News Headlines
- BiH Presidency members postpone appointment of BiH Council of Ministers Chairman and Bosniak and Croat members do not agree on allocation of ministries, especially of Foreign Ministry
- Solana and Paten meet with BiH Presidency members, Prlic, Bicakcic and Dodik to discuss return of refugees
- BiH House of Representatives adopts plan for law on changes to Custom Policy
- Fire near Srebrenica
- ICTY Appellate Committee temporarily releases Miroslav Tadic and Simo Zaric from prison in The Hague
- Carla Del Ponte worried by decision of ICTY Appellate Committee
- Petritsch meets with Solana and Paten to discuss economic reforms in BiH, return of refugees and privatization process
- Petritsch expects Radisic to appoint best candidate for BiH Council of Ministers Chairman
- Petritsch meets with Mladen Ivanic, Plavsic and Bishop Komarica in Banja Luka
- RS Refugees Minister Miladin Dragicevic and RS Urbanism Minister Jovo Basic visit Trebinje Municipality to discuss collective refugee center in Trebinje
- 50 Serb refugees from Sarajevo settlement Pofalici visit their pre-war homes
- 50 Serb refugees (women) from Sarajevo living in Brcko tried to prevent reconstruction of Bosniak house in village of Klanac on 16 April
- 1999 was very successful for BiH Central Bank – Nicole
- BiH to get $300 million from IMF and World Bank over next two years – RS Finance Minister Novak Kondic
- RS Syndicate Head Cedo Volas sends letter to Dodik and Djokic, claiming that RS Government and RS National Assembly discussed adoption of new law on work relations
- DSP to decide on membership in Sloga Coalition on 21 April
- SPRS Banja Luka Board President Milutin Pejic sends public response to Vasic
- First session of Brcko District Assembly to be held on 26 April
- Zenica-Doboj Canton Government adopts plan for return of refugees in 2000
- HDZ BiH dismisses several local boards after poor election results
- EU, UNMIK envoys, Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs condemn violence in Kosovo
- Civilian injured in Vitina – KFOR
- 21 Kosovo Albanians released from Pozarevac and Sremska Mitrovica prisons – ICRC
- SNS Croatia President Milan Djukic gives interview to Zagreb newspaper Vjesnik, saying SNS informed former Croat leadership of war crimes against Serbs in Gospic and other locations in Croatia
- World news
- Sports and weather
- Miroslav Tadic and Simo Zaric arrive at Banja Luka airport at 19:10 after being temporarily released by ICTY Appellate Committee decision
- Kosovo Serb envoys Momcilo Trajkovic and Bishop Artemije meet with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov in Moscow to discuss situation, return of Serbs and next elections
- Kosovo Council condemns violence in Kosovo – Kouchner
- Canadian expert team to join ICTY team in Kosovo on 1 May
- ICTY teams investigate in Kosovo
- Kosovo Serbs want to return to Kosovo – Kosovska Mitrovica Serb National Council Executive Council President Oliver Ivanovic
- ICTY continues investigation near Gospic
- World news
- Sports and weather