- President Poplasen and Prime Minister Dodik Talked With Special US Envoy, Robert Gelbard, in Separate Meetings on Preparations for Madrid Conference
- General Krstic Rejected All 6 Counts of Indictment Before Hague Tribunal
- Misunderstanding Between European Allies and US on NATO Role
- RS Journalists’ Association Independent and Legitimate Member of International Journalists’ Federation
Special US Envoy, Robert Gelbard had separate meetings in Banja Luka today, with RS President, Nikola Poplasen and RS PM, Milorad Dodik. According to a press release from Poplasen’s Cabinet, the President is ready to accept any remarks with valid arguments, on violations of the DA and that he will do everything to prevent such violations. Gelbard said that the US Government supports Dodik’s Government which achieved a lot of success in a short period and that the US Government hopes Dodik will be the PM in the coming period. Gelbard stated that Poplasen’s words and actions show that he is against the DA and that “he appears to be using democratic mechanisms for anti-democratic purposes”. Gelbard also expressed worry about Poplasen disturbing functions of the Government, referring to violations of the RS Constitution. According to Gelbard, the US expects progress from the PIC in Madrid, i.e. that BiH gets self-sustaining market economy. The US Envoy assessed that the decision of the RS NA on change of parity of the KM and Yugoslav dinar is a serious mistake.
President of the “Sloga” Coalition, Biljana Plavsic, also met with Gelbard today in Banja Luka. They primarily discussed establishing of the new RS Government.
At the first preliminary hearing before the Hague Tribunal, General Radislav Krstic pleaded not guilty on all 6 counts of the indictments. Answering a question on his health, Krstic said that he is exhausted due to the arrest and that that there has been no heating for three days. He emphasised that there is no possibility for him in detention to undergo treatment for his leg, amputated during the war. Krstic’s attorney Petrusic said that the General fears gangrene and bleeding. The actual trial for General Krstic should start at the beginning of next year.
Hague Tribunal Spokeswoman, Sheena Thompson, denied media reports stating that the Muslim paramilitary unit “Lasta” allegedly conducted the arrest of General Krstic and tortured him. Thompson stated that Krstic was arrested by SFOR soldiers.
The RS Government Commission on Implementation of the Brcko Arbitration Decision, Chaired by the RS Deputy Prime Minister, Ostoja Kremenovic is in session in Brcko. Kremenovic said that the municipal authorities are implementing the decision of Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand, on vacating housing units for the returnees and he said that the evicted Serb refugees will be provided with adequate accommodation. Kremenovic also said that the RS President and the RS PM will participate in the Conference on the Status of Brcko which will be held in mid-December, as preparation for a session of the Brcko Arbitration Tribunal.
Individual unresolved border issues between BiH and Republic of Croatia were on the agenda of today’s meeting of State Border Commissions of these two states, held in Banja Luka. BiH Ambassador to Croatia, Hasan Muratovic, Croatian Ambassador to BiH, Darinko Bago and the BiH Minister of Civil Affairs and Communications, Spasoje Albijanic attended the meeting. RS Deputy PM, Ostoja Kremenovic represented the RS in the negotiations. It was agreed that the book of procedures on joint work of the mixed Croat-Bosniak Commission will be adopted at the next meeting to be held in Zagreb in seven days.
A working conference with donors for the RS will be held on December 10th and 11th. The conference will gather all representatives of the IC who have been providing financial assistance for reconstruction of the RS so far. According to a press release from the RS Government, this conference will have more than 150 participants, representing the same number of institutions, and it should be attended by 20 ambassadors or heads of missions in BiH as well as by RS members of the BiH CoM. The conference is intended to provide an answer to numerous issues which the RS will be encountering in long-term development.