
OHR: Principles – Geneva, 8 Sept. 95


Agreed Basic Principles

Geneva, 8 September 1995

  1. Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue its legal functioning within the present borders and will be internationally recognized.
  2. Bosnia and Herzegovina will consist of two entities. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina established by Washington Agreement of 1994, and the Republic Srpska.
    1. The ratio of 51:49 of the territorial proposal of the Contact Group is a foundation of the agreement. That territorial proposal is open for changes resulting from the joint agreements.
    2. Either entity will continue to function with their respective constitutions (ammended in the manner to match these basic principles).
    3. Either entity will have the right to establish special paralel relations with neighbouring countries in conformity with sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    4. Either entity will take over the reciprocal obligations (a) to hold the elections at all levels under international supervision; (b) to adopt and obey common international standards of human rights and obligations, including the obligation to allow the freedom of moving and enable dislocated people to regain the right on their houses or be justly compensated; to be involved in the binding arbitrage to resolve mutual disputes.
  3. The entities have principally agreed on the following:
    1. To appoint a Commission for Dislocated Persons entitled to fulfill ( with the assistance of international entities) the obligations of either entity to enable dislocated persons to regain the right on their homes or be justly compenated.
    2. To establish a Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Human Rights in order to fulfill the obligations of either entity to respect the human rights. Either entity will stick to the decisions of the Commission.
    3. To establish public enterprises of Bosnia and Herzegovina which would have in their possession and manage with traffic and other infratructures for the benefit of either entity. They will jointly finance those enterprises.
    4. To appoint a Commission for Conservation of National Monuments.
    5. To work out and apply the system of arbitrage for resolving disputes between the two entities.

Office of the High Representative