
OHR SRT News Summary, 2 June 1999



  • Kosovo peace plan reached in Bonn
  • Chernomyrdin and Ahtisaari arrived in Belgrade
  • RS NA resolution of March 7 on Brcko on the agenda of the RS NA session
  • NATO intensifies air campaign
  • International Court of Justice refuses FRY request for cessation of bombing

RS NA session started in Banja Luka today. Main topic on the agenda is the RS NA resolution of March 7, on Brcko. The session started with 90 minutes’ delay. The resolution on Brcko and results of the work of the RS NA political-expert group were discussed.

Tripartite negotiations in Bonn on solution of Kosovo crisis produce an agreement. The bombing is to stop, after which Russia will take part in the preparation of a UN resolution.- Chernomyrdin- TANJUG

NATO plan presented to Ahtisaari by Strobe Talbott confirms 5 NATO demands and instructs on pace of deployment, methods and composition of peace forces on Kosovo.

Chernomyrdin and Ahtisaari arrived in Belgrade separately. “This is a historic day for Yugoslavia”.- Ahtisaari.

Breaking news: We just learned that negotiations between Milosevic and two envoys, Ahtisaari and Chernomyrdin started in Belgrade shortly after 18:00 hours.

Reports on bombing of Yugoslavia. Kosovo was the main target.- SRT correspondent

Bill Clinton stated that the U.S. would send 7,000 US troops to be part of the peace forces.

Russia has presented a proposal that could lead to the solution of the Kosovo crisis. It’s NATO‘s move. -Igor Ivanov

Robin Cook said that Milosevic couldn’t avoid NATO‘s demands for the cessation of bombing and trial for war crimes.

International Journalist Federation asked general director of Eutelsat for explanation of cancelling RTS satellite broadcast.

Vuk Draskovic assessed that Serbia is as far from the peace as NATO wants it to be.- BETA. He said that the indictment against Milosevic was launched with the aim of undermining peace efforts and provoking Milosevic to respond with extreme actions, which they wanted.

Main topics of NATO briefings were the composition of international forces which would be deployed in Kosovo under NATO command and alleged NATO-KLA cooperation. Jamie Shea said that it had been decided that 47,868 soldiers were to be deployed in Kosovo. General Jertz refuted allegations that NATO cooperates with the KLA but said they share the same targets.

Bosnia has received 104,000 refugees from the FRY- International Federation of the Red Cross.

RS police officials, Milos Sutilovic and Nedeljko Glamocak as well as Kotor Varos police station commander, Dragoljub Novakovic were castigated by the international community on account of an incident that occurred when 30 Bosniak household heads tried to return to their homes.- Alun Roberts

OSCE mission in BiH and Croatian Government have reached an agreement on voting of BiH citizens living in Croatia.