
OHR SRT News Summary, 3 August 1998



  • France Strongly Supports Politics of President Plavsic and PM Dodik
  • Fights in Kosmet Continue Today – Javier Solana Demands Cessation of Hostility
  • India Sub-continent on Edge of War

The French Ambassador to BiH, Yves Gaudeul, confirmed at today’s meeting with RS President Biljana Plavsic that his country supports her politics, as well as the political course of PM Dodik. They discussed the possibility of opening a French diplomatic office in Banja Luka. President Plavsic also met today with the German Ambassador, Graf Von Bassewitz, who introduced the Head of the newly open office of the German Embassy in Banja Luka.

A 15-member Board, led by the Mayor of Prijedor, Borislav Maric, has been established in Prijedor to organize a funeral for the deceased. The family insists on his post-mortem being conducted in the Hague, with the participation of a pathologist from FRY, hired by the family. The RS Ministry of Health also requested immediate investigation into the case and the public to be informed of the results, while the RS Ministry of Justice addressed a strong protest to the Hague Tribunal.

The Serb Coalition for the RS issued a press release, demanding the RS Government to request a forensic report on Kovacevic’s death, conducted by a mixed group of local and international experts. The Coalition also requested the Government to establish a commission for assistance to imprisoned Serbs, with the task of monitoring their health situation.

The UN Spokesman, Alexandar Ivanko, stated that the Hague Tribunal is not a five-star hotel but a prison, which does provide adequate medical care.

A public drawing of lots for free 15-minute presentations by the parties for the general September elections, was completed today at the SRT studio. The presentations will start on Monday, August 10th.

The scheduled continuation of the 11th meeting of the Banja Luka Municipal Assembly (that started on July 29th) was not held today, as councillors were not allowed to enter the Banski Dvor, where these meetings are usually held. The majority of councilors present said that the meeting will not be held in the municipal building either. Mayor Umicevic said that there will be no further discussion with all those who illegally occupied the Banski Dvor, owned by Banja Luka, as long as the Supreme Court does not reach a decision on this issue.

A press release of the RS Government states that the councillors of Banja Luka Municipal Assembly, mainly members of the Serb Party of Krajina and Posavina, Serb Patriotic Party, Democratic Patriotic Party and the HDZ, today tried to provoke an incident, as they refused to enter the Banski Dvor in accordance with regulations for entering this building, valid in all countries for this type of official state premises. According to the release, the councillors from other parties were already waiting inside Banski Dvor.

The RS representatives that were supposed to participate in an international Esperanto congress in Montpelier and the European Youth Festival in Lisbon, were deported by the Hungarian border authorities Paia, although they had the new BiH passports. The travellers addressed a protest letter to the RS Minister of Internal Affairs, the HR, Carlos Westendorp and to the Hungarian Embassy in BiH.

Presentation of the political parties in a election related set of news:

  • Representatives of the SRS and the SDS addressed a request today to the RS NA Speaker, Petar Djokic, for the holding of an extraordinary session of the RS NA.