
OHR SRT News Summary, 17 July 1998



  • Democratization is the only way for the RS, and the confrontation with the world is a pathological act, the RS President Biljana Plavsic stated during her stay in Sarajevo-Romanija region
  • The RS Prime Minister Dodik and the Government delegation in the official visit to Slovenia
  • Terrorism in Kosovo should be stopped by all means, unique position of Milosevic, Milutinovic and Djukanovic
  • What Schumacher really stated to Dnevni Avaz regarding the sanctions against the RS

“Serbs will have their place in Europe, and we will return the hope to the people,” the RS President Plavsic stated on the occasion of her visit to Srpsko Sarajevo and Rudo. Democratization is the only way for the RS, and the confrontation with the world, according to President Plavsic, is a pathological act of those who materially provided themselves.
The President Plavsic is due to visit the municipalities of Pale, Rogatica and Bijeljina tomorrow.

The RS Prime Minister Dodik, during the official visit to Slovenia, talked with the Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Drnovsek and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Boris Prlec. Dodik also talked with the Serbs who live in Slovenia.

Liquidation Manager of the National Bank of the former BiH William Dadley presented the journalists with the freezing of the bank deposits. The WMD Consulting Service Company, Liquidator of the NB, made a decision that the deposits of the NB are to be frozen at the end of the working day on July 16, 1998. The liquidation plan of the NB and the freezing of the deposits was carried out on the basis of the decision of the BiH Presidency, the owner of the Company for liquidation William Dadley stated at the press conference held in Sarajevo today.

The spokesman for OHR Simon Haselock informed the journalists, at a regular press conference held in Sarajevo today, about the forthcoming negotiations of the BiH CoM with the Paris Club of Creditors which will be held on July 23-24, 1998.

The DHR Hanns Schumacher denied the allegations published recently in the daily “Dnevni Avaz” according to which he threatened the RS with the sanctions. “I have never mentioned the phrase sanctions against the RS and one should not joke with it,” warned Schumacher in a program of the radio Deutche Velle. Schumacher stressed that OHR would keep on pressuring the RS in order to have it bring the Law on abandoned property before the September elections.

The spokesman for OHR Simon Haselock denied the writing of the daily “Dnevni Avaz”. “What is important is that Schumacher was not talking about the sanctions but the consequences for the RS unless it fulfills its obligations which equally refers to the FBiH as well if it does not fulfill its obligations,” Haselock concluded.

Commenting on the statement allegedly given by DHR Hanns Schumacher on imposing the sanctions against the RS, the spokesman for OHR Duncan Bullivant said the comment was misreported.
Speaking about recently opened office of the Croatian consulate in Banja Luka, Bullivant said that was a positive step and the expression of a good will of Croatian authorities to fulfill their obligations assumed at the Banja Luka Conference on Return.
Bullivant informed the journalists about opening of the radio and telephone lines between Prijedor and Sanski Most which is, according to him, positive for the refugee return.
Regarding the delays in passports issuance, Bullivant said that the IC was not to bear any responsibilities. Therefore, the HR Carlos Westendorp appeals to the Ministries of Interior of RS and FBiH to undertake all necessary steps with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communication of BiH to start issuing passports as soon as possible.
Bullivant announced today the nomination of the Ambassador Miguel Arias Estevez to the post of the assistant to the HR and the head of OHR office in Banja Luka.

The cellular telephone system in the RS can be expected by the end of August or beginning of September, this was said, inter alia, at the session of the Steering board of the public enterprise RS TELEKOM which discussed the modernization of the telecommunication system .