
OBN News Review, 26 December 1999



  • Military operation in Grozny could last two weeks
  • At least 17 people killed in a storm on the North of France
  • Topic of TV INFO: Economy in BiH
  • Whether BiH companies are threatened by stopping of export to the EU countries?
  • Where will citizens of Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Tuzla celebrate coming of 2000?


Severe fights near the Chechen capital, Grozny, continue. The Russian Ministry of Defence announced that the military operation of conquering the city could last up to two weeks. Approximately 2,000 Chechen troops have stayed in Grozny. Some 15,000 civilians are also in the town. This was followed by a report on the hijacked plane which is currently in Afghanistan. The kidnappers released one ill passenger. One hundred and sixty passengers are still on the board. The UN delegation left Afghanistan without achieving any results in the negotiations with the kidnappers. This was followed by reports on current events in Ivory Coast, China and storm in France. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Gordana Frimel.


Canadian immigrant of Algerian origin, Ahmed Ressam, was arrested on the border between the USA and Canada last week because carrying material for production of bombs. The US investigators suspected he was only a messenger who was carrying materials for preparations of attacks on targets in the USA during the forthcoming holidays. Investigators from France connected the arrested Ressam with the militant islamic terrorist group from the town of Rubaks in France. Most of this group members were in BiH during the war. The USA, France and Canada search for two Ressam’s associates. One of them has a citizenship of BiH and the other visited BiH on several occasions. Because of that, a Commission for revision of BiH citizenship has been established. However, the Commission will need two years to finish the revision. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic.

Banja Luka

Donations of international organisations for the RS are much less than those for the BiH Federation. This was said by the Professor of the Banja Luka University, Department of Economics, Mladen Ivanic. He also said that the RS has had a negative attitude towards the RS because they consider it to be more guilty for the war in BiH. He added that this attitude of the International Community would have negative consequences for the stability in BiH and the Dayton Peace Agreement. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Suzana Vukcevic.


A report on the current economic situation in BiH. The privatisation process is late and state owned companies still dominate the BiH economy. Professor of the Sarajevo University, Department of Economics, Boris Tihi, explained the current economic situation in BiH for TV INFO. The Professor said that BiH companies have to be completely transformed. He added that BiH is still consisted of three divided economies. OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic, confirmed.

This was followed by a report on whether BiH companies will be threatened by stopping of export to the EU countries next year? The EU announced placing a ban on the import to the countries without appropriate certificates, “ISSO 14 000”. None of BiH companies have this kind of certificates, which guarantee protection of the environment. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Anes Alic.


A report on the seminar about welfare policy held in Prijedor. Although the RS Constitution guarantees some sort of welfare, the funds and the budget can not cover all costs. Because of that, a pilot project “Support to the Welfare Sector in BiH”, funded by the Finish Government has been started up in Prijedor and Travnik. The aim of this pilot project is to change legislation in the field of welfare through the suggestions. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Milena Letic-Joves.


A piece on the departure of young people from BiH because of difficult economic situation in the country. This problem is especially present in Cazinska Krajina. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Cazin, Azra Bajric.


A report on the construction of a bridge over the Usora river on the road M 17. This bridge will connect two BiH entities. The bridge will be opened on January 17th. The funds for the construction of the bridge were provided by the European Union. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Muhamed Cabric.


A piece on the “Step by Step” project funded by the Soros Fondation in the elementary school in Sehovina in Mostar. The children learn through a game. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Mostar, Dubravka Vojinovic.

Sarajevo / Banja Luka / Tuzla

A report on how citizens of Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Tuzla will celebrate coming of 2000. In Sarajevo, the Sarajevo Canton Government gave 152,000 DEM for the decoration of the town, OBN reporter, Slobodan Maksimovic, confirmed. This was followed by reports on preparations for the celebration in Banja Luka and Tuzla.


A report on local basketball was followed by a report on the European football matches.