
OHR SRT News Summary, 27 June 1999



  • New victims in Kosovo : 1 woman and 2 internationals killed;
  • Serbs continue to flee from Kosovo;
  • Wesley Clark: If it becomes necessary, NATO will in the future undertake the same operations as it did in the FRY;

RS NA Speaker, Petar Djokic acknowledged the Day of St. Vid ( RS Army patron’s day) to RS Army and to the Serb Orthodox Church;


SRT correspondent from Belgrade (Radmila Urosevic) reports on difficult situation in Kosovo: murders, attempted rapes, growing tensions between German KFOR and KLA members in Prizren, Albanians intimidating Serbs, Albanians plundering Serbs, Media Centre in Pristina looted, Serbs leaving Kosovo, unidentified bodies of 1 international and 1 interpreter (probably OSCE). The block of news is accompanied with APTN footage of houses in flames, Serbs leaving Kosovo, KFOR soldiers in Kosovo. Sources used in the report are: TANJUG, BETA and Belgrade media.

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine said in an interview for “El Pais” that France would support opposition in Serbia;


SRT carried the statements of the following political parties: SPO, DS, DSS, Coalition “For better life” – led by Montenegrin president Djukanovic, Democratic Party of Socialists (Djukanovic’s party), Socialist people’s party (Momir Bulatovic), ND.

The seminar on security studies ended with an initiative to found a network of centres for security studies within universities in the RS and BiH Federation which would establish cooperation through the institutions and on the BiH level.

RS Defence Minister, Milovanovic and Head of OSCE Mission to BiH, Robert Barry also attended the Seminar as well as 200 professors and military experts from both entities. The main topic of this seminar was to organize a network of centres for security studies in both entities which would enable closer cooperation with the related schools in OSCE member countries. First stage will be the establishing of a Commission consisting of the chancellors of all universities in the RS and the BiH Federation. Milovanovic said that, regarding security studies, we should take into consideration the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two equal entities. The item is accompanied with Milovanovic’s statement that OSCE will help in transforming the centre which has already existed in the RS since 1995.

French SFOR troops do not know where Radovan Karadzic is. – statement of MND (SE). It is also added that the mandate of SFOR troops is not to search for indicted persons but to bring those suspected of war crimes to the Hague Tribunal while performing regular tasks.