
OHR SRT News Summary, 3 June 1999



  • Serbian Assembly adopts peace plan
  • RS NA asks the international community for quality protection of RS interests in Brcko
  • First draft of the election law by June 14, 1999 – Local elections in spring next year- Knut Vollebaek

Republic of Serbia parliament accepted the proposal of a peace solution that was presented to Milosevic and top FRY officials by V. Chernomyrdin and M. Ahtisaari.

Yugoslavia accepts peace plan presented by EU representative, Ahtisaari and Russian representative Chernomyrdin.- Cabinet of the FRY president.

EU representatives at the Cologne summit welcomed Serbian decision to accept peace plan.

European Union is for joint command structure over peace forces regardless of which troops are to take part in it.- BETA

President of European Parliament said that EU would not support reconstruction of Yugoslavia as long as Milosevic is the president.-BETA

Tony Blair welcomed Serbian decision.- Blair’s Spokesperson- SRNA

Italian Prime Minister, d’Alema assessed that it is real turning point. He said that peace is close. TANJUG

Knut Vollebaek said at the press conference in Banja Luka that the realisation of civil part of Kosovo agreement is before the OSCE.

Military party of Chernomyrdin’s delegation is not pleased with the agreement.- Moscow television NTV- BETA

SPS supports peace document that was presented by Ahtisaari and Chernomyrdin.- SPS executive board- TANJUG

JUL Directorate concluded that JUL accepts all principles of the EU and Russia that were presented by Ahtisaari and Chernomyrdin yesterday.

Vuk Draskovic assessed that adoption of this harmonised document guaranteed territorial integrity and sovereignty of the FRY. He said that adoption of this document meant making peace with all EU countries and the U.S.

Vojislav Seselj said he would resign if NATO were allowed in Kosovo.

Integral text of the peace plan was broadcast.

Milorad Dodik welcomed Serbian parliament decision to accept peace plan. Only peaceful Serbia and Yugoslavia can secure progress and stabilisation of peace in the region.- Dodik said.

Reports on NATO bombing.-SRT correspondent

Jamie Shea stated that NATO did not want to comment on reports that Serbs had accepted the peace plan until Ahtisaari reported on negotiations in Belgrade. Colonel Freytag assessed that FRY army had lost 10,000 soldiers.

RS NA session ended in the afternoon. Deputies insisted that all RS institutions as well as the international community were continuing with activities to improve the content of Brcko arbitration award. RS NA confirmed the key provisions from the RS NA resolution on Brcko decision and tasked all RS institution to immediately file a request to the BiH Constitutional Court for the assessment of Brcko award constitutionality.

RS NA asked the Arbiter, OHR, and Peace Implementation Council to extend the deadline for objections to the Brcko arbitration award.

RS NA commission for social activities discussed, at the request of the RS NA Speaker, the work of public media that was founded by the RS NA. Special attention was paid to the work and editorial policy of the SRT. Members of the commission agreed with the international SRT administrator, Dragan Gasic that RS NA Speaker and Heads of Caucuses are to assess, on the eve of each session, the need for live broadcast of the session or just parts of it.

Milorad Dodik talked with SFOR commander, Meigs in Banja Luka. Responding to journalists’ questions Meigs said that SFOR would fulfil its promise and repair the railway in Strpci.

Elements of the new election law, regional stability, armament control and implementation of the DA were the main topics of the meeting between BiH Presidency members with Knut Vollebaek.

Dodik talked with Knut Vollebaek in Banja Luka. Vollebaek also talked with Sloga representatives. Vollebaek said that the general feeling was to postpone local elections until spring next year.

RS Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Brane Pecanac and Deputy Minister of Refugees, Petko Obucina visited Kotor Varos. There were talks about the return of refugees and accommodation of refugees already living in Kotor Varos.

OHR Spokesperson, Fergusson said that OHR was closely monitoring exhumations in Sarajevo.