
OHR RTRS News Summary, 2 December 1999


News Headlines

  • RS National Assembly holds extraordinary session on New York Declaration
  • BiH Presidency members signed New York Declaration – Haselock
  • International organizations hold press conference
  • Farrand secures equipment for Brcko hospital information center
  • Serb and Bosniak Refugee Societies from Brcko hold session on property return
  • Belgrade Association for Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons sends letter to Petritsch and Barry
  • Sarajevo is key to refugee problems – Belgrade Association for Assistance to Refugees and Displaced Persons
  • Since signing of Dayton Agreement, 337,000 refugees have returned to BiH and Croatia
  • 335,000 displaced persons have returned to their homes in BiH and Croatia
  • US Catholic humanitarian aid vehicle activates explosive on road near Gacko, four injured – RS Interior Ministry Information Service
  • UN and UNHCR spokespersons Hoffman and Smith worried over incident in Fazlagica Kula
  • Discussion on training center held in Glamoc on 1 December
  • Four ministers resign at Tuzla Cantonal Assembly session
  • 216 accommodations being reconstructed in Bugojno
  • Erotel sends appeal to IMC
  • Herceg-Bosna Executive Board dismisses Erotel Executive Board
  • Level of violence lower in Kosovo – Rheinhart
  • Situation calm in Kosovo – KFOR spokesperson Lavoir
  • One house burned near Pristina
  • Russia might revise its level of presence in Kosovo – Ivanov’s deputy
  • Serb National Council President Bishop Artemije speaks with UN Special Envoy Kukan on position of Serbs in Kosovo
  • General Smith speaks with Kosovo Corps Commander Tcehu on Kosovo Corps consolidation
  • Kosovska Mitrovica Serb National Council speaks with US representatives regarding problems in Kosovska Mitrovica
  • US starts investigation into misappropriation of US humanitarian aid sent to Kosovo – Rubin
  • Reason for WFO plane crash can be break in communications – UN RC Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Radisic and Dodik speak separately with US Ambassador to BiH Miller on current situation in RS, dismissal of 22 officials in BiH and New York Declaration
  • World news
  • Banja Luka Public Safety Station raises charges against Parma Trade owner Zijic for tax evasion
  • SRS holds press conference
  • RS Government, Banja Luka and Laktasi authorities sign agreement with Swedish organization on information system
  • Banja Luka University and Belgrade Art University sign agreement on cooperation
  • Culture
  • Sports and weather
  • RS National Assembly members discuss New York Declaration
  • RS National Assembly to continue extraordinary session on New York Declaration on 3 December
  • Petritsch and Barry dissatisfied with BiH Parliament inactivity regarding adoption of Election Law
  • Reduction of SFOR troops starts on 2 December
  • 15,000 BiH refugees in Germany submit application for migration to US
  • NATO Defense Ministers hold session on BiH, Kosovo and Yugoslavia
  • NATO Defense Ministers on progress in BiH
  • Violence must be stopped in Kosovo – NATO Defense Ministers
  • Stability depends on Yugoslav democratization – Balkan Foreign Ministers
  • Kouchner visits Tirana
  • Kouchner to speak with Albanian Prime Minister and President on border control
  • Russian Government requests UN Security Council extraordinary session on Kosovo
  • Orahovac Serbs send open letter to Orahovac administrator on Albanian Flag Day celebration
  • Kosovo Albanian representative Cosia asks Kosovo Albanians to stop violence in Kosovo
  • Simic trial at ICTY

News Summary

RS National Assembly holds extraordinary session on New York Declaration

The RS National Assembly held an extraordinary session in Banja Luka on Wednesday. BiH Council of Ministers Co-chairman Svetozar Mihajlovic stated that they discussed four items at the roundtable in New York. Mihajlovic added that some representatives of the BiH Federation opposition, such as Kljuic, Lazovic and Zubak, had asked for revisions to the Dayton Agreement. Mihajlovic also said that RS representatives were against revision. Officials of the International Community supported the RS representatives. RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik stated that their attitudes were similar to those of the International Community. Dodik added that they were against a joint army, but could accept a military downsizing in the RS and BiH Federation. Regarding the New York Declaration, Dodik stated that the official document was not same as the document adopted at the conference. The Border Service was defined by the Dayton Agreement, but the national structure should not be the same as the national structure of the 1991 registration. Dodik claims that joint passports were not adopted in New York and suggested that RS National Assembly permit the issuing of BiH passports without entity signs. According to Dodik, the New York Declaration is just a document for discussion. Dodik thinks that RS soldiers should participate in peace operations if they wear uniforms and insignias of the RS Army. BiH Presidency Member Zivko Radisic pointed out that the New York Declaration was neither signed nor adopted. Radisic is against revisions of the Dayton Agreement, reconstruction of the current law on the BiH Council of Ministers and joint BiH Army. According to RS Vice-president Mirko Sarovic, the New York Declaration is the most dangerous attack on RS autonomy. Sarovic stated that the RS has jurisdiction over its army and police. Regarding the Border Service, Sarovic stated that this is not a Dayton issue. Sarovic also said that entity passports should not lose their importance. According to Sarovic, RS citizens should declare their position on the New York Declaration.


BiH Presidency members signed New York Declaration – Haselock

OHR spokesperson (sic) Simon Haselock stated that all members of the BiH Presidency had signed the New York Declaration. Haselock added that the RS National Assembly did not have jurisdiction over implementation of the declaration. Haselock emphasized that all signatories must implement the declaration.


Erotel sends appeal to IMC

Mostar TV station Erotel sent an appeal to the IMC regarding the Commissions decision from 15 November. The IMC informed Erotel that the decision on program interruption remains and that the appeal will not delay its enforcement.


Herceg-Bosna Executive Board dismisses Erotel Executive Board

On 1 December, the Executive Board of the Croat Community Herceg-Bosna dismissed the Executive Board of Mostar TV station Erotel due to current problems and the continued restructuring process of the public broadcast system in BiH.


SRS holds press conference

The SRS held a press conference in Banja Luka on Thursday. Acting SRS President Mirko Blagojevic stated that BiH Presidency Member Zivko Radisic was responsible for the current situation in the RS. Commenting on the dismissal of 22 officials in BiH, Blagojevic stated that the dismissals were approached incorrectly. In Blagojevic’s opinion, the RS Government and RS Refugee Ministry are guilty of obstructing Annex 7 of the Dayton Agreement. SRS General Secretary Ognjen Tadic commented on the session of the RS Main Defense Council, saying that the report on the activities of the RS Army is unacceptable.
