
OHR SRT News Summary, 15 June 1999



  • Zivko Radisic handed over presidential duties to Ante Jelavic who will perform this duty for the next eight months. They also discussed diplomatic and consular issues in BiH;
  • Serbian refugees are continuing to flee from Kosovo;
  • Bratislava Morina, Commissioner for refugees in FRY Government: KLA aggressive action caused flight of Serbs from Kosovo;
  • KLA injured two Serb civilians, one in Pristina and the other one in Gracanica;
  • KLA members attacked a few Serb families around Pristina. KFOR was informed but did nothing about it;
  • The Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church requested Slobodan Milosevic and the FRY Government to resign in the interest of the Serbian people.
  • British KFOR soldiers arrested 5 KLA members on suspicion of killing a Serb civilian in Pristina, said a British Lt.Colonel ; According to him British soldiers were investigating the murder of a Serb civilian when KLA members opened fire on them. KFOR soldiers surrounded the house where the gunfire came from and arrested KLA members.
  • KLA entered Prizren and set up their check-points. KLA is inspecting Serb houses in this town;
  • Dutch KFOR soldiers discovered several burned bodies and called for a further investigation;
  • Samuel Berger: Clinton will meet Djukanovic during his visit to Slovenija