
OHR SRT News Summary, 21 July 1998



  • new passports for the RS citizens from tomorrow
  • the RS President Biljana Plavsic posthumously awarded Dragan Draganovic with a medal “Milan Tepic”
  • Memorandum on Understanding – a new project on reconstruction of the RS infrastructure
  • the CoM requests reducing of the BiH debt
  • IMF allowed to the Russian Federation $ 11 billion assistance=20

At today’s press conference, the RS Interior Ministry representatives confirmed that the issuing of the passports for the RS citizens would = start tomorrow in all Centers of Public Security. At the moment, the Ministry = has 4,900 passports at its disposal. However, by the beginning of August, 100,000 passports more will be provided and, in that way, the needs of = all interested citizens will be met.

The RS President Biljana Plavsic handed today to Jovanka Draganovic a = medal of Milan Tepic, a Serb officer who was killed in the barracks of the = former JNA in Bjelovar, as a posthumous award for her 19 year old son Dragan = who was killed in 1991 in the same barracks.

In the presence of the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, the US = Ambassador to BiH, Richard Kauzlarich and the USAID Director to BiH, Craig Buck, a Memorandum on Understanding was signed in Bijeljina today with the US Committee for Refugees. The signatories to that document were the = presidents of the Executive Boards of the municipalities of Bijeljina, Zvornik, = Lopare, Brcko and Ugljevik. In that way, the beginning of the work regarding = the realization of the reconstruction projects of the sport fields in those municipalities was marked. 2 ‘

The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, will lead the RS Government = delegation to France tomorrow in an official visit at the invitation of the French Foreign Minister. The possibilities for cooperation between the RS and France and the DA implementation will be discussed at the meetings in France.

The report on the situation in Kosovo.

Regarding the resolution of the US Senate which suggests that the ICTY should bring a charge against the Yugoslav President Slobodan = Milosevic, the US State Department Spokesman, James Rubin, stated at last night’s = press conference held in the State Department that the US Government and the Senate were not the ones to decide on the fact who could be indicted = for the war crimes. It depends on the ICTY.

The members of the BiH CoM agreed at today’s continuation of the = session in Sarajevo upon the way in which they will negotiate with the Paris Club = of Trustees and agreed upon the fact that they should ask for a maximum reduction of the BiH debt.=20

The RS Vice-President, Dragoljub Mirjanic, talked today in Banja Luka = with the charg=E9 d’affaires of the Norwegian Embassy to BiH about the = improvement of the cooperation between the universities in the RS and Norway.

=20 From today, our Republic is involved in the world’s system of airplane tickets reservation.

Today, in Drvar, Mr Andreas Herdina, the Resident Envoy of the HR in = Drvar was introduced. On that occasion, Herdina informed journalists about = the current situation in Drvar and about the problems of refugees.

The US State Department has warned its citizens that in spite of the = end of the war in BiH it is still dangerous to travel to that country since = there are about one million mines still spread on the territory of BiH and a = risk of a possible political violence at the local level is still present. = It is recommendable to use only the main roads and to avoid mass gatherings = and demonstrations.