
OHR SRT News Summary, 04 Feb. 1998



  • UN Special Envoy spoke to the RS President and RS Minister of Interior today in BL
  • In Bonn Dodik and Kinkel discussed the status of Brcko – the Arbitration Tribunal discussed the same in Vienna
  • Russian President warned the American President – Attack against Iraq would cause World War III

Top stories RS President, Biljana Plavsic, spoke in BL today with the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy, E. Rehn, about reconstruction of the police, missing and detained persons and the judiciary. Mrs. Rehn was given a letter concerning 39 falsely indicted citizens from the Republic of Srpska Krajina detained in prison in Solin near Split. The new licence plates and common currency were discussed. E. Rehn spoke to RS Minister of Interior, Milovan Stankovic, about the reorganisation of the police, checkpoints, financing of police training, the Police Academy and the equipment needed.

The Arbitration hearing in Vienna will last for 7 days. Federal partners will participate separately. A group of political representatives and legal experts arrived in Vienna today to discuss the arbitration dispute relating to the IEBL in the Brcko area.

Today in Bonn, RS Prime Minister, M. Dodik, spoke with Klaus Kinkel, German Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Brcko Arbitration was one of the points they discussed. Dodik stated that it had been clarified that the arbitration decision must not be disadvantageous to his Government . “We need authority over that town,” Dodik said. Kinkel spoke about assistance from the German Government intended for RS reconstruction, including airport reconstruction, etc. After the meeting with Kinkel, Dodik invited Croats and Muslims to return to the RS and to share the future with those who had stayed in the RS, where, as he said, there was 70% unemployment and where the average salary amounted to 70 DEM per month.

The final decision on SFOR troops in B&H keeps being delayed due to misunderstandings between western allies about the number of soldiers in the new forces and the idea of expanding the mandate of NATO and the IC.

In a press conference Rajko Tomas, the RS President’s assistant for the economy, spoke about recent inflation in the RS.

The RS Minister for Traffic and Communications, Marko Pavic, and the FRY Minister for Traffic, Dejan Drobnjakovic, spoke about future co-operation. The airport opening and the functioning of the Belgrade-Banja Luka line were discussed.

Many challenges and dangers are approaching the RS Government in terms of personnel policy, according to Igor Radojcic, spokesperson of the RS Socialist Party, at a press conference today. He added that that party had sent a letter in that regard to the RS President and to the Prime Minister. He announced that Zivko Radisic would pay two official visits soon: to Bonn and to Paris.

Brcko must stay in the RS, is the standpoint of the Serb Intellectual Forum of BL, it was announced at today’s press conference. “If Brcko does not stay in the RS, that will be a violation of the DA,” stated Professor Dokic, president of the Forum.

A representatives of the Ministry for Refugees and DP’s in Kotor Varos received the American Ambassadors to B&H and Croatia, Kauzlarich and Montgomery.

HR SRT News Summary
04 February 1998