News Headlines
- OSCE announces early results for all 145 municipalities in BiH and Mostar City Council
- US Special Envoy to Southeast Europe Richard Sklar meets with members of BiH Presidency and entity envoys, Barry and BiH Central Bank Director Peter Nicole
- BiH House of Peoples adopts Law on BiH Council of Ministers
- RS Government Vice-president Savo Loncar says he is continuing his political activities in Democratic Socialist Party
- Representatives in RS National Assembly Igor Radojicic and Mira Stica say that they are continuing their political activities in Democratic Socialist Party
- IC organizations hold press conference in Sarajevo and discuss clearing of mines
- Sarajevo Canton Interior Minister Ismet Dahic meets with IPTF Commander for Sarajevo area to discuss clearing of mines
- Sarajevo Canton Privatization Agency adopts proposal of US Embassy for Sarajevo to stop and check privatization of Sarajevo hotel Holiday Inn
- BiH Central Bank Director Peter Nicole meets with envoys of Volksbank from Croatia, they agree on exchange of KM in this bank
- Kosovska Mitrovica Serb National Council member Marko Jaksic says he has information of prison camps for Serbs in southern Kosovska Mitrovica
- Six houses in Pristina burn – UNMIK
- House of Kosovo Serb burned in Cernica, near Gnjilane
- Kosovo Serbs from Orahovac decide to stop cooperation with IC envoys in Kosovo because of burning of four Kosovo Serb houses
- Explosion in front of church in Vitina, church not damaged – US KFOR troops
- Islamic, Orthodox and Catholic envoys establish Kosovo Inter-religious Council
- Deadline for registration of refugees and displaced persons from Kosovo postponed until 19 April – Belgrade UNHCR Office
- Milosevic meets with new Australian and Russian Ambassadors to Yugoslavia
- SPS official Nikola Sainovic says authorities will allow opposition protest rally in Belgrade on 14 April
- ICTY begins investigating war crimes against Serbs in Obradovica Varos, near Gospic
- Serb National Council President Milorad Pupovac says he has information that more than 100 Serbs were killed in October 1991
- All indicted persons to be brought to The Hague, including Karadzic, Mladic and Milosevic – NATO General Secretary George Robertson
- World news
- Croatian Government adopts declaration on cooperation with ICTY
- Privatization process in Serb Sarajevo, two firms, PTT Inzenjering and ODP Montaza, sold at auction
- RS custom workers confiscate illegal cigarettes from Brane Vracar in Banja Luka
- Sports and weather
- Kouchner says he is worried with behavior of some countries towards return of Kosovo Albanians
- UNHCR cannot start wide-scale action of Kosovo Serb returns because of current economic situation – UNHCR Envoy to Balkans Denis McNamara
- Australian Immigration Service to return 146 Kosovo Albanians to Kosovo
- Norwegian Government to return 5,000 Kosovo Albanians to Kosovo
- Serb Nation Party (Croatian) President Milan Djukic says he gave report on massacre of 63 Serbs in Gospic and 45 Serbs in Medacki Dzep to Croatian Government; Tudjman, Mesic, Budisa, Tomac and other Croatian officials knew of that report
- World news
- Culture