
OHR RTRS News Summary, 31 August 2000


News Headlines:

  • RS National Assembly in continuation of sixth special session adopts number of amendments to laws
  • RS Government holds session in Banja Luka, adopts RS Administration Reform Program action plan to reduce administration
  • Petritsch annuls three RS laws – Law on Return of Confiscated Property and Compensation, Law on Return of Confiscated Real Property, and Law on Return of Confiscated Land
  • Djokic comments on Petritsch decision
  • RS Government did not expect Petritsch to annul three laws because Government was working with OHR on these laws – RS Justice Minister Cedo Vrzina
  • Dodik visits Sipovo to meet with local officials, says RS Government will assist in construction of 30 houses and reconstruction of roads in region
  • Petritsch, UNHCR Head Werner Blatter, SFOR Commander Adams and ambassadors to BiH visit returnees in six villages and towns (Maglaj, Prijedor, Kotor Varos, Capljina, Doboj, Srbinje)
  • IC pleased that increasing number of refugees want to return home – Deputy High Representative Andrew Bearpark
  • BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees condemns everyone who obstructs implementation of refugee return and property laws and calls on entity authorities to punish them
  • Sarovic comments on OHR press release on irresponsibility of BiH House of Representatives in failing to adopt law on common BiH passport, says this does not concern OHR
  • BiH Council of Ministers adopts Budget Revision Plan
  • RS National Assembly concludes sixth special session in Banja Luka
  • Milosevic victory in elections would certainly have influence on situation in RS – Petritsch
  • RS Government Deputy Premier Savo Loncar says he knows nothing of possible RS business relations of Ivan Stambolic who disappeared in Belgrade last week
  • Stambolic attorney Nikola Barovic denies pro-government press reports that Stambolic was kidnapped for reasons of business relations
  • SPO officially nominates Vojislav Mihailovic as its presidential candidate for Yugoslavia elections
  • IC should punish persons responsible for crimes against Kosovo Serbs – Orthodox Serb Bishop Artemije
  • Artemije meets with Solana in Kosovo
  • Croatian authorities did not protect murdered ICTY witness Milan Levar because his request for protection was misplaced – Croatian Interior Ministry
  • World news
  • Culture
  • Sports and weather

News Summary:

Djokic comments on Petritsch decision (00:37) Speaker of the RS National Assembly Petar Djokic said that High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch‘s decision to annul three laws in the RS is harmful. Djokic added that the laws were brought in a procedure in which OHR representatives had participated. He said that the OHR opinion on the laws should have been rendered on time in order to avoid placing decision-making bodies in this current position. The RS Government must immediately provide quality contact with the OHR in order to avoid humiliating the position of the institution of the RS National Assembly, as it is in this case, concluded Djokic.