- Brcko in the RS in the interest of stabilization of the situation in BiH, the RS leadership underlined
- foreign troops on Kosmet unnecessary, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic believes
- while Abdullah Ocalan is waiting for the trial in Turkey, Kurds are demonstrating in European cities
The BiH Presidency Chairman Zivko Radisic, the RS National Assembly Speaker Petar Djokic and the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, the members of the RS delegation who testified before the Arbitration Tribunal in Vienna, returned to Banja Luka today. A joint appearance of the RS delegation in Vienna in the past days confirmed a firm standpoint – Brcko belongs to the RS. This standpoint was supported today by the parliamentary parties from the RS whose representatives signed a statement, which expresses expectation that the decision on Brcko is final and to the benefit of the RS. By closing words of the lawyers from the RS and the BiH Federation, the arbitration process on the IEBL in the area of Brcko has been concluded in Vienna today. The final arbitration award is announced for March 15.
At today’s press conference in Banja Luka, representatives of the parliamentary parties from the RS signed a joint statement which says that they expect that the decision of the Arbitration Tribunal on the disputable part of the IEBL in the area of Brcko will be final and that Brcko will remain within the territorial as well as constitutional and legal order of the RS. The statement will be sent to the international arbiter Roberts Owen, as well.
Kosovo-related news. After last night’s refusal of the Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to accept the request for deployment of the NATO troops on Kosmet, the negotiations between the Yugoslav delegation and Kosovo Albanians on the future status of Kosovo has been continued in Rambouillet today. The U. S. mediator Christopher Hill, who held several-hour talks with the FRY President Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade yesterday, came back to Rambouillet last night. Just before that meeting, the State Department spokesperson James Foley said that the U. S. Envoy will pass to Milosevic the sharpest possible warning that the agreement with the Kosovo Albanians is to be reached by Saturday at noon, otherwise the FRY will face the air strikes, Beta reports. Follows a more detailed report on the negotiations in Rambouillet, related activities and reactions from the world as well as the situation on Kosmet.
Exerting the rights from the field of the veterans and invalids protection has been significantly improved but is not satisfying, was said at the press conference of the representatives of the Ministry of Veterans and War Victims which was held in Banja Luka today.
Regarding the new draft of the two election laws in BiH, the Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH Robert Barry underlined at today’s press conference in Banja Luka that the participation of the public in creating of these laws gives better results in electing of the new authority bodies.
The SPRS spokesperson Igor Radojicic denied at today’s press conference in Banja Luka the statements of some media that the Main Board of this party will discuss the offered PM mandate to Petar Djokic on February 27.
Federation-related news.
News from the world.