03.02.2005 Banja Luka

OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka


High Representative in Brussels

The meeting of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council started at 09.00 this morning in Brussels. Representatives of BiH’s authorities; Prime Minister Adnan Terzic, RS President Dragan Cavic, and RS Minister of Interior Darko Matijasevic, are about to start their briefing to the PIC as we speak. The meeting will also be briefed by ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte.

The PIC today is focusing on the still unsatisfactory nature of BiH cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. This is now the most serious remaining obstacle to BiH joining Partnership for Peace and beginning Stabilisation and Association negotiations with the EU.

Details of the PIC’s conclusions will be given in the communiqué, which we will try to distribute before 18.00 this afternoon.

The High Representative will also meet this afternoon with the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana.

Their discussions will focus on BiH’s co-operation with the ICTY in the Hague and the need for police restructuring which is a requirement if BiH is to move towards a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU. Police restructuring is necessary in order to provide BiH will a modern and effective police force that is both financially sustainable and better equipped to fight against crime.

For details of these discussions we would ask you to contact the EUHR’s Press Office in Brussels.