
OHR SRT News Summary, 27 Nov. 1997



  • In letter to Frowick, RS Government objects to statements of representatives of International Community
  • Ballots arrive at main OSCE warehouse
  • Summit of 16 countries on European initiative starting in Sarajevo tomorrow
  • Iraq Parliament approved 6 months deadline for UN experts to complete inspection
  • Cloudy and foggy weather in valleys tomorrow

The first convoy carrying ballots arrived to the main OSCE warehouse in Rajlovac yesterday. All the ballots from the RS, Federation, FR Yugoslavia, and Republic of Croatia will be brought to this warehouse in the coming days.

The RS Government agreed with the World Bank that a $5 million credit should be directed into the RS electric power industry, as a part of a general package of $15 million for BiH. Signing of the agreement should have been held today in Sarajevo. The RS Minister for Energy and Mining, Milorad Skoko, was informed at the ceremony that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development had decided to postpone signing one part of the agreement concerning the RS, until the establishment of a new government. The Serb Government considers this step to be unacceptable interfering in RS internal politics. The RS Government decided to send a protest letter to the EBRD.

The RS Government addressed a letter to Robert Frowick, Head of the OSCE Mission, with serious objections to statements of some representatives of the international community. Congratulations from the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp, to the Serb People’s Union concerning the “20 seats they won for the future National Assembly” was estimated as “harmful and tendentious”.

The 3rd continuation of the first session of the Prijedor Municipal Assembly was held today without representatives of the Coalition for Democratic BiH. The reason for their refusal to participate in the session was allegedly the text of the solemn oath the Serb representatives had taken earlier. The text had been suggested by the OSCE, but the representatives of the Coalition wanted it to be changed. The Serb members of 5 municipal commissions were elected at the session, and one seat was left available for representatives of the Coalition in each commission.