Sarajevo – “The entire implementation of the DPA thus far has been leading to the disintegration of BiH. But despite the critical moment, the DPA could still be successfully implemented if those parties which obstruct the peace process are sanctioned”, stressed President of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic and Co-Chair in the CoM Haris Silajdzic during their meeting with HR Carl Bildt, representatives of the CG, Charge d’ Affaires of the US Embassy and other diplomatic representatives. President Izetbegovic handed over a letter addressed to heads of states in which he expressed his concerns over the implementation of the DPA and appealed to the international community to honour its commitments and persist in full compliance with the DPA. The report quoted extensively an analytical report on the implementation of the DPA with reference to negative aspects: military aspects of the agreement, particularly in Sarajevo and Bosanski Samac, where the IEBL had not been established; the Serb Entity and FRY have not reduced their armament quotas as agreed; SFOR assigned control of air space for civilian air transportation in BiH to Croatia and Serbia – which is contradictory to the DPA; the arbitration on Brcko did not bring an answer thus making the city a potential conflict point; the OSCE has made unprincipled compromises legalizing ethnic cleansing; the Entities did not harmonize their constitutions with the BiH Constitutions; human rights violations; return of refugees is very slow while the RS openly blocks the process, corporation projects are being realized separately and sometimes even financed by the international community, etc.
FBiH House of Representatives – At a meeting of the Collegiate body of the FBiH House of Representatives chaired by Enver Kreso, it was decided to postpone a session of the House of Representatives scheduled for 23 April to 3 May. The main reasons for the postponement are the amendments on Sarajevo and Mostar and new municipalities. Namely, the Collegiate body decided that the period of 14 days to review the amendments related to Sarajevo and Mostar had to be respected and a much wider debate on the issue conducted. As to the draft on new municipality, “consultations on the ground have to be made”. The absence of PM Bicakcic, who is currently participating in session of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, was stated as an additional reason for the delay.
The Constitutional Commission held a meeting and concluded that the FBiH Government should submit explanations on the amendment in question, since the submitted drafts do not clearly stipulate “the desired goals”.
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Referendum – Results of a referendum conducted in Tesanj yesterday were publicized today. Of more than 7000 citizens who participated in the referendum, only 35 voted for the constitution of a new municipality. However, the FBiH Parliament will have a final say.
Mostar – The meeting Prskalo-Orucevic was held behind the closed doors. The designated topic on the agenda was financing of the city administration by the World Bank. However, according to statements given afterwards by the two mayors, another topic was given more attention. It concerns a statement by Mayor Prskalo made at a music festival that “Mostar is a Croatian town”.
Protest – The Association of BiH journalists protested to FBiH Minister of Interior, Mehmed Zilic, against the harassment of Ljiljan’s editor, Zehrudin Isakovic, in Mostar west. The Association requested an immediate and thorough investigation of the case and guarantees for a full protection of journalists.
Speculations – Following the announcement on the Tudjman-Milosevic meeting, some media have begun speculating that President Izetbegovic will meet with Serbian President Milosevic as well. Mirza Hajric, Advisor to President Izetbegovic denounced such speculations, saying that such “ideas are political fantasies of some circles in Serbia”.
Summary SRT News
Pale – SDS Presidency session – the main board members were briefed on the implementation of the DPA and the work of the common institutions by the President in the BiH Presidency, Krajisnik, and the CoM Co-chair, Bosic. SDS members expressed their satisfaction with regard to establishment of the Dayton BiH Central Bank since this is in the interest of the RS. CoM should prepare an efficient system of exchange of public documents between the RS and Federation citizens. However, SDS was not satisfied with the unequal division of financial aid because RS has been fully implementing the DPA and there is no reason for it to be punished. The main board thinks that the government must work fast on establishment of trade relations with the RS neighbourhood in order to find a buyer for products made in the RS. SDS underlined certain problems occurring in the Republic, saying that the solution to them will not be found by the mere change of the existing government, as some opposition parties would like to think.3:00
The exhumation of Serb soldiers killed in Ozren and Vozuca planned for today was postponed due to bad weather.
Various media opinions:
In his article ‘Dayton Has Not Strengthened Reconciliation, But Division’, Volkstrand correspondent from Belgrade brings into question the future of BiH and its unification. The Serbs and Croats, who have been fighting for integration into their own motherlands, are now waiting for an appropriate moment to do so, whereas Muslims are hoping for creation of their own country, which the others ironically refer to as ‘Muslimania’. The international community is fed up with settling disputes in BiH and now wishes to get rid of this problem in any way it can, regardless of what the final result may be.
Liberation reported that the donor community is convinced that investing into Muslims means a waste of money because it only goes to certain individuals and for armament and preparations for another war against the Serbs.
Banja Luka – The Association of Soldiers of the National Liberation War (WW2) protested against Tudjman who in his recent speech at Jasenovac compared this WW2 camp to Bleiburg and Goli Otok. A voice against the Ustashi politics of Croatia was raised by up to now the most passionate supporter of Franjo Tudjman, the USA. In that sense, the New York Times said that Hitler had the best allies in the Ustashi, warning that 52 years after the World War II, the Ustashi have resurrected. Tudjman’s contribution was the biggest in their ‘rehabilitation’: he denied the genocide committed against the Serbs and called the Ustashi the greatest patriots and creators of the new Croatia.
Brcko – This town is inside the RS, but the Federation registered another Brcko municipality within its own borders. That was the reason why a part of the international aid meant for the economic revitalisation of RS Brcko arrived at the wrong address. President of the Executive Council of this municipality, Bogicevic, said that Brcko’s economy was highly developed before the war and only one plant was damaged during the war, but the technology which they have in their plants is now way out of date in order to be competitive in the market. On the other hand, the international community hasn’t invested a penny into the Brcko economy so far, although the RS Brcko authorities already prepared and offered different plans and programmes for possible investments.