- Plavsic, Geremek and Barry in Banja Luka
- Diplomatic Pressure from American and Russian Diplomats in Kosmet Brings No Visible Progress
- Northern Ireland on Edge of Conflict
President Plavsic met with Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the OSCE, Bronislav Geremek, and Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, Robert Barry, today in Banja Luka. They discussed democratic processes in the RS and the forthcoming general elections. Geremek said that the OSCE is ready to take over a part of the responsibility by organising the elections. However, the press conference held after the meeting centered on the issue of Kosmet. Geremek stated that “…territorial integrity of the FRY must be respected, all acts of violence need to be condemned, including state violence, and any solution must be based on a round table dialogue”.
US Envoy, Richard Holbrook, and Russian Envoy, Nikolai Afanassievski, met today with the representative of the Kosovo Albanians, Ibrahim Rugova, in Pristina.
The trial of Milan Kovacevic, former Director of Prijedor Hospital accused of genocide, will start tomorrow before the Hague Tribunal.
“An attempt to revise the Dayton Agreement would be the most difficult job of the century,” stated the HR of the international community to BiH, Carlos Westendorp, in an interview for the Herald Tribune.
Governor of the BiH Central Bank, Peter Nicholl, stated that forged BiH notes of 1,000 and 500 dinars were found at the Institute of Payment System. Nicholl stated that the bills appear newly printed and can be easily recognised.