
OHR SRT News Summary, 16 July 1998



  • The RS President Biljana Plavsic in one-day working visit to Bijeljina, Sokolac and Vlasenica
  • The RS Prime Minister Dodik talked with the French ambassador to BiH Yves Gaudeul
  • NATO military intervention in Kosovo less and less possible – is the Pentagon’s position
  • BiH CoM session in Sarajevo

The RS President Plavsic was today in a working visit to Bijeljina, Vlasenica and Sokolac. The working visit to Srpsko Sarajevo as well was announced.
President Plavsic made a decision that municipal assembly and the executive board of Milici should stop their work temporarily and that their job should be done by the Secretariat, SRNA reports, due to non-existence of the conditions for normal functioning of the authorities in that municipality.

The RS Prime Minister Dodik received in Banja Luka today the French Ambassador to BiH Yves Gaudeul. The press release from the Prime Minister’s cabinet said that during the short and useful conversation , they exchanged opinions about the political and economic reforms undertaken by the RS Government, the implementation of the DA and other current issues.

The vice president of the Government Ostoja Kremenovic chaired the meeting held in Brcko today, where a decision on forming of the initiative board for establishing of the association of municipalities and cities of the RS was brought. This meeting was attended by the representatives of 10 municipalities.

The RS NA Speaker Petar Djokic talked today with the Brcko mayor Borko Reljic about the implementation of the additional arbitration award for Brcko and about the possibilities of permanent accommodation of the refugees in this town who would like to remain there. Commenting on the Supervisor Robert Farrand’s order on banning the replacements of the municipal officials who change their party, Djokic said that it was not in the spirit of the democratic traditions and that it would have been better if such decision had never been brought.

The Protocol on the Procedure for the organized return of refugees and DPs signed by the RS and Croatia has constitutional lacks, as well as the competence of the certain sides to conclude such agreement , the HR to BiH Carlos Westendorp assessed, SRNA reports. Carlos Westendorp said that the issues of refugee and DPs returns are the competence of the common institutions and such agreement should be concluded with BiH and not, as he said, with one of its entities.

The BiH CoM agreed, at today’s session held in Sarajevo, on the attitudes for negotiations regarding programming of the BiH debt to the Paris Club, which will be held on July 23-24 in Paris.

Momcilo Krajisnik talked with the new Head of ECMM to former Yugoslavia Franz Parak about the current political situation in the RS and FBiH.

The vice president of the Government Tihomir Gligoric and the president of the Republic Trade Union Cedo Volas signed in Banja Luka today the Protocol on Agreement which regulates the lowest labor price of the employed in the RS and the tasks which are to improve the material situation of the workers.

The HR to BiH Carlos Westendorp made a decision today , according to Radio Sarajevo, to replace the leaders of the leading parties of HDZ and SDA due to the blockades of the functioning of the authorities in the divided town of Gornji Vakuf.

UNHCR informed today that Tuzla will be declared an open city tomorrow.