News Headlines
- Dodik bodyguards beat up Borac Nektar fans after Igokea-Borac basketball game on 30 March
- RS Interior Ministry issues press release on events from basketball game
- Basketball game should not have been motive for clash in Borik Sports Hall
- Igokea players were indecent – Borac Nektar
- Dodik allowed his bodyguards to use force against youths – SPRS
- SDS bitter over brutal attack of Dodik bodyguards on Borac fans
- Improper demonstration of force and arrogance of Dodik bodyguards – PDP
- Dodik responsible for incident in Borik – SNS Banja Luka
- Private police of SNSD beat up youths – Serb Party President Lazarevic
- Thanks to brutality of Dodik’s bodyguards, clear sporting victory turned into defeat – Democratic Patriotic Party Youth
- Two of Dodik’s bodyguards suspended – SNSD official Mitrovic
- Dodik apologizes to Banja Luka citizens for incident in Borik
- Almost 1,400,000 RS citizens registered for privatization – RS Government
- BiH granted 800,000 DM at Donors’ Conference in Brussels – RS Finance Minister Kondic
- Brcko Assembly holds constitutive session
- Dodik visits Kotor Varos
- Sarovic meets with Prnjavor authorities
- RS Army fulfilled all obligations from military annexes of Dayton Agreement – RS Defense Ministry Assistant Jelicic
- RS Association of Refugees and DPs Ostanak holds protest rally entitled ‘Stop Inhumane Evictions’ in Banja Luka
- 150 Grahovo families await return, but have no funds to realize it
- Six Serb families return to Gracanica from Doboj
- Sarajevo Canton Interior Ministry confiscates 5kg of marijuana in Vraca
- Armed robbery on Bosansko Grahovo-Livno route
- US Ambassador Miller speculations of irregular privatization of Holiday Inn Hotel unfounded – Bicakcic
- Yugoslav Army arrests several KFOR soldiers at Rozaje check point and releases them
- No secret that there are Albanian concentration camps for Serbs in Kosovo – Serb National Council spokesperson Kabasic
- House of Najdan Leskic burned in Orahovac
- Bomb explodes in Pristina
- KFOR denies that there are Albanian concentration camps for Serbs in Kosovo
- US warns Albanian extremists in southern Serbia that they would face KFOR actions if they do not suspend their operations – Foley
- US to send more troops to Kosovo and Macedonia
- KFOR not intending to take action against Albanian extremists in southern Serbia – NATO General Freitag
- 125,000 Albanian refugees to return to Kosovo by end of year – Swiss Office in Pristina
- UN extends deadline for registration of vehicles in Kosovo another two months
- Rally ‘Stop Terror’ held in Belgrade
- World news
- Frowick informs of reform of RT RS while visiting RT RS workers
- Petritsch delivers diplomas to BBC school of journalism students in Sarajevo
- Slovenian and RS Economy Ministries to sign agreement on cooperation in agriculture
- Swedish SGS Adriatic delivers ISO 9002 certificate to Banja Luka Jelsingrad Steel factory
- Sports
- Weather
- Bosniak dies in explosion in Rankovici, near Novi Travnik – UN IPTF
- Protection of all nations in Kosovo priority of NATO – Robertson
- French lieutenant killed by French professional soldier in southern Kosovska Mitrovica – KFOR
- HRT Director Galic to place his mandate at disposal of Croatian Parliament
- Czech choir Societas Cantica gives concert in Banja Luka
- Serb Party invites citizens not to vote for their former coalition partners, Serb Patriotic Party and Democratic Party
- Serb Patriotic Party insists on protection of those evicted – Party Vice-president Crnadak
- Banja Luka fulfilled all conditions to become modern European city – Dodik
- BiH Communist Union holds rally in Banja Luka
- SNS Bijeljina holds session on SRS member Blagojevic’s physical attack on SNS member Krsmanovic at latest town assembly session
- Situation in RS result of internal political disputes – PDP President Ivanic
- SPO RS shocked by campaign ads of some parties – Party President Perkovic
- SDS originated from people and survived as such – Cavic at rally in Sokolac
- SDS holds rallies in Pale, Milici, Brod and Zvornik
- Elections chance for changes – RS Democratic Party