News Headlines
- EU to decrease aid to BiH in 2000 – EC Head to BiH Kretchmer
- BiH-Polish economic relations must be raised to higher level – Dodik meets Polish ambassador to BiH Simanski
- Radisic has separate meetings with Simanski and Deputy UK Ambassador to BiH Rogan
- BiH Presidency meets with Croatian Foreign Minister Picula
- Finance ministers of RS, BiH Federation, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia sign memorandum of understanding in Skopje
- International conference on perspectives of bilateral relations between BiH and Yugoslavia opens in Banja Luka
- RS representatives in BiH Parliament will not accept draft BiH permanent election law – Banjac
- Seminar on Constitutional Guarantees of BiH Security convenes in Sarajevo
- RS Interior Minister Novic delivers 18 cars to Serb Sarajevo Chief of Police Tepavcevic
- IPTF not satisfied with work of administrators in Tunjice prison near Banja Luka – UN/IPTF spokesman Roberts
- Two persons die in landslide near Zenica – ONASA
- 194 Serb families interested in return to Gorazde – ONASA
- WB approves credits for privatization and structural adjustment to BiH economy
- Mirsad Salkic resigns presidency of BiH Federation Pension Insurance Board
- Two attacks on Bosniaks in Vitez happened in past seven days – Vitez Islamic Community
- Yugoslav Information Minister Matic comments on ICTY allegation concerning murder of 1,200 Bosniaks in Srebrenica in 1995
- Patriarch Pavle visits Kosovo
- Duma concerned due to violations of UN Security Council Resolution on Kosovo
- Three Albanians arrested for illegal possession of weapons in southern Kosovska Mitrovica – UN police spokesman
- Serb National Council and Kouchner to continue talks on improving living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo – Council President Bishop Artemije
- Canada requests more funding for Kosovo mission – Reuters
- Provisional cantonization of Kosovo would help safety situation – German Green Party
- Yugoslav decision stopping visit of Italian Foreign Minister to Montenegro politically motivated – Montenegrin Deputy Premier Burzan
- Serbian Education Minister believes salaries of professors should be increased
- Serbian officials react to Seselj statement that independent media guilty for death of Yugoslav Defense Minister Bulatovic
- EU ministers expected to lift air traffic ban on Yugoslavia – BETA
- IC expects help of new Croatian Government in refugee return – OSCE Head of Mission to Croatia
- World News
- Cavic denies that SDS against coalition with SRS
- Goods worth KM 100,000 confiscated at Novi Grad border crossing
- Sports
- Weather
- Silajdzic says will not participate in work of BiH Council of Ministers any more
- Roundtable on BiH Permanent Election Law held in Banja Luka
- Position of minorities in Kosovo aggravated in past few months – OSCE and UNHCR
- Another 300 UN police officers to deploy in Kosovska Mitrovica – Kouchner
- KFOR finds male body in Dragas, Kosovo
News Summary
BiH Presidency meets with Croatian Foreign Minister Picula
Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula visited Sarajevo and met with the BiH Presidency, BiH Council of Ministers and High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch. The priorities of Picula’s visit were to examine the status of Bosniaks and Serbs living in Croatia and the return of refugees. Picula expressed readiness to make maximum efforts to create conditions for the refugee return. An agreement was reached to include the issue of disputed BiH-Croatian border crossings on the agenda. Economic and trade relations are also a priority, they said. Petritsch and Picula pointed out the historical significance of the Picula visit to Sarajevo as a means of discussing issues of interests to all the BiH people. They said that the Dayton and Paris Agreements recognized the Croats in BiH as a constitutive people and the legitimacy of their cultural identity. They also agreed that the establishment of the new BiH Federation TV represents the appropriate mechanism for accomplishing all social, cultural and language needs of the Croats in BiH. Picula obligated himself to help in the search for an agreement between HRT and BiH in order to enable the broadcast of HRT-produced programming. Picula pointed out that the Croatian Government supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of BiH and desires closer cooperation with BiH institutions. He accepted the concept of responsibility as established by the High Representative.
RS representatives in BiH Parliament will not accept draft BiH permanent election law – Banjac
Chairman of the BiH House of Representatives Mirko Banjac stated that RS representatives in the BiH Parliament would not accept the draft BiH permanent election law because it did not contain provisions for the election of BiH Presidency members. He added that the draft election law proposed by the SDP, the section detailing the manner of voting for BiH Presidency members and BiH House of People deputies, is unconstitutional. That is why RS representatives could not vote for these drafts. He accused Bosniak house representatives of wanting to change the BiH Constitution, no matter what. He added that the OHR draft election law is unacceptable because it does not contain provisions for the election presidency members. Sloga Coalition caucus leader Vito Rakic listed principles RS house representatives support in the adoption of the election law. These principles envisage an election law in accordance with the BiH Constitution and to regulate elections for the BiH common institutions. Rakic added that the BiH Presidency decision on the structure of the BiH Council of Ministers in fact means the introduction of a deputy to the chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers, which contravenes the provisions of the BiH Constitution.
Cavic denies that SDS against coalition with SRS
SDS Presidency Vice Chairman Dragan Cavic issued a press release denying a Nezavisne Novine article quoting a SRNA reported that called upon an interview Cavic gave to France Presse. He also presented a letter he had received from an Agence France Presse journalist, who excused himself, explaining that SRNA had no authority to use France Presse news because it was not a France Presse service subscriber. Cavic and France Presse mutually denied that Cavic had said, “the SDS does not want to be in coalition with the SRS” as well as that “the SDS wanted to rule together with the Sloga Coalition.” In the France Presse letter Cavic presented, it is stated that France Presse news depicts a modern SDS ready to accept the present peacetime situation, but without abandoning its policy of defending Serb national interests and its alliance with the SRS.