OHR and OSCE urge MoIs to contribute to PVR Success
“Ministries of Interior need to be ready to help those who have not yet obtained the CIPS ID, by deploying mobile teams before closure of voter registration on 17 August. Ministries of Interior must be prepared to use their resources in cooperation with CIPS centres and the BiH Election Commisison, to ensure that the Passive Voter Registration system is a success” said Senior Deputy High Representative Peter Bas Backer.
The SDHR met yesterday in
The OHR and the OSCE want to emphasize that the successful implementation of PVR is not only the responsibility of the Central Election Commission and the CIPS Directorate, but also depends on serious engagement of other institutions in order to ensure that accurate voter data is collected.
“At the elections in October the electorate will be choosing those who will run this country: transformation of OHR makes these elections perhaps the most important since the DPA was signed,” said Bas Backer.
Swift and efficient communication among relevant authorities such as Ministries of Interior, Centers for Voter Registration and municipal authorities is vital for updating the central voter register accurately.
OSCE and OHR expect BiH’s MoI to support this project in order to ensure the success of the coming elections and to strengthen democracy in