- RS President Nikola Poplasen received Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General to BiH Eric Morris
- RS Government session, which started yesterday, completed today
- BiH Presidency on the preparations for the Madrid conference
- First consultations of the RS President and parliamentary parties on the election of the prime minister-designate in Banja Luka
- Israeli renewed the attacks on the Hezbollah base in Lebanon
The RS President Nikola Poplasen talked in Banja Luka today with the UN high delegation led by Eric Morris, Deputy Special Representative of this world organization to BiH. The press release from the President’s Cabinet says that the meeting discussed, inter alia, many issues from the competence of the UN pertaining to the DA. The primary subject of the talks was the reform of the police and judicial system.
The RS Government resumed its 32nd session today. It discussed the proposals on changes of the program for closing the collective centers in the RS.
The BiH Presidency, at today’s session held in Sarajevo, talked about the preparation for the upcoming conference of the Council for Implementation of the Peace Agreement in BiH which is to be held in Madrid on December 15 and 16, 1998. After today’s session, the chairman of the BiH Presidency Zivko Radisic talked in separate meetings with the Ambassadors of India, Ukraine, China, Canada and Switzerland. The subject of the meetings referred to the current political situation in BiH and the implementation of the DA.
In Pale, the co-chairman of the BIH CoM Boro Bosic and the Swedish Ambassador to BiH talked about the work of the common institutions and the overall political situation in BiH.
After three months of work, the IMC opened today its first regional office on the BiH territory. The basic tasks of this international Independent Media Commission are organizing of the media space in BiH and promoting of the independent reporting.
Kosovo-related news
Today’s consultative meetings led by the RS President Nikola Poplasen with the representatives of the SDS, Serb Coalition for RS, SNSD and SRS indicated that the way to reach a compromise in electing the prime minister designate could be very long. After the meeting, Poplasen stated that the representatives of these parties presented the positions that are already known to the public and that the final decision on the name of the candidate for the prime-minister designate will be known by the end of the week.
The current situation in the RS was the subject of the SNS press conference led by the members of the SNS main board Stanko Stanic and Drago Kalabic. Talking about the constitutive session, Kalabic said: ” At the moment when there was no broadcast on the TV, which was very interesting, a KCDBiH counselor, Sasivarevic, took the floor and said that Kalinic had offered to him one ministerial post. “Now, I sit close to the SDS and SRS counselors in the assembly and I noticed that the statement caused serious panic amongst them. I saw the bitterness of certain SDS counselors for they probably were not aware of such negotiations…”
A member of the SNSD Executive Board Slavko Mitric talked at the press conference held in Banja Luka today about the further plans of SNSD and their coalition partners in constituting of the executive authorities.
A press conference was held in the premises of the municipal assembly of Prijedor today. The occasion were the incidents that took place two days ago. The first one in Pozidace, Serb village in the Federation territory, where the unknown perpetrators desecrated the Orthodox graveyard. The second one was the explosion which took place last night in Kozarac near Prijedor and which was carried out by an unknown perpetrator. The explosion destroyed one recently reconstructed Bosniak house. Assessing those incidents as uncivilized and terrorist acts, the mayor of Prijedor requested from the local police and judicial bodies to find the perpetrators as soon as possible and to punish them.