spokesman of European Commission in BIH Frane Maroevic stated that this law must be adopted in accordance with the state law. RHB, Dnevni Avaz 8 ‘Croats demand three TV channels’ by A.Hadziarapovic, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Croat deputies demand three channels on FTV’ by Az.K., Vecernji List pg 2 ‘No voting on RTV system’ by D. J. – also covered.

Blic: BIH parliamentarians share the view initiative on a confidence vote in CoM will not pass since elections are approaching

EuroBlic RSpg 2, announced on cover ‘October elections to save Terzic’ by Rajna Radosavljevic – Daily carries confirmation of Tihomir Gligoric, Socialist Party’s delegate at the BH HoR, that today’s session of the BiH Parliament may include the issue of initiative on a confidence vote to BiH CoM. However, SDA’ Mirsad Ceman is of the view that only few months before elections, this initiative does not have much chances to be accepted, while SDPJozo Krizanovic says SDP’s decision whether to support the initiative or nor will depend on solutions offered as alternative to Terzic’s Cabinet. SDSMomcilo Novakovic and SNSD Dusanka Majkic are sceptical about possible adoption of this initiative, announcing SDS delegates would support it. Krizanovic, Novakovic and Majkic expressed dissatisfaction over the work of BiH COM. According to inset ‘Terzic does not feel pressure’ Bojan Zec-Filipovic, Terzic’ advisor, reiterated Cabinet has no comment, adding Terzic has already stated previously he feels no pressure because of it.

SDS’s Stojicic, Bojic: SDS was exposed to repressive measures, will manage to collect 1,7 million KM to pay debt and run at elections


Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘SDS under pressures’ by V. Popovic, EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Stojicic: where is the law’ by Rajna Radosavljevic Inset ‘Half a million is still needed’, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Agreement is not harmful’ by D. Mo.SDS Deputy President Dusan Stojicic on Wednesday stated SDS was exposed to various repressive measures, for example both financial and political pursuits of people from the top of the party, in order to prevent SDS from functioning. SDS Deputy President Borislav Bojic said the party will, despite to pressures, succeed in collecting the needed 1.7 million KM in order to pay its debt towards Privredna Bank East Sarajevo and run at the elections.

SDS’s Stojicic comments on HR’s decision: measures imposed by previous HRs were unnecessary and failed to achieve goal

Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘OHR’ Repressive measures did not reach the goal’ by O.V., Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘SDS under pressures’ by V. Popovic Inset ‘Repressive measures did not achieve goal’ – As a comment on HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling’s decision to enable officials removed by previous HRs to file a request to OHR for reconsideration of these decisions, SDS Deputy President Dusan Stojicic said the measures were unnecessary and failed to achieve their goal adding this was an attempt to get out from the problem of repressive measures against individuals from SDS.

GS: Former HR Ashdown was preventing adoption of Law on BiH Constitutional Court


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Paddy as Churchill’ by G.Dakic – Writing about possible reasons for failure to prepare Draft Law on BH Constitutional Court, daily reminds that proponent of this Law was Momcilo Novakovic, SDS delegate at the BIH HoR, but the former HR to BiH, Paddy Ashdown, “did not like something in this draft law”, and in the manner of Winston Churchill ordered establishment of the Commission in charge of preparation of the Law. The proposal Law foresees establishment of the Council for the protection of vital national interest, prevents foreigners from being justices in the Court and proposes the mechanic ‘which would prevent outvoting on ethnic grounds.’ However, Commission was supposed to propose the Law until 15 May 2005, but this job has not been done so far as the OHR allegedly also submitted three proposal for the amendments on the law. Novakovic announces he would demand his proposal is “unfrozen”. BiH Justice Minister, Slobodan Kovac, confirmed that that the Commission was not able to reconcile two proposals, thus it ceased working. However, he concludes with expectation that the progress on the issue will be reached soon with the introduction of the constitutional changes.

SDA’s Ahmetovic: Passive registration of voters legalises and de facto finishes ethnic cleansing


Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Passive registration of voters is devastating for Bosniaks’ by H.Orahovac – SDA Presidency member Sadik Ahmetovic told DA it would be devastating for Bosniaks if BiH House of Representatives adopt amendments to the Law on Elections which would enable passive registration of voters. Ahmetovic stated that Bosniaks and Croats could not vote in the RS municipalities they have been displaced from, stressing “passive registration legalises and de facto finishes ethnic cleansing”.


Economy, judiciary and social issues

RSNA to discuss Law on Privatization Audit on March 30; Chair of the RSNA Commission Stojicic says he never saw that draft





RTRS by Momcilo Ostojic – Chair of RS National Assembly’s Commission for Monitoring the Privatisation Process Dusan Stojicic stated on Wednesday that the Commission has not yet received the RS Government’s proposal of the law on the audit of privatisation process. Stojicic explained that he has learned from media about this law, adding that he immediately asked for the full information from the authorized ministry. “And you know what they told me? They informed me that the text of that law has not yet been completely defined, which is why they could not send it to us”, said Stojicic, wondering what has RS Government adopted on Tuesday’s session. Explaining the adopted proposal of the law, RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik on Tuesday said that they want to restore the confidence into the privatisation, which was full of vagueness and speculations. According to RTRS, RS National Assembly should discuss the proposed law on the audit of privatisation of state capital in companies and banks at the session on March 30. EuroBlic pg RS3 ‘Stojicic: where is the law’ by Rajna Radosavljevic, Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Agreement is not harmful’ by D. Mo. – also reported.

FBiH HoP did not adopt changes and amendments to Law on rights of defenders and members of their families


Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Improving of defenders’ status prolonged’ by M. Zorlak – The FBiH HoP did not adopt at its session held on Wednesday changes and amendments to the Law on rights of defenders and members of their families on the ground of which this category of population would get more favorable conditions for getting of a pension. DL says that FBiH HoP’s MPs were willing to adopt the changes and amendments, however, FBiH Minister for Defenders’ Issues Zahid Crnkic stated that it would be better to pass the conclusion which would oblige the FBiH Government to propose a high-quality Law on rights of defenders and members of their families within 60 days, that is by May 31, 2006 at the latest and MPs adopted Crnkic’s proposal. PINK, RHB, Dnevni Avaz 8 ‘Croats demand three TV channels’ by A.Hadziarapovic– also reported.

Conference on mediation held in Sarajevo : pilot-programs in Sarajevo and Banja Luka successful


PINK– The third national conference ‘Future challenges in the implementation of mediation’ took place in Sarajevo on Wednesday, which discussed the solving disputes through mediation developed in BiH through pilot-projects in Banjaluka and Sarajevo courts which solved more than 250 cases, in amount of almost 15 millions KM. Chair of the BiH Association of Mediators Goran Salihovic stressed that citizens should be offered with an option to decide whether they want their case to go before the court, or to be solved by mediation. BiH Justice Minister Slobodan Kovac added that all administrative disputes should be subject to mediation. High Representative in BiH Christian Schwarz-Schilling and Canadian Ambassador to BiH Shelley Whiting also supported mediation process. FTV– also covered. 

NN: Hunger strike of “Mittal Steel” workers


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 3 ‘100 workers on strike’ by A.Mujkic, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Mittal Steel employees freeze hunger strike’ by A.Dz. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Hunger strike ceased by mid April’ by Mi.D. – around 100 workers out of 194 workers, whom “Mittal Steel” Zenica in February did not extend contracts have gone on a hunger strike Tuesday evening, demanding they be employed again or current status of waiter be prolonged until integral production is launched.

BiH Refugees Minister Kebo: There is no one from Srebrenica in Srebrenica-Potocari Foundation Steering Board


Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 6 ‘People from Srebrenica, not politicians should decide on destiny of memorial’ by Asaf Becirovic – Day after he resigned from the position of Steering Board member in Srebrenica-Potocari Foundation, BiH Refugees and Human Rights Minister Mirsad Kebo proposed SDA deputy in RS National Assembly Sadik Ahmetovic. Kebo said he resigned to open space for the “ones who are most interested in the issue”, adding that the there is no one from Srebrenica in Steering Board, which is mistake of those who were in decisive position [author said it was OHR].