
OHR SRT News Summary, 26 June 1998



  • The RS NA adopted a set of laws on privatisation
  • The RS President held a press conference: The forthcoming elections are the opportunity for the people to amend and improve living conditions in the RS in a legal way
  • 2,800,000 DEM intended for the reconstruction of Derventa

The 6th session of the RS National Assembly finished today in Banja Luka: The NA adopted a set of laws on privatisation, proposed by the Government. The NA made a decision on the establishment of a commission that will monitor the process of privatisation in the RS. It was decided that the Commission for Election and Appointment would appoint this commission at the next session of the RS Parliament. 6 more agenda items are to be discussed at the 7th session of the RS NA.

RS President Biljana Plavsic held a press conference in Banja Luka today on the occasion of the first anniversary of the dismissal of the RS NA. The President spoke about the forthcoming elections, the democratisation process that had taken place in the past year, the importance of the opening up of the RS towards the world and Europe. She also commented on Silajdzic’s recent statement (that the territory of B&H can be used as a NATO base for military intervention in Kosovo) saying that he had no right to state something like that on behalf of both Entities. Commenting on the Luxembourg Declaration, the President said that anything that was contrary to the Dayton Agreement was unacceptable. The President also said that Mr. Tomas would leave the country and his current position due to advanced training abroad.

RS Prime Minister Mile Dodik, the Deputy High Representative H. Schumacher and WB representatives, Christian Poortman and Rory O’Sullivan, visited Derventa today and spoke with the Derventa mayor, Dragoljub Kukic. They visited some apartments blocks that had been reconstructed by WB funds. The WB project intended for Derventa amounts to 3,800,000 DEM. Mr. Schumacher and the Derventa mayor opened OHR Derventa today. Mr. Rusty Ingraham was appointed Head of Office.

Vidovdan – the Patron Saint’s Day of the VRS will be celebrated on June 28th. The RS President, B. Plavsic, the RS Minister of Defence, Manojlo Milovanovic, and the Serb member in the B&H Presidency, M. Momcilo Krajisnik, sent congratulatory letters to all members of the VRS.

Christian Poortman, the WB representative, and the RS Prime Minister spoke in Banja Luka today about WB projects intended for B&H, and especially for the RS.

The RS Prime Minister spoke today in Banja Luka to the Slovenian Ambassador to B&H, Drago Mirosic, about the assistance, amounting to $3 million, that the Slovenian Government is going to allocate to a project approved by the RS Government. They also spoke about RS citizens travelling to and from Slovenia without visas. The Slovenian Ambassador invited the RS Prime Minister to visit Slovenia.

The Japanese Minister of Interior sent an invitation to the RS Prime Minister to visit Japan. The RS Prime Minister will, therefore, pay a 7-day official visit to Japan on June 28th.

The co-president of the B&H CoM, Boro Bosic, spoke today in Pale to the Head of OSCE, Robert Barry, about the forthcoming elections. They both condemned Silajdzic’s statement concerning Kosovo. Boro Bosic also received Charles Crawford in his farewell visit.

At a press conference held in SA, OHR spokesperson Simon Haselock stated that the HR, Carlos Westendorp, and the NATO commander, General Shinseki, condemned Silajdzic’s recent statement about Kosovo. Concerning the statement by the President of the Serb Radical Party, N. Poplasen, and other RS officials claiming that the IC is reviewing the Dayton Peace Agreement with the aim of melting the RS into the B&H, Haselock stated that those statements were inaccurate and groundless, and reminded that the state of B&H was composed of two equal Entities and three constituent peoples. He confirmed that 38 million KM was circulating in the RS.

A billboard with photos of lamented Serb policemen was removed from the Police Station in Brcko, which caused bitterness amongst the Families of the missing, detained and killed soldiers of the VRS, who demanded a meeting with the International Supervisor Farrand. The President of the Family Association, Stevan Kapovic, said that the RS President and Prime Minister would be informed about the action.

The RS State Commission announced the names of people exhumed from the Caprazlije mass grave near Livno.

A press conference of the Party of Independent Social Democrats of RS was held in Banja Luka today: The President of the Party, Mile Dodik, spoke about the party’s rally which would take place tomorrow. He announced a more intensive campaign of this Party for the forthcoming elections. B. Dokic, the Deputy President of the Party, commented on the statement by Mr. Silajdzic: “…at the next session of the Assembly, scheduled for July 2nd , we shall examine the possibility and procedure of his (Silajdzic’s) dismissal”.