
OHR SRT News Summary, 15 Oct. 1997


Banja Luka – Plavsic met the Russian Foreign Ministry Envoy, Aksenyakov, and discussed the overcoming of the crisis in the RS and holding of the parliamentary elections. He concluded that the elections must be democratic and fair, and that RS leaders must work for their people’s interests and not for themselves in order to preserve the RS in line with the BiH Constitution. Journalism must retain the level of professionalism and both SRT studios must work together. As for the IC patronage over the media, this issue should be carefully reviewed in order not to violate the freedom of press. All political parties must an even-handed representation in the media, whereas the RS people will choose themselves what suits them most.

Banja Luka – Plavsic said that Krajisnik, Milosevic, and herself discussed the holding of the parliamentary elections and accepted the OSCE proposal to postpone them. We haven’t even mentioned the presidential elections. We discussed about the media a bit and concluded that those who made mistakes must correct them. She also reiterated the position that Serbs should have a joint TV network throughout the RS.

Plavsic also talked with the president of the RS PEC, Cancar about technical preparations for the parliamentary elections. Cancar said that he thinks that there would be only one electoral unit established for the whole RS because there is not enough time for the establishment of 10 units as was the case at the last elections. The RS PEC will do everything to hold elections under the RS law and in line with the OSCE election rules.

Banja Luka – the RS economic delegation met USAID representatives and signed an agreement on $1 million donation for reconstruction of infrastructure in RS. The USAID representatives underlined that only those who implement the DPA can count on assistance. The RS delegation has already prepared several projects that will be financed by this money. (It is interesting that the RS delegation nominated only towns from the western part of the RS for this project). For each of these projects, more than 80% of people employed in them will be former soldiers of the VRS.

Banja Luka – Banja Luka police presented the new police uniform as a final stage of reorganisation of RS police that was signed between Plavsic and Klickovic. The Banja Luka Ministry of Interior (MUP) does not want to get into an argument with the separated part of police in Bijeljina, but they underlined that the RS is being divided by those who obstruct the DPA, such as the former MUP and currently separated MUP in Bijeljina, which has been buying time for certain leaders from Pale by refusing to implement the programme of police reorganisation. The MUP will carry on with its duties respecting the RS Constitution and laws. We are denying any connection with or responsibility for each police station in the RS which does not respect the above and which was not elected in line with the MUP rules signed by Minister Pavic. It is high time for the separated police from Bijeljina to join the legal MUP or be removed from their current posts.

Lukavica/Bijeljina – Presence of police loyal to Pale and staff changes in certain towns in the RS, such as movement of the Rogatica police to Lukavica, created anxiety among local policemen and citizens. Problems also occurred in Bijeljina, Teslic, Derventa, and Serb Brod because of the presence of special police from Doboj commanded by Nikolic. He is close to the former Banja Luka policeman Ecim, for whom an arrest warrant was issued. Their task is to strengthen check-points on the roads towards Banja Luka.

Flash News:

Doboj – According to Dnevni Telegraf, six police training school students have beaten up their school mate Stevo Petkovic, who was transferred to a hospital. They accused him of spying for the Banja Luka police training school. The six students were expelled from the school. IPTF carried out 261 arms inspections in Dayton BiH between August 20 and October 14, said the UN Secretary General Envoy, Eide. He added that in 88 such check ups IPTF found arms – 38 in the RS and 50 in the Federation. SFOR and IPTF are now working on joint licence plates.

Banja Luka – 11 Banja Luka political parties agreed to hold the constitutional session of the city assembly on October 25.

Sarajevo – HR Westendorp met the RS Trade Union and discussed all aspects of the economic and social situation in the RS, as well as equal treatment of both Entities. Westendorp suggested establishment of a co-ordinating body that would provide even-handed co-operation between the Unions of both Entities, which was accepted by the RS Trade Union. Westendorp accepted to visit the RS Trade Union in Banja Luka.

Banja Luka – Minister of Justice, Petric assessed that Farrand’s instructions regarding the multi-ethnic administration and judiciary in Brcko were actually adopted with full knowledge that they will never be implemented, for which the current RS authorities would be accused of non-co-operation so that their position is weakened prior to the Brcko Arbitration. 45 Muslim returnees received RS ID’s in the borderline village of Omerbegovaca. Of 1,681 Muslim and Croat returnees who received Farrand’s approval to return to IEBL in this area, 336 Muslims accepted RS ID’s.

Sarajevo – BiH Foreign Minister Prlic and SESG Eide signed the MoU on mine clearance.

Lukavica – SCMM session – SCMM discussed the appointment of military attaches. VRS Commander Colic said that they will further discuss this issue since there are two armies, announcing that a final agreement could be reached at the next session.

Doboj – At the ‘The North Pole’ SFOR barracks, a meeting was held between VRS, Muslim army, and HVO. They talked about implementation of the DPA, mine clearance, training, and freedom of movement. Commander of the 1st Corps of VRS, Talic said that he is satisfied with the implementation of the DPA and co-operation between VRS and SFOR.

Sarajevo – Principal Deputy HR Klein met the Federation Vice-president, Ganic and discussed the restructuring of the Federation police, especially in the Central Bosnian and Herzegovina Cantons.