
National Press Club Press Conference

Transcript by Federal News Service, Washington D.C MR. HICKMAN:Now we're open for questions. Please state your name and affiliation. Yes? and the gentleman in the back.

Transcript of the Press Conference

Welcome. My Name is Carl Bildt. I am the High Representative. Assistant Secretary Kornblum, you probably know as well. The person you might not yet know is Ambassador Robert W. Farrand from the United States whom I have today, with the support I can say of the Steering Board, appointed as Deputy and Supervisor for the Brcko area.

Transcript of the Press Conference in Brussels

Very briefly on the Steering Board. We have been reviewing a number of issues. We had plans quite some time back to have a review of the arms control issues, so we had General Eide who is in charge of overseeing the arms control aspects of the agreement here, and we are concerned with the slow progress.

Press Conference in Brussels

CARL BILDT:As you might be aware, we have these meetings at roughly monthly intervals, where all the leading nations involved in the Peace Implementation efforts come together to review, to discuss and to plan further action, and this was the first regular review of 1997.

Transcript of the Press Conference held in Mostar

Mr. Carl Bildt:Thank you. As you know the occasion for this meeting is the opening of the Regional Office of the High Representative which will be situated here in Mostar and it will cover the southern part of BiH and the Serb Republic. We are, of course, particularly pleased that this office will be headed by Sir Martin Garrod, who will widen his [...]

Transcript of the Press Conference held in London

FOREIGN SECRETARY:Ladies and Gentleman, this has been a successful conference, it has also been a realistic conference. We have reviewed peace implementation in Bosnia in 1996, both the successes and the areas where we have made insufficient progress.