
OHR RTRS News Summary, 4 May 2000


News Headlines

  • RS National Assembly majority elects CD Coalition representative Munib Jusufovic as deputy (second) speaker of RS National Assembly, also elects Court Justice Snjezana Savic to the BiH Constitutional Court
  • RS National Assembly rejects 16 of 17 RS Government reports on realization of RS National Assembly conclusions
  • RS National Assembly continues tenth session
  • Radisic meets with IMF Mission to BiH Head Ansola to discuss economic reform in BiH
  • RS Defense Ministry and RS Army HQ organize Roundtable on Development of Spirituality and Serb Tradition in the RS Army
  • Petritsch says that result of BiH local elections indicate that things keep going in positive direction during his address in Brussels
  • NATO Secretary-General George Robertson says SFOR has been reorganized and will not be reorganized again or downsized
  • OSCE and UNHCR welcome agreement between pension funds in BiH Federation and RS
  • 17 refugees from Sanski Most return in Banja Luka settlement Bastasi – UNHCR spokesperson Wendy Rappeport
  • UN Spokesman Douglas Coffman informs that unknown perpetrators robbed house of Srebrenica Mayor
  • Deadline for submission of apartment return claims in RS is 18 June – Commission for Real Property Claims (CPRC) of Refugees and Displaced Persons
  • 15 houses have been reconstructed for returnees in Borci village, Jezero Municipality
  • Chairman-elect of BiH Council of Ministers Gligoric says he held consultative meetings with political party representatives from BiH Parliamentary Assembly and BiH Presidency on ministries in the new BiH Council of Ministers
  • SPRS General Secretary Tihomir Gligoric says that SPRS delegates in RS National Assembly request abolishment of RS Information Ministry
  • SRS holds press conference in Banja Luka, General Secretary Ognjen Tadic says that RS National Assembly delegates are forgetting their obligations to the Assembly
  • RS Pensioners’ Party denies allegations of Democratic Socialist Party member Igor Radojicic that it ever held negotiations with political parties in Banja Luka in regard to Banja Luka City Assembly
  • RS Oil Industry Management Board holds session
  • Annual Assembly of RS Academy of Arts and Sciences held in Banja Luka
  • Banja Luka police investigating two criminal acts in Banja Luka, the attempted assassination of Sveto Jotic and destruction of car from Belgrade
  • IMC and BiH Institute for Standards and Patents organize Copyright Protection Conference in Sarajevo
  • Former NATO SACEUR Wesley Clark comments on possibility of establishing joint BiH Army in the future
  • 16,000 workers to lose their jobs after 5 May in the Tuzla Canton
  • Envoys of 13 syndicates of public companies from Tuzla region criticize the work of BiH Federation Privatization Agency
  • Kouchner requests OSCE member countries to provide greater assistance to IC organizations in Kosovo
  • KFOR finds two bodies in Morina, near Albania
  • KFOR arrests 12 persons in Prizren
  • KFOR arrests four persons in Pec, Kosovo
  • Serb National Council Regional Board for Northern Kosovo presents program on return of Kosovo Serbs to municipalities of Klina and Istok
  • Kosovo Serb observer in Kosovo Interim Administrative Council Rada Trajkovic tells the media in Belgrade that 1,200 Serbs have been kidnapped in Kosovo
  • Opposition parties from Serbia reach agreement on holding protest rally in Pozarevac on 9 May
  • 20th anniversary of Tito’s death, Josip Broz ‘Tito’ had been president for life in Yugoslavia
  • World news
  • Bratunac Clinic workers end strike on Thursday after 17 days
  • Culture
  • Sports/Weather
  • RS National Assembly adopts Law on Return of Confiscated Property and Compensation and the Law on Customs Violations
  • RS National Assembly discussing draft treasury law
  • Mirko Nozica elected new present of RS Oil Industry Company
  • Bijeljina Association of Families of Fallen Soldiers threatens to block Bijeljina Office of RS Refugee Ministry if problems with evictions of families of fallen soldiers not resolved by this Friday
  • Several thousand Kosovo Serbs hold protest rally to support Kosovo Serb prisoners being held in Kosovska Mitrovica prison
  • New NATO SACEUR Joseph Ralston to visit Kosovo on Friday
  • Russian contingent rotates troops in KFOR mission
  • Canadian troops to leave KFOR and Kosovo and join contingent in SFOR – KFOR
  • World news
  • Weather

News Summary

IMC and BiH Institute for Standards and Patents organize Copyright Protection Conference in Sarajevo

The IMC and BiH Institute for Standards and Patents co-organized the Conference on Copyright Protection in Sarajevo on Thursday. The protection of copyright and international standards in this area was the main topic of this conference. The important thing for BiH is to adhere to international conventions and current principles to have copyright protection, which would stop enormous financial loss in the media market sector. Copyright and other rights in this area are indispensable cubes in the mosaic of human creativity and motivation for inventors to spread their inventions without fear of illegal copying, participants at the conference emphasized. The respect of international law and practices in the area of copyright protection of intellectual property is necessary for the development of healthy competition, they added. The development of a media market is connected with the development of international law and rate of development of markets in BiH. IMC representatives emphasized that the illegal production, distribution, sale and broadcasting is an expanded form of unhealthy competition in the media market that inflicts damage to authors and obstructs the development of a market economy and, therefore, the strategic goals of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The IMC has drafted the Code of Broadcasting Practice for Radio and TV Programming to prevent the spread of copyright piracy. According to this code, radio and TV stations are obligated to observe generally accepted standards in the area of intellectual property rights, and should desist from appropriating program materials. Violators of this Code will be punished. The IMC Enforcement Panel will order sanctions against such violators. The Council of Europe actively participates in the creation and maintenance of free and equal media markets. The Council of Europe representatives participated at the Copyright Protection Conference in Sarajevo.