Under the overall direction of the Head of the Department for Legal Affairs the Legal Officer for Administrative Matters is responsible for working as part of a small team of lawyers specialising in different areas of public and administrative law who together form the Public Law and Administrative Unit within the Department for Legal Affairs of the Office of the High Representative.
The Legal Officer for Administrative Matters primarily ensures the co-ordination in the work of the Public Law Unit on matters pertaining to the application of administrative law, including the laws regulating the employment relationship of civil servants and other employees in public institutions. Due to the fact that the Department of Legal Affairs functions as a legal service for all other departments of the OHR and is the main source of authoritative legal advice to the High Representative on legal issues which includes problems of a multi-disciplinary nature which may range over a number of areas, the Legal Officer for Administrative Matters will be expected to work periodically as part of a larger Department for Legal Affairs team with lawyers who formally comprise the civil and commercial, criminal or environmental units contained within the Department. Also the Legal Officer for Administrative Matters is expected to work in consultation with and in liaison with other departments and regional offices of the Office of the High Representative as required and appropriate.
· Identify, examine, research, evaluate and report to the Head of the Department for Legal Affairs on legal, and in particular on administrative law related, aspects of problems affecting the mandate of the High Representative in regard to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to assist the Head of the Department for Legal Affairs in performing his task of providing authoritative legal advice to the High Representative on such issues.
· Maintain consultation and liaison with other departments as appropriate.
· Take part as appropriate in all aspects of the Decision making process of the Office of the High Representative including, as required, drafting, advising, vetting and editing of the same. Such Decisions may include those in relation to removal and suspension within the context of the General Framework Agreement and its later interpretation in Peace Implementation Council meeting conclusions;
· Advise on the reform of the administration at all levels of government within BiH;
· Advise on implementation of reform of the civil services in BiH;
· Advise on reform of the processes for governmental decision-making;
· Reviewing laws in the field of Administration and Governance, participate in the drafting of legislation and draft comments on behalf of the Office of the High Representative pertaining to the same;
· Carry out research and drafting in regard to Legal Opinions on different topics issued by the Department for Legal Affairs, in particular with regard to the administrative matters;
· Co-operate with other international organizations to ensure proper co-ordination in the above mentioned matters.
· Maintain contact with appropriate officials of State, Entity and Brcko District including those forming part of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government with regard to matters within the responsibility of the Department for Legal Affairs, in particular with regard to the administrative matters;
· Carry out any other duty as assigned by the Head of Department for Legal Affairs or his/her Deputy.
- Law Degree
- 5 years of relevant professional experience required;
- Drafting ability;
- Very good written and spoken English, including knowledge of legal terminology;
- Mature judgment.
Any personnel with the above qualifications should provide (in English) a CV with a one-page cover letter and references to the following: