
OHR SRT News Summary, 09 Feb. 1998



  • Plavsic and Chirac talk in Paris
  • Meeting Dodik – Schussel in Vienna
  • Arbitration on Brcko Continues
  • Turkey – Buffer Zone in Iraq Territory
  • Weather tomorrow – Moderately Cloudy and Sunny

RS President, Biljana Plavsic, met with Jacques Chirac ,President of France, today in Paris. Chirac said that France and the EU would make sure that financial assistance was provided for this entity. He announced the opening of the Bureau de France in Banja Luka and promised that he would work personally on the opening of an EU Bureau in the largest town in the RS. Plavsic also met with the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Commission for Foreign Affairs in the French Senate.

RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, met with Wolfgang Schussel, Austrian Deputy Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, today in Vienna. Schussel announced the opening of the office of the Hague Tribunal and the Austrian Bureau in Banja Luka. Dodik requested that the difference in financial assistance provided so far to the Federation and to the RS be corrected. The Prime Minister and his delegation met with representatives of major Austrian companies, and discussed the improvement of economic relations between the two countries.

Arbitration on Brcko IEBL continued today in Vienna. The testimonies of Hasan Muratovic, former Prime Minister of the Federation, Rasim Kadic, Minister for Refugees and DPs in BiH, and Ejup Ganic, President of the Federation, among others, centered on the issues of refugees and returns, and especially on the Sarajevo Declaration. They were witnesses presented by the Federation. The RS will present its witnesses in the next few days, and Dodik is already expected to testify tomorrow.

Due to the arrest of Goran Vasic, several hundred citizens protested in Lukavica today in front of the RS Ministry of Interior and the IPTF office.