
OHR SRT News Summary, 24 January 1999



  • Session Of RS NA Scheduled for Tomorrow Afternoon, and Vote of Confidence on PM Designate Miljus will be on the Agenda
  • President Poplasen Stated “I Will Accept Decision Of NA Majority”
  • Five Serbs Recently Kidnapped in Kosmet Returned To Their Homes
  • OHR Informed Media That Request Was Addressed To Croatian Radio Television For Termination Of Broadcasting Of Channels 2 And 3 In BiH Territory
  • Foreign Ministers Of Arabian Countries Commenced Talks On Situation In Iraq

RS NA Speaker, Petar Djokic scheduled a session of the RS NA for tomorrow at noon, where the PM Designate, Brane Miljus should present his platform for the composition and programme of the Government. Djokic stated that he expects tomorrow’s discussion to be in on the stabilisation of the general situation in the RS and to find the best solution to direct the RS people’s energy to solving vital problems in the RS.

President of the RS, Nikola Poplasen, held a press conference today in Banja Luka, regarding tomorrow’s RS NA session which should decide on a vote of confidence on PM Designate, Miljus. Poplasen stated that he will not be against a decision of the RS NA to accept the Nominee. He expressed the hope that there will be no dramatic situations at the session but he also expressed his fear of unrest, saying that would be the worse possible way to preserve a certain kind of power. President Poplasen said that he has some other solutions in case Miljus is not accepted.

President Poplasen today sent a warning letter to the IPTF Commissioner, Richard Monk, stating that he has information that the regularity of the RS NA session could be endangered as unrest is being orchestrated in the streets of Banja Luka.

A press release issued by the RS Ministry of Interior states that the Ministry so far has no information on the possible endangering of the RS NA session. In accordance with the decisions of the RS NA, the Ministry has taken steps to protect certain facilities and persons, including premises of the RS NA and the RS Government, residence of the RS President, and facilities in which the RS NA deputies are staying.

The SNSD Secretary, Nenad Bastinac stated at today’s press conference that yesterday’s meeting held in the House of RS Army in Banja Luka, the “Congress of SNSD”, convened by PM Designate, Brane Miljus, which was not attended by members of the Party’s Main Board, or other members, is not in accordance with the statute of the SNSD. Bastinac said that convening of this “Congress” was impudence and that the 50 signatures of support which Miljus mentioned have not been provided. Bastinac characterised this as an attempt to destroy the SNSD as a rising party and to create a new party of social-democrats which would be annexed to the Social-Democrats of BiH, led by Zlatko Lagumdzija, as Miljus promised to do this. Member of the SNSD Executive Board, Slavko Mitrovic, repeated that yesterday’s “Congress” was organised by the Cabinet of the RS President and announced a court procedure.

The SDS Main Board and the SDS Caucus held a meeting behind closed doors in Bijeljina yesterday, which was attended by PM Designate Miljus. After the meeting, Miljus stated that his platform was unanimously adopted. President of the SDS, Dragan Kalinic told the press that three constructive remarks suggested to the PM Designate were accepted and that the SDS will support his platform at tomorrow’s session.

Head of the SRS Caucus, Milan Lazic stated at today’s press conference that the SRS expects participation in the executive authority and that it is one of the conditions of this party to support the PM Designate.

Kosovo related news

According to Radio “Free Europe” the OHR confirmed that it addressed a request to the Croatian Radio Television (HRT) in Zagreb, to terminate broadcasting of its Channels 2 and 3 for the area of BiH by the end of February. The same source claims that the HRT will be allowed to broadcast its Channel 1 for the mentioned area. OHR Spokeswoman, Alexandra Stiglmayer stated that the HRT does not respect the sovereignty of BiH and creates an impression that all Croats live in one state. Stiglmayer accused the HRT of providing direct support to the ruling party of Bosnian Croats, HDZ of BiH.