- RS to contribute to the celebration of Hilandar monastery’s 800th anniversary
- RS Prime-Minister Dodik – budget increased to 80% through Government measures
- 6 dinars to the DM
- Krajisnik and IMF representatives discuss international financial aid
- Meeting Kalinic – Kauslarich
- Security Council – arms embargo to be imposed on Yugoslavia
A delegation of the Board organising the 8th centenary celebration of Hilandar monastery presented their planned activities for the celebration to President Plavsic. RS will give its full support to all aspects of the anniversary celebration, stressed President Plavsic.
RS Prime-Minister Dodik stated in BL that, by measures to strengthen financial discipline and combat crime, the Government had realised an increase in budgetary income of 79 % compared with last year. At today’s press conference Dodik stressed that the RS Government was stable and would not suffer any restructuring until the end of its mandate.
The FRY Government decision on dinar devaluation caused different reactions in domestic, political and financial circles. The Governor of the FRY National Bank said such a decision was made unanimously by the Federal Government and that it represented a measure directed at encouraging exports, as one of the basic goals of FRY economic policy.
The Security Council imposed an arms embargo on FRY by Resolution 1160 in order to force it to start immediate dialogue with Kosovo Albanians. The Resolution was adopted with 14 votes in favour, including Russia, while China abstained from voting saying that the Kosovo issue was an internal matter for FRY, where international factors shouldn’t be involved.
After a meeting with Krajisnik, the IMF Executive Director stressed that conditions necessary for signing the Agreement on a Stand-By Arrangement between IMF and BiH had been achieved, adding that there were still some details to be resolved.
The RS NA Speaker, Kalinic, and American Ambassador to BiH, Kauslarich, talked in Pale today about the possibility of a speedy inflow of financial resources and distribution to the entire RS territory. They also discussed acceleration of the privatisation process in the RS and issues pertaining to refugee return pursuant to the DA.
Representatives of the international organisations responsible for DA implementation held a press conference in SA today. The spokesperson for OHR, Aisling Byrne, commenting on HR Carlos Westendorp’s decision regarding the municipal assembly sessions in Srebrenica, stressed that all decisions made by the HR CW relating to Srebrenica were in accordance with the DA and the Bonn Declaration.
Asked by journalists of the Srna news agency if that meant that Serb councillors in the municipal assembly of Drvar should ask for the same thing that Moslems had asked for in Srebrenica Parliament, she said that Srebrenica, due to its specific situation, should not be compared to any other municipalities in BiH.