
OHR SRT News Summary, 2 May 1999


  • More than 60 citizens died in yesterday’s and today’s bombing of Yugoslavia.
  • During the 39th day of the aggression, Yugoslav anti-aircraft units shot down two American planes.
  • Yeltsin and Clinton discuss Kosmet. Delegations of the Russian Duma and American Congress propose a joint framework peace document for the southern Serb province.
  • Patriarch Pavle served liturgy in Srpsko Sarajevo marking the beginning of official celebrations of the 780th anniversary of the Serb Orthodox Church in the Republika Srpska.

NATO bombs killed more than 60 people in the FRY in the past 24 hours. The Serbian Minister of Health, Leposava Milicevic said that 47 people were killed, and 16 wounded in yesterday’s NATO attack on a bus near the town of Luzane. At least 10 people died in yesterday’s bombing of Prizren. A 13 year old girl was the fifth victim of the bombing of the town of Murino, in Montenegro, the day before yesterday, Montenegrin media report. (followed by footage from the site of the bus line bombing and the hospital where the victims had been taken).

NATO announced today that an American “Harrier” aircraft crashed in the Adriatic yesterday. Early this morning Brussels confirmed the loss of an American F-16, which, according to the Belgrade media, had been shot down by Yugoslav anti-aircraft units. RTS claims that the Yugoslav forces had also shot down at least one helicopter carrying the commando rescue team.

An American A-10 aircraft had to crash land at Skopje airport today, due to technical reasons, “France Press” reports the words of a NATO spokesperson in Macedonia.

NATO bombers attacked Kosovo and Metohija, Novi Sad, Podgorica and Belgrade during the 39th day of aggression: Correspondent from Pristina: reports of at least 3 people killed, and 35 wounded in the NATO air strike on Kosovska Mitrovica this morning. Correspondent from Belgrade: According to “Tanjug”, NATO attacked the wider area of Belgrade with one missile last night. According to “Vecernje Novosti”, a bridge across the river of Rasina was destroyed last night. TV Politika reported on an attack on civilian targets in the town of Cacak. “Tanjug” reports of 5 casualties in the attack on a village near Kraljevo. BKTV reports of an attack on an airport near Sombor. Radio Belgrade reported of an attack on Prokuplje. Correspondent from Novi Sad: The oil refinery was attacked last night.

“Srna” carries the Yugoslav Navy press release claiming that the FRY navy shot down three missiles aimed at the relay station on Lovcen.

The celebrations of Serbian Orthodox Church jubilees began today in Srpsko Sarajevo.

As “Tanjug” reports, the FRY president and supreme army commander, Slobodan Milosevic today ordered the release of the three captured American soldiers, following the visit of the American anti-war mission led by Jesse Jackson.

After the release of US soldiers, Jesse Jackson remarked this was a diplomatic gesture deserving of a diplomatic response. In a phone conversation with Jackson, Bill Clinton said NATO attacks are to continue.

The British Government confirmed NATO attacks will continue until international demands are met.

“New York Times” comments that latest moves by Milosevic clearly signal that he wishes to see the air strikes stopped.

Political parties from Serbia positively reacted to the release of the three US soldiers.

Russian president Boris Yeltsin spoke today over the phone with the US president, Bill Clinton.

Top Russian officials discussed diplomatic initiatives for the Kosovo crisis.

Delegations of the Russian Duma, American Congress and the representative of the FRY president proposed a new peace plan for Kosovo.

The Montenegrin president, Milo Djukanovic condemned the NATO attacks which caused innocent victims.

The SNS president, Biljana Plavsic said in an interview for “Palma Plus” TV from Jagodina, that the Serbs will defend their country.

The Spanish foreign minister, Abel Matutes called upon NATO pilots to be more careful and try to avoid civilian casualties.

The Macedonian Government denied the NATO request for the stationing of additional troops on the territory of this country.

Employees of the Macedonian state television demanded the management of this media house to publicly and officially condemn the bombing of RTS.

Pope John Paul II invited all Catholics to pray for peace in the Balkans.

NATO held a press conference in Brussels today. Colonel Konrad Freytag said the NATO pilot did not realize there was a bus at the bridge he was attacking, and did not comment on the claims that the pilot later attacked the ambulance at the bridge. He also said NATO did not synchronize its actions with the KLA.

“Srna” correspondent from Skopje reported the NATO airplane crashing near Petrovec airport.

At today’s press conference in Belgrade, the Yugoslav foreign ministry spokesman said the FRY can only accept unarmed UN peacekeeping force in Kosovo.

Short interview with Predrag Simic, researcher from the Belgrade Institute for international politics and economy and a former advisor to Vuk Draskovic, regarding the peace implementation in Kosovo.

Protests in Trebinje and Brcko against the NATO attacks.

Protests of the Serb community in Sydney and Brussels.

Protests in Kocane, Macedonia.

Federation BiH related news.