Referring to RS President Plavsic’s statement in the Banja Luka studio yesterday, SDS HQ released a press statement saying that instead of using her first live interview on a TV after the Belgrade Agreement to stabilise the situation in the RS and send a message of reconciliation, Plavsic kept on using her wrong policy and lies, just confusing the people. She accused the Ministry of Interior although it had been clarified several times that her claims were groundless. However, most incorrect was the lie that she repeated several times, that SDS and HDZ held talks regarding the exchange of territories, and Plavsic was already told that SDS did not and will not hold such talks. This was not a naive insinuation but a crime of spreading lies that creats anxiety among the people. Such lies are fatal for the RS future. SDS expressed a similar position regarding Plavsic’s accusations related to selling of the construction material to the Federation, that had been planned for the construction of Serb Sarajevo, abuse of the state property (financial resources), complaints against implementation of the DPA, etc. Plavsic and one part of the IC (who interpret implementation of the DPA differently) are trying to reintegrate the RS into a unitary BiH. SDS representatives do respect the DPA that guarantees the survival of the RS, and Plavsic is courting the foreigners. God forbid, if Plavsic and other small parties that support her had more power in negotiations, we would have already been reintegrated into BiH. Plavsic proved once again huge irresponsibility, malevolence and maliciousness, as well as readiness to politically fight, especially against the SDS. At the same time, Plavsic reaction strengthens SDS in their attempts to preserve RS unity, and lead them to conclude that Plavsic is afraid of the presidential elections.
Flash news:
At the moment when the US is facing its failure in the peace process in BiH, it is also finally opening its eyes through a journalist from the New York Times who thinks that BiH unity and coexistence are only empty words. This story will finally take burden off the Serb people as the only guilty nation in the civil war in BiH. The papers think that the DPA only stopped the killing, since there is neither peace nor reconciliation. The DPA actually helped the Croats and Serbs get what they needed, and it is high time to let them go.
Petersburg – Congress of Serb Unity – Serb immigrants discussed the crisis in the RS, concluding that it would not be solved as long as the leadership is divided, and there is a possibility for a new conflict. The current situation represents a great loss for the RS and Serb people.
Niksic – Prime Ministers of the RS and Montenegro, Klickovic and Djukanovic, respectively, met today and discuss the establishment of expert groups for carrying out business that will bring these two countries closer together, such as improvement of the information system, telephone system, energy, transport, etc.
Trebinje – the Red Cross representatives from the RS and FRY unveiled a monument in memory of voluntary blood donors. This is the first such monument in Europe. The monument was blessed by Orthodox priests.
World news:
Muslim radio reported that Muslims from Tomislavgrad expressed their concerns and fear for their security after the destruction a mosque in the town several days ago.