
OHR SRT News Summary, 17 Nov. 1997



  • A session of the ousted National Assembly of RS took place in Pale. 45 members of SDS and Serb Radical Party of RS attended the session.
  • RS President, Biljana Plavsic, visited BL University today and talked to college deans and students.
  • Rajko Tomas, the President’s adviser, hosted a delegation of the World Bank today.
  • A delegation from Australia visited RS Vice President, Dragoljub Mirjanic.
  • A session of the Association of RS Veterans will take place today.
At a session of the ousted NA of the RS held on Jahorina mountain, a declaration of equality and independence for the RS was announced. The declaration for equality and independence of the RS says : We are against revision of the DA, the aim of which is the strengthening of a united Bosnia. We are also against changing the mandates of SFOR and other organisations. We ask them to return to their original role and to be forces for peace, stabilisation and reconstruction.

The RS Government sent a letter to the Hague Tribunal in respect of crimes perpetrated against Serbs from Sarajevo. Many stories about war crimes against Serb civilians in Sarajevo carried out by the Muslim-Croat Army have recently appeared in eminent international papers.

Up to now the Serb side has submitted much evidence to the Hague Tribunal, which has failed to react adequately and on time. Contained in that evidence, amongst others, were two publicly printed books consisting of authentic testimonies. It is not clear why these documented crimes have not got the IC’s attention. Therefore, the RS Government calls on the Hague Tribunal to undertake appropriate measures and to investigate the crimes against Serbs in Sarajevo.

The Hague Tribunal has received sufficient documents on the basis of which it could take an impartial and objective attitude. The Serb side continues its intensive preparations and collection of evidence that will be submitted to the Hague Tribunal, it is said in the letter.

The final preparations for the forthcoming parliamentary elections are under way in the RS. International observers, under the umbrella of OCSE, are also prepared.

500 supervisors from the USA, Italy and Lithuania, who will supervise the forthcoming parliamentary elections, will come to west RS tomorrow. An OSCE spokesperson stated that the supervisors would be trained in order to carry out their duties professionally. The preparations would take place at Philosophy College in BL. Every polling station would have one such supervisor.

R. Farrand endorsed the collection of customs payments at the border crossings in Brcko in agreement with the decision on customs tariffs made by the Council of B&H Ministers.

Two hand grenades were thrown at a primary school in Vukovar. Nobody was injured.

Regarding tomorrow’s airport opening: for the first time since the war, Yugoslav Air Lines will organize flights to the RS. Rajko Tomas, the President’s adviser, received representatives of the World Bank. They spoke about a credit facility that this organisation intended for the RS.

“We spoke about a project which amounts to $60 million for the whole B&H, i.e. $27 million for the RS. This World Bank project should ensure the formation of a new budget in the RS and in the Federation, as well as the joint budget,” Tomas said.

The project will be controlled by the RS Ministry for Finance.

RS President B. Plavsic visited BL University today. Deans of the colleges used this opportunity to inform the President about the prevailing situation and problems at BL University. Since the President was familiar with that topic, she expressed hope that after the elections the Government would have more understanding for the modernisation of the education process and for regular payments. “It is imperative that we catch up with the world in terms of the scientific-educational process,” the President said.

After meeting with the deans, the President spent one hour talking to students in the amphitheatre of the Law School.

A second demand for the suspension of the Hague Tribunal’s process against Radovan Karadzic was presented today in Novi Sad in Matica Srpska. The declaration is signed by 15 academicians of the Serb Academy of Arts and Letters, 22 professors, 8 eminent writers and 10 Ph.Ds. The declaration was translated into 6 languages and sent to many institutions in the FRY and worldwide.

There have been no official contacts between the RS and Australia so far. A delegation visiting RS Vice President, Dragoljub Mirjanic, announced the intensifying of those relations in future.

They spoke about economic co-operation, especially in agriculture and forestry. Co-operation between the Universities of the RS and Australia received undivided attention.

The RS Commission for the missing continued searching on Ozren mountain and in the Vozuca area.

The 14th session of the Association of RS Veterans will take place today. The problems faced by veterans, war invalids and families of the deceased are on the agenda, as well as other real issues relating to the organisation of veterans, their status, etc. The conclusions from this session will be presented at tomorrow’s press conference.

PIO – Public Fund of the Pension Disability Insurance – organised a staff meeting today. They spoke about the modernisation of this institution. The discussion relating to payment of pensions is planned for tomorrow. Tomorrow the meeting will be attended by Prime Minister Klickovic and representatives of the Red Cross.