
OHR SRT News Summary, 31 July 1998



  • Prime Minister Dodik in Kotor Varos
  • Markation of houses for Muslim returns suspended in Brcko
  • New attacks by Albanian terrorists in Kosovo
  • 55th anniversary of “Glas Srpski’
RS President Plavsic and Deputy Prime Minister Kremenovic met with a delegation of the former leadership of the Milici municipality and representatives of several local political parties in Banja Luka today. The meeting concluded that the Milici commissariat that was recently appointed by President Plavsic, local municipal counselors along with a representative of the Government should work jointly to create political climate needed for a successful implementation of local election results.

A delegation of the RS Government led by Prime Minister Dodik visited the municipality of Kotor Varos today. According to Dodik, the visit was aimed at informing the people there about RS Government’s plans aimed at resolving the issue of economic situation in Kotor Varos.

In an interview given for tomorrow’s issue of “Glas Srpski”, President Plavsic described the work and the results of the RS Government so far as very successful. On the work of the RS Parliament, Plavsic reminded that positive changes had taken place within this body where no party has the majority any more, which was the case before with the SDS. Commenting on reports on her frequent meetings with Krajisnik, Plavsic said: “If we were lucky and if there was commitment towards his position, Krajisnik and myself would be meeting more frequently from the very beginning”.

(Kosovo-related issues – )

The U.S. Senate today adopted a proposal urging President Clinton to consult the U.S. Congress prior to making the final decision on possible military engagement in Kosovo. This decision was made as an amendment to the draft military budget and involves an obligation of Clinton to explain, i.e. justify possible American troops’ involvement in the area.

According to a statement by the German Foreign Minister, Klaus Kinkel, representatives of the German Government will be meeting supporters of the so-called “Kosovo Liberation Army” in Vienna tomorrow to appeal to them to cease funding this Army.

The Mayor of Brcko, Borko Reljic, today stated that the markation of houses in the settlement of Klanac had been canceled until further notice. Serb refugees currently living in Brcko have recently been protesting against this process and requesting that it should stop until the issue of their status has been resolved. Reljic told the protesting citizens that the RS Government, at its most recent session, had adopted a number of measures which would help resolve the majority of problems they were currently facing.

The first group of Serb refugees today returned to the municipality of Glamoc. Expectations are now that Serb refugees from 17 surrounding villages will return to the area by the end of this year. No incidents were reported.

“Glas Srpski” is celebrating its 55th anniversary today.

The Spokesperson for IPTF for the area of Banja Luka and Bihac, Alun Roberts, at a regular press conference today, stated that the police investigation into the murder of the Trninic couple from Drvar had not been adequate. Roberts added that the local police reacted inappropriately in cases of violence registered in the area at the end of 1997 and at the beginning of this year, stressing that even local police officers had been involved in some cases. Roberts also informed the press about the first five reports on irregularities reported in the work of the local housing commission in the municipality of Gradiska.

Elections: Serb Peasants’ Party

The RS Democratic Party

The Associated Women of Banja Luka (a non-political NGO)

A former high-level official of the former Republic of Serb Krajina, Jovan Opacic, gave a statement to the Split-based “Slobodna Dalmacija” daily newspaper saying that he would like to knee in front of “the wall of pain” in Zagreb and “share his pain, his joy and his future with the Croat people”. Opacic went on to say that Serbs who returned to Croatia would be the best citizens of this country and its most fervent patriots.

The Deputy High Representative, Hanns Schumacher, today expressed strong discontent with the current relations between the two federal partners in the Muslim-controlled municipality of Vares. Schumacher went on to warn that Vares would not be allocated any economic support until local authorities started to function normally and until free and unhindered return of refugees was made possible there.