Kosovo – After a very short stoppage, the fights in Kosovo are again bursting into flames. The Serb powers continued their offensives in the region of Decani and Djakovica. Albanian sources assess that the fierce fights are continuing, whilst Serb sources call them only “sporadic”. In Drenica only smoke and flames are visible – the whole region seems to be burning. Humanitarian organisations are providing great efforts to help thousands of refugees.
Tanzania – Every new information of the explosions in Tanzania and Kenya provides disastrous details of the huge number of victims – 190 residents were killed in Nairobi, of which 155 were in front of the American Embassy and 35 in the building itself. The latest information from Tanzania speaks of eight dead. The search for survivors amidst the ruins continues.
Vitez – Displaced Bosniaks from the village Gacice, mostly women and children are continuing a blockade of the Vitez – Zenica road in Cajdras. The blockade is their expression of protest of being prevented from returning to their village. They threaten to stay there as long as the provisions of the so called Vitez Agreement remain unfulfilled. This Agreement was signed, by the Municipal Officials as well as by Dr. Christian Schwarz Schilling, Mediator for the BiH. The Gacice villagers ask that Annex 7 of the DPA be respected and the Federal and Canton return plans be implemented. They will also present their demands at the meeting to be held in Travnik tomorrow which should be attended by the OHR representatives. Until that time the demonstrators decided that only SFOR is allowed to pass through their barricade.
Bihac, Bos.Petrovac, Krupa – Ever more Serb refugees are returning back to their homes in the Municipality of Bihac, Bos. Petrovac and Bos. Krupa.
Tuzla – The two day Conference on the land mine victims in BiH finished in Tuzla today. More than 100 participants from both entities warned the local and international public that around one million unexploded mines are scattered throughout BiH and that it is necessary to find a means for getting rid of them. The Conference was held to mark the first anniversary of the visit of British Princess Diana to BiH, who headed a campaign for land mines removal throughout the world. Instead of a report from the meeting, reportage and footage was shown of two boys: a Serb and a Bosniak – victims of a land mine which took their legs. They were introduced to each other by the Princess Diana and are still friends.
There follows a report from the parties’ Press Conferences. Sarajevo – The Croatian tourist industry could lose significant income from tourism which usually flows in from Bosnian tourists, Edhem Bicakcic the Federal Prime Minister assessed in his interview to the Croatian Novi List. Bicakcic discussed his opinion about the possibilities of Croatia endangering BiH’s sovereignty.
Bill Clinton and Jacques Chirac discussed yesterday the possibility of exercising pressure on Belgrade to stop the offensive of the FRY Army and police powers on Kosovo, informs France Press. A team consisting of French and German representatives will visit Belgrade on 12 August to state a final date for the stoppage of Milosevic’s military operations against Kosovo.