
OHR RTRS News Summary, 27 January 2000


News Headlines

  • Sarovic assumption of presidential duties illegal and unconstitutional – Petritsch
  • Sarovic informs RS National Assembly of assumption of presidential duties on 26 January
  • SDS to present standpoint on OHR press release after SDS Presidency session – Cavic
  • Djokic does not want to comment OHR press release
  • Dodik not fully familiar with OHR standpoint on assumption of presidential duties by Sarovic
  • SPRS holds press conference on RS National Assembly session, RS Government, Sarovic, contacts with SPS and separations within SPRS
  • Sarovic should assume presidential duties if he has support of parliamentary parties and IC – SNS
  • Sarovic decision not illegal, but delayed – Mihajlovic
  • Sarovic had his chance to assume presidential duties – Plavsic
  • SRS holds press conference
  • Sarovic decision to contribute to stabilization if accepted by IC – Ivanic
  • Jelavic and Klein discuss training of BiH Border Service members
  • International organizations hold press conference on reconstruction of BiH institutions and threats to journalists
  • Dayton Agreement should be revised – Izetbegovic
  • Urucevic is acting Mostar Mayor
  • SFOR Commander Adams forbids movement and training of Croat forces of BiH Federation Army
  • Bosansko Grahovo Mayor Sabljic on local authorities and Serb returnees
  • Gorazde under authority of Italian SFOR forces
  • Dodik meets with SFOR Deputy Commander Lemonsh
  • St. Sava celebrations throughout RS
  • St. Sava mass served at Banja Luka church
  • St. Sava mass served at churches in BiH Federation
  • St. Sava masses served at churches in Serbia and Montenegro
  • Children’s ball held in Banja Luka
  • St. Sava academy to serve mass in Banja Luka
  • Dodik, Mihajlovic, Plavsic, Aleksandar Karadjordjevic and Bishop Artemije speak with Serbian opposition politicians on democratization in Serbia and current situation in Kosovo
  • 13 arrested in Kosovo
  • Albright on crisis in Kosovo
  • OSCE establishes team for voter registration in Kosovo
  • Racan new Croatian Prime Minister
  • World news
  • Sports and weather
  • Sarovic assumption of presidential duties is attack on RS institution aimed at violating Dayton Agreement – US Embassy
  • Bishop Nikolaj organizes reception for foreign diplomats
  • Vasiljevic case at ICTY
  • SDA not satisfied with changes to draft of Permanent Election Law
  • OSCE to inform BiH Parliament of changes to Permanent Election Law
  • Klein visits BiH police officers training for UN mission in East Timor
  • SDA Posavina sends petition to Petritsch on education matters
  • Racan calls on Serb refugees to leave BiH and return to Croatia – German Government Envoy
  • UNHCR envoy Arbolda on return of refugees to Yugoslavia
  • German Government to discuss sanctions on Yugoslavia
  • Fischer praises Serbian opposition
  • Scandinavian countries donate 200 million DM for reconstruction in Kosovo Polje and Obilic

News Summary

Sarovic assumption of presidential duties illegal and unconstitutional – Petritsch

High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch assessed the attempt of RS Vice-president Mirko Sarovic to assume presidential duties as illegal and unconstitutional, saying that there is no basis for Sarovic’s pretensions. The High Representative clearly informed Sarovic that his duties were limited to those of Vice-president. According to Petritsch, Sarovic’s action is an attack on RS institutions and is aimed at destabilizing the entity. Any presidential move by Sarovic will be considered illegal. Everyone who cooperates with Sarovic in his attempt will also be held responsible. The consequences of his illegal action have also been discussed and Petritsch is considering further measures.


SRS holds press conference

The SRS held a press conference in Banja Luka on Thursday, when party General Secretary Ognjen Tadic stated that the SRS accepted the decision of RS Vice-president Mirko Sarovic to assume presidential duties. Commenting on the OHR press release, Tadic stated that High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch has not contributed to implementation of the Dayton Agreement, but has been stopped democratic processes in the RS. Tadic added that political events in the last two days showed a separation of the Sloga Coalition.
